Academic Year 2023-2024
- Course Meeting Times, Faculty Office Location, Faculty Office Hours, Faculty Contact
Some faculty have started to refer to office hours as “student drop-in hours” to encourage students to connect with their instructors. - Text/Resources/Course Materials
- Course Goals/Learning Outcomes
What learning outcomes does the course envision for the students? How will they be assessed? Course outcomes should be attainable regardless of mode of instruction. - Attendance/Engagement Policy
The attendance policy should be stated unambiguously according to Section in the faculty handbook:
Unless notice is given to the contrary by the course instructor, Juniata College expects every student to attend all classes without fail. Regular attendance of classes is necessary to reasonable progress for most students, and it is assumed that the faculty can stimulate attendance by the skill and imagination displayed in courses. Faculty members have an obligation to make students aware, in writing, of their policy regarding absences from class, grading criteria, and examination policies. This information should be available during the first four days of the term in order that students may recognize schedule conflicts or prerequisite problems in time to take advantage of the Drop/Add period.
One sample attendance policy is below:
Class attendance is required. Trips to the college health center do not necessarily count as excusable absences. This course requires a good deal of discussion and we will complete in-class assignments that will count significantly toward your grade.
Official college sports events are, of course, legitimate absences, but student-athletes should communicate clearly to me regarding missed classes. Please look at our class schedule and identify any conflicts by the second week of the semester
Another sample policy:
I hope you are able to regularly attend and engage with this course because learning happens through our interactions with others. In this course, engagement can take a lot of different forms depending on your circumstances. There will be options for engagement synchronously and asynchronously in the event that you cannot attend class.
I fully expect circumstances may happen that prevent each of us from engaging regularly. If this is the case for you, let me know as soon as possible. We can make a plan for you to make up the work of the course by the end of the semester. - Course Schedule (could be outline, weekly, daily)
- Due Dates for All Assignments, Including Papers and Examinations
- What assignments will the students be expected to complete?
- Final examinations must be administered during the designated final examination period at the end of each semester. (This means faculty are not permitted to schedule final examinations during the last week of classes or during Reading Day.) The schedule is prepared by the Registrar, and students are expected to take examinations at the announced times. The final exam schedule will be available at
- The final examination period is part of our instructional time in determining credit
hours. You are expected to meet with your classes during your scheduled final examination
period if you are not giving a final exam.
- Grade Composition and Equivalency
- What will be the basis for the students' final grade?
- How will this translate to letter grades?
- Withdrawal Date
Per College policy, students may withdraw from the course until noon on the last day of classes for the term (local date/time). The Course Withdrawal form is available on the Registrar’s Office website or from their office and must be submitted to their office by the deadline.
Note: Instructors have the discretion to set an earlier withdrawal deadline for a course, but that alternate date must be listed on the syllabus and communicated to the Registrar’s Office. If you do not specify an alternate course withdrawal date on your syllabus, the deadline will default to the standard date and time. - Academic Integrity
Juniata’s academic integrity policy can be found at the link below. Please review the policy thoroughly and design papers, exams, and other assignments to minimize the opportunity for academic dishonesty. Carefully and clearly specify whether and how students ought to use various resources and tools and for which assignments. Encourage students to ask questions before completing an assignment.
As appropriate, you might highlight or describe the kinds of academic dishonesty most likely to occur in your discipline or course types; it might also make more sense to discuss this with your class in addition or instead of detailing it in the syllabus.
If you suspect that a student has violated the academic integrity policy, please contact Kristin Camenga, Director of Advising, to discuss the process and your options. Faculty have discretion to assign a penalty that could include a failing or reduced grade for the course, a failing or reduced grade for the assignment, a makeup or repeat assignment, etc. To avoid confusion later, it is best to clearly specify the penalty in the syllabus. For example, “Students violating the academic integrity policy will receive a grade of F for the course” or “Students… will receive a grade of 0 for the assignment.”
(Suggested Language)
All members of the Juniata College community share responsibility for establishing and maintaining appropriate standards of academic honesty and integrity. Using the words and ideas of another and representing them as your own, without giving credit and acknowledging your source, is an act of academic dishonesty. Juniata’s Academic Integrity Policy:
Given the relatively recent and widespread availability of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT, faculty opinion ranges widely. Faculty should determine the extent to which students can use generative AI tools and communicate expectations clearly. Broadly, faculty have three options:- Open use of generative AI tools (“Students are encouraged to use generative AI tools to support their work. Students must disclose their use of AI.”)
- Limited use of generative AI tools (“Students are permitted to use generative AI tools for specific assignments specified by the instructor. Students must disclose their use of AI.”)
- Prohibited use of generative AI tools (“Students may not use generative AI tools for
any of the assignments in this course. Use of AI constitutes a violation of academic
Enforcement will be challenging. AI detection tools have a very low rate of accuracy. Banning generative AI outright will not stop students from using it. Faculty will need to adapt. Please consult the emerging resources for faculty in various disciplines aimed at addressing the use of generative AI in higher education.
