Computer Programming Secondary Emphasis

To claim knowledge of computer programming, one should have experience in two or more high level languages and also have gained a fundamental understanding of the machine and its organization. In addition, those intending to program in any realistic environment will need a background in larger software systems as covered in Software Design or Database Management Systems.

Course Number Description Credits
CS 110 Computer Science I 3 credits
CS 220 Computer Organization 4 credits
CS 240 Computer Science II 4 credits
One of CS 255F
CS 255B
CS 255C
CS 255P
CS 255R
CS 255Y
FORTRAN Programming

COBOL Programming

C++ Programming

Perl Programming - choice of programming language

Ruby Programming

Python Programming

2 credits

2 credits

2 credits

2 credits

2 credits

2 credits

MA 116 Discrete Structures 4 credits
CS 3XX An upper level CS course 3 credits

Total credits = 20