
Department: History


  • 8 history courses at the 100 and 200 level: 24 hours total credit
  • 6 history courses at the 300-400 level: 18 hours total credit
  • Sophomore Colloquium: 2 hours total credit
  • HS 493, (The Historian’s Craft). If the student elects to prepare a 2 semester senior thesis, HS 496 may make up part of the 18 hours required from number 2, but HS 493 may not: 4 hours total credit

The following courses outside of the history department may be listed as part of the designated history POE:

  • IC 202: The Shaping of the American Mind: 4 credits
  • Other courses may be considered by petition to the history department

Total credit hours = 48

  • At least 4 of the above courses must address history of a region that is neither Europe nor the United States. See the department for a complete list of courses that fulfill the non-western requirement.
  • At least 2 of your history courses must be writing based (CS, CW), with 1 at the 300 level or above.

Because the history department believes that all seniors should participate in a capstone experience, students who have history as part of their POEs should plan to participate either in HS 493, the history department’s senior seminar, or in a similar experience in another department. Each student should consult his or her history department advisor regarding what activities will fulfill this requirement.

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