Peace and Conflict Studies is an interdisciplinary path. You have freedom to explore the wide variety of courses in Juniata’s Liberal Arts catalog. We will challenge you to become a changemaker by applying the resources of the academic community to the study of warfare and peace, nonviolence and social justice.

See "The field of Peace & Conflict Studies" color wheel for a visual representation of PACS' essentially interdisplinary nature and how it combines with other fields.

The PACS program at Juniata offers three related Programs of Emphasis (POE) for students. View POE requirements at the links below.

Courses with Director Zia Haque:

  • Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies
  • Introduction to Conflict Resolution
  • Digital Peacebuilding *new for fall 2021*

Other PACS courses: 

  • Mediation
  • Gender & Conflict
  • Conflict & Trauma
  • Nonviolence Theory & Practice
  • Conflict Transformation
  • Conflict Intervention
  • PACS Honors thesis