- - Jobs, internships, events, groups, campaigns, volunteer opportunities, or nonprofit organizations
- Peace and Collaborative Development Network - Craig Zelizer's blog on top resources for finding scholarships and fellowships in conflict resolution and related fields
Scholarship Opportunities
- The Ambassadorial Scholarships of the Rotary Foundation: The Rotary Foundation is the world's largest privately funded international scholarships program. The program sponsors several types of scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for qualified professionals pursuing vocational studies.
- The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund provides up to $6,000 in need-based grants to graduate and undergraduate student activists involved in building the movement for social and economic justice. Davis-Putter grantees must be enrolled in an accredited school for the time period covered by the grant.
- The George J. Mitchell Scholarship is a national competitive fellowship sponsored by the U.S.-Ireland Alliance. Every year, 12 students are chosen for one year of postgraduate study in any discipline offered by schools in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The scholarship provides tuition, housing, a living expenses stipend, and an international ravel stipend.
- The Juniata College Service and Peacemaking Scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated a commitment to service and/or the peaceful resolution of conflict in their school and/or community. Examples of this commitment may be shown in a variety of ways such as significant involvement in community service, personal accomplishments in formal conflict resolution or mediation programs, or religious service.
- Visit Peace and Collaborative Development Networking for more resource guides to finding jobs, internships, academic programs, and scholarships in conflict resolution and related fields.
Fellowship Opportunities
- Fulbright Fellowships are among the most prestigious fellowships for graduating students, surpassed only by the Rhodes and a few others. They pay for a year spent in some foreign country. There are two types: research Fulbrights, for which the students must have a project, a location, and a contact there, and in some cases knowledge of the language of the host country; and teaching Fulbrights, where the students go to another country to teach English. For these, they do not need any of the above, but they do need to convince the host country that they want this student as a teacher. (Juniors should contact Dr. Reingold on campus in order to start early.)
- The Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship is a competitive national program that provides college graduates the opportunity to work in Washington, DC, with one of twenty-five participating public-interest organizations focusing on international security issues. The program has awarded 124 fellowships since its inception in 1987 and is offered twice yearly, in the spring and fall. It lasts from six to nine months and provides a stipend, health insurance, and travel costs to Washington.
- The Jennings Randolph Fellowship Program: The Peace Scholar Dissertation Fellowship of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is intended to support the research and writing of doctoral dissertations addressing the sources and nature of international conflict and ways of preventing or ending conflict and sustaining peace. Citizens from any country are welcome to apply. The deadline for the 2010-2011 competition is January 5, 2010.
- The New Israel Fund/SHATIL Social Justice Fellowships are ten-month stipend fellowships at organizations working to advance social justice and democracy in Israel. Each fellowship is designed to enable a talented and committed Jewish professional or recent graduate to spend a year contributing to social justice while experiencing Israel first-hand.
- The Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship seeks to recruit talented students in academic programs relevant to international affairs, political and economic analysis, administration, management, and science policy. The program provides funding to participants as they are prepared academically and professionally to enter the United States Department of State Foreign Service.
- Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution: Rotary World Peace Fellows are leaders who promote national and international cooperation, peace, and the successful resolution of conflict throughout their lives, in their careers, and through service activities. Fellows can earn either a master’s degree in international relations, public administration, sustainable development, peace studies, conflict resolution, or a related field. Fellows can also earn a professional development certificate in peace and conflict resolution.