Chemistry Secondary Emphasis
More Information
Many students are interested in chemistry, and share this interest with similar interest
in other related areas. Some of these students declare a "Secondary Emphasis" in chemistry.
The department sets secondary emphasis course requirements. List course requirements
- Minimum of 22 credits of coursework with a CH designation
- At least three of the credits have to be at the 300 or 400 level
- At least three of the credits cannot be counted as part of another POE
- At least three out of five of the sub-disciplines of chemistry must be represented beyond the level of the introductory ICP courses (CH 142, 143, 144, and 145). These areas include analytical, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry plus biochemistry
An example of Secondary Emphasis coursework for an Environmental Science POE (representative
only - other combinations are possible)
Course Number
CH 142 | Integrated Chemical Concepts I (ICP I) |
CH 143 | Integrated Chemical Concepts Lab I |
CH 144 | Integrated Chemical Concepts II (ICP II) |
CH 145 | Integrated Chemical Concepts Lab II |
CH 242 | Integrated Chemistry: Organic (ICO) |
CH 243 | Integrated Chemistry: Organic Lab | 1 |
CH 252 | Analytical Chemistry | 4 |
CH 342 | Integrated Chemistry: Biochemistry (ICB) | 3 |
CH 372 | Instrumental Methods | 3 |
TOTAL | 22 |