Women and Gender Studies Secondary Emphasis
Required core course:
- PACS 305, Gender and Conflict - although PACS 305 has Introduction to PACS listed
as a prerequisite, WGS students may be allowed to waive the prerequisite. This secondary
emphasis must have the approval and signature of Celia Cook-Huffman.
Select 5 (or more) courses from the following for a total of at least 15 credits:
- AR 315, Women in Art
- CM 340, Intercultural Communication
- CM 330, Media Analysis
- CM 400, Rhetoric of Coming Out
- CM 405, Women, Work and Identity
- ED 241, Women and Disabilities
- EN 162, Women and Literature
- EN 191A, Practicum: Unlock your Voice
- FR 279, Sexuality and Literature
- HS 322, Women in Medieval Life
- HS 399, Women in Sub-Saharan Africa
- HS 299, History of Sexuality
- HS 399, Women in Modern Europe
- RL 321, Women in the Bible
- SO 204, American Families
- SO 399, Wealth, Power and Society
- SW 221, Life Cycle
Other courses, such as special topics courses, may also apply and may be chosen with the approval of the student’s advisors and a member of the Gender Studies Committee.