The secondary emphasis is for use by students with POEs in other departments. We do not allow a student with a POE in ABE to use one of our own secondary emphases, e.g. Accounting w/secondary emphasis in Finance.
The secondary emphasis is shown on the POE forms using the words "w/secondary emphasis in" (e.g., Communications w/secondary emphasis in Marketing). We suggest that using "and" to connect two disciplines - e.g., Communications and Marketing - implies that the student is a "dual major" and has completed the designated POE in Marketing and sufficient work in the other discipline that a faculty member of that department would approve the POE.
Note that prerequisites for 300/400 courses will NOT automatically be waived.
Secondary Emphasis in Accounting
Eighteen hours in EB:
- EB 131 Financial Accounting
- EB 232 Intermediate Accounting I (4 credit hours)
- EB 233 Intermediate Accounting II (4 credit hours)
- EB 236 Managerial Accounting (4 credit hours)
Plus one of:
- EB 334 Advanced
- EB 335 Auditing
- EB 336 Federal Tax
- EB 337 Cost
Secondary Emphasis in Economics
Six courses:
- EB 105 International Economic Issues
- EB 223 Principles of Microeconomics
- EB 222 Principles of Macroeconomics
- Either MA 160 Linear Algebra or MA 130 Calculus I
- Either PS 101 Intro American Government or PS 102 Intro International Politics
Plus one of:
- EB 381 International Political Economy
- EB 463 Financial Markets and Institutions
Secondary Emphasis in Entrepreneurship
Six courses in EB:
- EB 101 Introduction to Business
- EB 102 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- EB 131 Financial Accounting
- EB 201 The Management Process
- EB 207 New Venture Creation
- EB 307 New Venture Start-ups
Secondary Emphasis in Finance
Six courses in EB:
- EB 101 Introduction to Business or EB 201 The Management Process
- EB 131 Financial Accounting
- EB 222 Macroeconomics or EB 223 Microeconomics
- EB 236 Managerial Accounting
- EB 361 Financial Management I
- EB 362 Financial Management II
Secondary Emphasis in Human Resource Management
Six courses in EB:
- EB 101 Introduction to Business or EB 201 The Management Process
- EB 131 Financial Accounting
- EB 202 Behavioral Analysis of Organizations
- EB 371 Human Resource Management
- EB 379 Bargaining and Conflict Management
Plus one course from the three options groups in the designated POE for HRM.
Secondary Emphasis in International Business
Given the unique requirements built into the designated POE in International Business, a secondary emphasis should only be used in rare instances wherein the student has met most of the requirements for the designated, but somehow missed "something." For example, student did not go abroad. Please seek the advice of an ABE faculty member.
Secondary Emphasis in Investing
18 Credits in EB:
- EB 101 Introduction to Business
- EB 222 Macroeconomics or EB 223 Microeconomics
- EB 131 Financial Accounting
- EB 361 Financial Management I
- EB 463 Financial Markets and Institutions or EB 465, Financial Theory and Analysis
- EB 140 Investing: Your Future
- EB 340 Investing Analysis
- EB 440 Portfolio Management
Secondary Emphasis in Management
Six courses in EB:
- EB 105 International Economic Issues
- EB 131 Financial Accounting
- EB 201 The Management Process
- EB 202 Behavioral Analysis of Organizations Plus two EB courses
EB 101 Introduction to Business and any EB course at the 300/400 level, (except EB 490/495). Or any two EB courses at the 300/400 level (except 490/495).
Secondary Emphasis in Marketing
Six courses in EB:
- EB 131 Financial Accounting
- EB 201 The Management Process
- EB 351 Marketing Management
- EB 355 Marketing Strategies
- EB 357 Cyber Marketing
Plus one EB course
EB 101 Introduction to Business, or EB 202 Behavioral Analysis of Organizations, or any EB course at the 300/400 level, except EB 490/495.