(This POE applies to students entering fall 2010)
A designated POE in chemistry must meet the minimum criteria listed below. When combined with appropriate supporting courses, it can provide a useful basis for further study in related areas-for example, in computer science, physics, geology, environmental science, biochemistry, or a variety of biomedical fields such as immunology, pharmacology, virology, medicinal chemistry, nutrition, toxicology, medicine, and molecular genetics, to name a few. In some cases it may be appropriate to consider writing an individual POE. For example, a student interested in Chemical Physics may wish to design a POE that eliminates some organic chemistry and includes more math and physics courses. Any chemistry faculty member will be willing to discuss the procedure for writing such a POE.
More Information
Course Number | Title | Credits | Prerequisites | Dist. | Skills |
CH 105 | Organic Chemistry Concepts I | 3 | N | ||
CH 106 | Organic Chemistry Concepts II | 3 | CH 105, minimum grade C | N | |
CH 116 | Organic Chemistry Lab I | 1 | corequisite CH 106 | N | |
CH 118 | Organic Chemistry Lab II | 1 | CH 116 & CH 106 | N | |
CH 232 | Introductory Inorganic Chemistry | 4 | CH 105 & CH 116 | N | |
CH 250 | Analytical Chemistry | 4 | CH 232 | N | |
CH 289 | Chemistry Seminar | 1 | N | ||
CH 260 | Intermediate Inorganic Chemistry | 3 | CH 232 | N | |
CH 261 | Intermediate Inorganic Chem Lab | 1 | corequisite CH 260 | N | |
CH 305 or CH 352 |
Physical Chemistry I | 3 | PC 203 & MA 230 | N | |
CH 306 or CH 354 |
Physical Chemistry II | 3 | CH 305 | N | |
CH 313 & CH 314 or CH 355 |
Physical Chemistry Lab I Physical Chemistry Lab II Physical Chemistry Lab |
2 1 3 |
CH 250, CH 261, corequisite CH 305 CH 313 CH 352 |
N N N |
CW, Q CW, Q CW |
CH 310 | Biochemistry | 2 | CH 305 | N | |
CH 321 | Organic Reactions | 3 | CH 106 | N | |
CH 334 | Chemical Spectroscopy | 2 | CH 106, CH 250 | N | |
CH 338 or CH 362 |
Chemical Synthesis | 2 | CH 261, CH 321, CH 334 or CH 222, CH 252, CH 262 |
N N |
CW |
CH 300-400 level | Chemistry course (300 or above) | 3 | variable | N | |
CH 432 | Comprehensive Chemistry | 1 | permission | N | Q |
MA 130 | Calculus I | 4 | N | QM | |
MA 230 | Calculus II | 4 | MA 130 | N | QM |
PC 202 | Introductory Physics I | 3 | corequisite PC 206 & MA 130 | N | QM |
PC 206 | Physics Laboratory I | 1 | corequisite PC 200, PC 202 or PC 204 | N | |
PC 203 | Introductory Physics II | 3 | PC 202 & MA 130, coreq. PC 207 | N | QM |
PC 207 | Physics Laboratory II | 1 | corequisite PC 203 or PC 207 | N |
Total credit hours = 59 (22 upper level)
1 CW within the POE: CH 313, CH 314 and CH 338
Possible schedule for a POE in Chemistry
Year | Fall Semester | Credits | Spring Semester | Credits |
Freshman | EN 110, College Writing Seminar | 4 | CH 106, Organic Chemistry Concepts II | 3 |
IT 100, Information Access | 1 | CH 116, Organic Chemistry Lab I | 1 | |
CH 105, Organic Chemistry Concepts I | 3 | ##CH 117, Supplemental Chemistry Lab | 1 | |
MA 130, Calculus I | 4 | MA 230, Calculus II | 4 | |
Electives | 3 | Electives | 6 | |
15 | 15 | |||
Sophomore | CH 118, Organic Chemistry Lab II | 1 | CH 250, Analytical Chemistry | 4 |
