Juniata College does not tolerate violent behavior; this includes date/acquaintance rape. The police investigate reports of such violent crimes and offenders are separated from the college. Studies (Make peace, 1981; Bogal-Albritten and Albritten, 1985; and McKinney, 1986) suggest that a significant number of college students (ranging from 20% to 50%) experience violence or other forms of inappropriate behavior in the context of dating or sex. Not unlike other colleges, Juniata has incidents of violent or other harassing behaviors in the context of dating or sex reported each year. Violations of this nature fall into three categories: rape; sexual harassment: and other forms of harassing behavior including lewd comments, unwanted intimate touching, and threats of physical harm.
In addition to criminal proceedings, applicable college polices include the following:
Campus sexual misconduct generally refers to non-consensual and/or inappropriate
sexual behavior, which is not felonious in nature. Representative examples include,
but are not limited to, non-consensual touching or fondling, lewd comments, and threats
of physical harm. Incidents of this nature should be reported to residence hall staff,
student services staff, counseling services staff, campus ministry staff, or any other
appropriate member of the College community. Following the appropriate hearing(s),
sanctions such as warnings, social probation, restraints, fines, and suspension or
expulsion can be imposed.