- Student Accessibility
Juniata is committed to providing equitable access for student learning. To arrange for an accommodation based on a documented medical condition, mental health condition or learning disability (or if you suspect you have one), please contact I encourage you to confirm that the office has received a copy of your accommodation letter and schedule a time for us to meet to discuss your needs. It is best to submit accommodation requests before the semester begins, although requests can be made at any time during the semester.
You should indicate the technology to which you expect your students to have access. Please note that if you will be recording your classes and presumably posting those recordings on Moodle, you must include the following statement in your syllabus: Video and audio recordings of class sessions will be part of the classroom activity. The video and audio recording is used for legitimate educational use/purposes and may be made available to all students presently enrolled in the class. For purposes where the recordings will be used in future class session/lectures, any type of identifying information will be adequately removed from the videos. - Sex Discrimination/Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence
Juniata College affirms the rights of all to live in a community free of interpersonal violence and seeks to connect individuals with the highest quality professional support and guidance when such acts occur. College policy is compliant with federal Title IX law that prohibits discrimination, harassment and violence based on sex and gender (including sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation and retaliation). If you or someone you know has been the target of sex discrimination, harassment or sexual violence, you can receive confidential support and guidance from the Office for the Prevention of Interpersonal Violence (the SPoT, Ellis Hall), staff of the Juniata Counseling Services (814-641-3353), the College medical staff (814-641-3410), the College Chaplain (814-641-3360) or from Huntingdon House (domestic/dating violence/stalking hotline at 814-643-2801) or the Abuse Network (sexual assault hotline at 814-506-8237). Non-confidential reports can be directed to Dan Cook-Huffman, Title IX Coordinator ( or to one of the other Deans in the Dean of Students Office, Founders Hall. You can also report to Huntingdon Borough Police at 814-643-3960 or 911. Except as noted above, all Juniata professors and staff are designated as responsible employees (non-confidential) and are required to report sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. Every effort will be made to protect your privacy and confidentiality, to the greatest extent possible, while balancing our collective efforts to make our campus a safer place for everyone - Access to Resources
- The Writing Center: The Writing Center is staffed by experienced peer tutors who serve writers across the curriculum. Tutors can help writers at any stage of the writing process: from figuring out a prompt to finalizing a draft. This semester, the Writing Center is located in 201 Good Hall and will be open from 6-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday evenings. No appointment required. For meetings outside of these hours, please email
- Academic Success Coaching is available at no cost to all students by appointment through the Learning Services office. Success Coaches guide students to identify their real and perceived barriers to academic success. They assist students with navigating those barriers by cultivating self-awareness of their strengths and help them develop skills and strategies to become better learners and better self-advocates for their learning. For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact Academic Resource Coordinators Lauren Lesser,, or Brian Baker,
- Peer mentoring is available to all students by appointment through Learning Services.
Peer Mentors help students meet their goals with academic and personal success skills
development. Through individual and team interactions (both online and face-to-face),
they cultivate and model healthily peer relationships, improve study and communication
skills, encourage teamwork, collaboration, problem solving, empathy and understanding
of others. Peer Mentors are knowledgeable about resources on campus, facilitate connections
to resources and serve as a role model.
For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact - Peer tutoring is a free service provided to students through either individual or
drop-in sessions. Students may connect with a tutor for a single meeting to focus
on specific concepts, or they may utilize tutoring services for the entire semester
to maximize their academic goals. For more details on tutoring and how to be connected
with a Peer Tutor, visit this page or email
- Commitment to Inclusion and Respect for Diversity Including:
- Names and Pronouns: Many people use a name in daily life that is different from their legal name. In
this classroom, we seek to use people’s chosen names and pronouns. You are invited
(if you want to) to share the name and the pronouns you go by. In this classroom,
we will respect and refer to people using the names and personal pronouns that they
Students may update their chosen name and pronouns that will be displayed on various campus platforms by logging into Colleague Self-Service, then clicking on User Options, then User Profile, then the Edit Personnel Identity button. - Respect for Diversity: It is my intent that students from all backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, that students’ learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength, and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: race, gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups. In addition, if any of our class meetings conflict with your religious events, please let me know so that we can make arrangements for you.
- The General Education Committee recommended syllabus statement (as appropriate): This syllabus acknowledges and utilizes sources, perspectives and/or scholarship from marginalized cultural backgrounds in a significant and meaningful way.
- Names and Pronouns: Many people use a name in daily life that is different from their legal name. In
this classroom, we seek to use people’s chosen names and pronouns. You are invited
(if you want to) to share the name and the pronouns you go by. In this classroom,
we will respect and refer to people using the names and personal pronouns that they