Pennsylvania State Law prohibits the purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons Under the age of 21. Persons who furnish alcoholic beverages to those under 21 are subject to disciplinary action including civil liability and criminal prosecution. College policy permits only students 21 years of age and older to possess or consume alcoholic beverages on campus. Local ordinances and State Laws also prohibit open containers of alcoholic beverages in public areas or vehicles.
The College will not impede enforcement efforts by agents of the State or Borough and holds each individual responsible for his or her own conduct in this area.
The College prohibits alcoholic beverages in public areas, which include: academic buildings, Ellis College Center, the Sports Recreation Center, residence hall corridors, the stairwells and bathrooms, athletic fields, and all outdoor areas.
Legal Age
majority," is for most purposes 18, not 21, and with that age comes certain rights and responsibilities. Juniata students who are 18 or older may engage in legal contracts, for example, but are also subject to local taxes. Students can be relieved from certain county, school, and borough taxes if their incomes do not exceed a fixed level. Further information is available in the Accounting Office.
It should be noted that an important exception to the legal age of 18 relates to alcoholic beverages. In Pennsylvania, it is illegal for persons less than 21 years of age to purchase, consume, possess, or transport alcoholic beverages.
Pennsylvania Law regarding Alcoholic Beverages
Specific Codes with Penalties: Please note that where penalties include the suspension of a driver's license, the violation does not have to occur in a vehicle.
1. Purchase/consumption/possession/transportation of alcohol by persons under 21
First Offense is $500 fine, suspension of driver's license for 90 days, and notification of parents by police.
The fine for the second offense is the same but the license is suspended for a year. For a third offense the fine remains the same with the suspension extended to two years.
2. Misrepresentation of age to secure intoxicating beverages.
The first infraction is a summary offense. Subsequent violations are misdemeanors. A $500 fine and court costs up to $500 will be assessed for each violation in addition to the driver's license suspension
outlined under number 1.
3. Selling or furnishing intoxication beverages to minor
The First offense carries a $1000 fine and subsequent violations carry $2500 fine.
4. Requesting or inducing minor to purchase intoxication beverages.
Misdemeanor offense and a $300 fine.
5. Manufacture or sale of false identification cards.
Second degree misdemeanor with a $1000 fine for the first offense and $2500 fines for subsequent offenses.
6. Carrying a false identification card.
Summary offense for the first time and a misdemeanor for subsequent violations. In addition, the loss of driver's license as outlined in number 1 above, as $500 fine, and court costs up to $500 would be imposed.
If convicted under numbers 1, 2 or 6 above, the additional requirements of being evaluated for the extent of involvement with alcohol may be required by the court. All costs associated with this evaluation and subsequent counseling, if deemed appropriate, will be the responsibility of the person upon whom the requirement is placed.
Further information regarding the use of alcoholic beverages is often published and distributed to each student in the Pathfinder's periodic supplement, "The Student Services Newsletter."
Policies and Guidelines for Student Use of Alcohol on Campus
Student Rooms
- Room parties should not infringe upon the rights of others. The College has an obligation to preserve an atmosphere conducive to study and social wellness. Each student has the right to quiet conditions in a residential living area; weekends included. Any student who behaves in a fashion that disrupts the residence hall or infringes upon the rights of another student to study or sleep will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Room parties must be self-contained. Hallways, study lounges, and bathrooms are not to be used for parties or to accommodate the overflow of social gatherings.
- Hosts are reminded that the definition of furnishing is "to supply, give, or provide to, or allow a minor to possess on premises or property owned or controlled by the person charged."
- Students under the age of 21 who possess or consume alcoholic beverages on campus are subject to disciplinary action.
- Alcohol is not permitted in rooms where all residents are under the age of 21.
- In light of the Pennsylvania legislature's definition of furnishing and the potential health risk of over consumption, kegs, beer balls, and similar products are not permitted in student rooms, apartments, or residence hall lounges. This applies to full as well as empty containers.
- Draining kegs, beer balls, or similar products into other containers for the purpose of possessing, consuming, or furnishing alcohol on campus is not permitted.
- Being in a room or area where a keg, beer ball, or similar product is present will be viewed as a violation of the campus alcohol policy. This applies to students under 21 as well as students 21 and older.
- Because of the potential dangers to health, the possession of excessively potent forms of ethyl alcohol (i.e., grain) for drinking purposes is prohibited.
- All social functions must be approved in advance by the Office of Campus Activities located in the Ellis College Center.
- Any function that is intended to include alcoholic beverages must be approved 48 hours in advance and follow the procedures outlined on the Social Function Request Form.
- Residence hall lounges may be registered for social functions by chartered student organizations. Individual students may reserve lounges for closed private functions.
- Lounge parties sponsored by chartered student organizations are open to all students. However, only students 21 and older may possess or consume alcoholic beverages at lounge parties. Each student must carry proper identification and produce such identification when requested by College personnel.
- Weeknight social functions need to comply with residence hall policies.
- Only college recognized student organizations may charge admission for professional or live entertainment.
- Alcoholic beverages CANNOT be furnished by a chartered organization under any circumstance.
- Number and types of social functions held and the persons who may accept responsibility for them may be restricted based upon the following criteria: the frequency of social functions, number of functions scheduled by the same group, clean-up of previous social functions, scheduled use of rooms, and student behavior at previous functions.
- Non-alcoholic beverages and refreshments must be provided as prescribed in the Social Function Request Form.
- There may be no reference to alcohol in advertising social functions.
- Funds held in student organization accounts may not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages.
- Only Juniata College students, staff, and their guests may attend registered social functions.
- All off campus guests attending social functions must be registered with the party sponsor by their student host. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guest(s).
- If a scheduled social function is canceled, notification should be given to the Programming Office as soon as possible so that an alternative activity may be scheduled in that area.
- Because of potential dangers to health, the possession of excessively potent forms of ethyl alcohol (i.e., grain) for drinking purposes is prohibited.