CH 232, Introductory Inorganic Chemistry | 4 | CH 260, Inter. Inorganic Chemistry | 3 | |
CH 289, Chemistry Seminar | 1 | CH 261, Inter. Inorganic Chemistry Lab | 1 | |
PC 202, Intro. Physics I | 3 | PC 203, Intro. Physics II | 3 | |
PC 206, Physics Lab 1 | 1 | PC 207, Intro. Physics Lab II | 1 | |
CA, IC or electives | 5-6 | CA, IC or electives | 3-4 | |
15-16 | 15-16 | |||
Junior (*may be spent abroad) | CH 305 or CH 352, Physical Chemistry I | 3 | CH 306, or CH 354 Physical Chemistry II | 3 |
CH 313, Physical Chemistry Lab I | 2 | CH 310, Biochemistry | 2 | |
CH 321,Organic Reactions | 3 | CH 314, Physical Chemistry Lab or CH 355 | 1 or 3 | |
CH 334, Chemical Spectroscopy | 2 | CH 338 or CH-362, Chemical Synthesis | 2 | |
CA, IC or electives | 6-7 | CA, IC or electives | 6-7 | |
16-17 | 14-17 | |||
Senior | CH 432, Comprehensive Chemistry | 1 | *Upper-level Chemistry (could be research) | 3 |
Upper level Chemistry (could be research) | 3-4 | Electives | 12 | |
Electives | 11 | |||
15-16 | 15 |
*Students may study chemistry at the Catholic University in Lille, France, the University
of Applied Science in Steinfurt, Germany, or at the Philipps University in Marburg,
Germany. Study of a language can replace CA and IC by completing language study beyond
the 210 level and at least 1 semester abroad in the target language. Summer language
programs can help to provide the necessary language training. Calculus I and II might
be taken in summer school to provide an opportunity for language preparation. Alternatively,
language might be studied abroad during the summer prior to the junior year.
##This is a recommended course, but not required for the POE.
Possible schedule for a POE in Chemistry (delayed start)
Year | Fall Semester | Credits | Spring Semester | Credits |
Sophomore | CH 105, Organic Chemistry Concepts I | 3 | CH 106, Organic Chemistry Concepts II | 3 |
CA, IC or electives | 12-13 | CH 116, Organic Chemistry Lab I | 1 | |
MA 130, Calculus I | 4 | |||
Electives | 6-7 | |||
15-16 | 14-15 | |||
Junior | CH 118, Organic Chemistry Lab II | 1 | CH 250, Analytical Chemistry & Lab | 4 |
CH 232, Introductory Inorganic Chemistry & Lab | 4 | CH 260, Inter. Inorganic Chemisty | 3 | |
CH 289, Chemistry Seminar | 1 | CH 261, Inter. Inorganic Chemistry Lab | 1 | |
MA 230, Calculus II | 4 | PC 203, Intro. Physics II | 3 | |
PC 202, Intro. Physics I | 3 | PC 207, Intro. Physics Lab II | 1 | |
PC 206, Intro. Physics Lab I | 1 | CA, IC or elective | 3-4 | |
Electives | 1-3 | |||
15-17 | 15-16 | |||
Senior | CH 305 or CH 352, Physical Chemistry I | 3 | CH 306 or CH 354, Physical Chemistry II | 3 |
CH 313, Physical Chemistry Lab I | 2 | CH 310, Biochemistry | 2 | |
CH 321, Organic Reactions | 3 | CH 314, Physical Chemistry Lab II or CH 355 | 1 or 3 | |
CH 334, Chemical Spectroscopy | 2 | CH 338 or CH 362, Chemical Synthesis | 2 | |
Upper level Chemistry (could be research), CA, IC or elective | 3-4 | CA, IC or electives | 3-4 | |
CH 432, Comprehensive Chemistry | 1 | *Upper level Chemistry (could be research) | 3 | |
14-15 | 14-17 |
updated 03-09-15 with approved change in currriculum course numbers