Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Scope
- Responsibilities
- Hazard Identification
- Material Safety Data Sheets
- Hazardous Chemicals
- Particularly Hazardous Substances
- Standard Operating Procedures for Laboratories
- Chemical Procurement
- Chemical Storage
- Chemical Handling
- Chemical Labeling
- General Laboratory Safety Principles
- Housekeeping
- Emergency Contacts and Signs
- Sanctions for Non-Compliance
- Controls
- Engineering Controls
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Administrative Controls
- Chemical Waste Management
- Defining Hazardous Waste
- Collection, Labeling, and Containment
- Segregation of Wastes
- Prohibited Materials
- Sewer Disposal Guidelines
- Waste Minimization
- Emergency Procedures
- Fire
- Chemical Spills
- Chemical Exposures
- Injuries and Illnesses
- Prior Approval for Laboratory Operations
- Off-hours Work Procedures
- Sole Occupancy
- Unattended Operations
- Employee and Student Information and Training
- Information
- Training
- Monitoring
- Permissible Exposure Limits and Action Levels
- Initial and Periodic Monitoring
- Employee Notification
- Medical Consultations and Examinations
- Physician's written Opinion
- Recordkeeping
- References and Recommended Reading
- Appendix A: Glove Selection Guide
- Appendix B: U-Listed Wastes
- Appendix C: P-Listed Wastes
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