Take 24 credits from the following courses:

PACS-105  Introduction to Conflict Resolution

3 CreditsS, WK-SIPrerequisite or Corequisite: FYC-101

PACS-108  Mediation

1-3 CreditsS 

PACS-110  Introduction to Peace & Conflict Studies

3 CreditsI,SWGH2Prerequisite or corequisite: FYC or CWS 

PACS-299  Special Topics

1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary with topics. 

PACS-305  Gender and Conflict

3 CreditsS,I,CW,SW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

PACS-308  Nonviolence and Social Justice

3 CreditsS,H,CW,SW-USPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

PACS-210 PACS-210 Technology, Social Media, and Conflict

3 CreditsWK-SIPrerequisite or Corequisite: FYC-101

PACS-391 Scholar in Residence Special Topic

3 CreditsWK-SI

PACS-399  Special Topics

1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary by title. 

PACS-499 Special Topics

1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.


Take at least 3 credits from the following courses:

CM-310 Understanding Health Inequity

3 CreditsS, WK-SIPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

ESS-100 Environmental Systems I

4 CreditsN, WK-SP, CTGISPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

ESS-206 Global Environmental Issues

4 CreditsN, WK-SI

MA-205 Elementary Statistics

4 CreditsN, QS, WK-SPPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109


Take at least 17 credits from the following courses:


CM-230 Interpersonal Communication

3 CreditsH, CSPrerequisites: CM130

CM-365 Organizational Communication

3 CreditsH, S, CWPrerequisites: CM130 and CM230 and CM220.

CM-420E  Digital Storytelling

3 CreditsH, F, CTDHPrerequisites: CM133 or 1 of the following courses, CM290 or IT110 or AR404.

CM-405A Women, Work & Identity

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: CM130 or CM230 or CM220 or CM365 or permission of the instructor.

CM-420B Media Violence

3 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: CM132 or CM133.


EB-202  Behavioral Analysis of Organizations

4 CreditsCW,S,WK-SIPrerequisite: Sophomore standing.

EB-223  Principles of Microeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing. 

EB-222  Principles of Macroeconomics

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing 


ESS-305 Environmental Economics

3 CreditsS 

ESS-300 Environmental Problem Solving

4 CreditsS, NPrerequisite: ESS100.

ESS-330 Geographical Information Systems

4 CreditsCTGISNote: A special course fee is assessed. Prerequisite: ESS100.

ESS-337 Environmental Law

3 CreditsS, CTGISPrerequisites: ESS-100 or PS-110. Must have sophomore standing or above.


HS-200 The Great War

4 CreditsI, H, CW,WK-HT 

HS-204 Australia/New Zealand

4 CreditsI, H 

HS-213 History of Ireland

4 CreditsH, WK-HT 

HS-309 Civil War and Reconstruction

4 CreditsH, CW, CTDHPrerequisites: HS115 or HS116 and SO, JR, or SR standing.

HS-313 Disease, Medicine & Empire

4 CreditsCA, I, H, SW-GE, CTGESPre- or Co-Requisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109.

HS-367 Women in Africa

4 CreditsCA, H, I, CTDH 

HS-400 Crimes Against Humanity

4 CreditsI, HPrerequisites: Junior or Senior standing. Sophomores require permission.


PS-222 Western Political Thought

4 CreditsH, WK-HTPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

PS-235 Migration

2 CreditsI,S,SW-GE

PS-236 Eyewitness to Migration in Mexico

I,S,SW-GEPre-Req: PS-235.

PS-318 Parties, Elections & Campaigns

3 CreditsSPrerequisite: PS101.

PS-334 Human Rights

3 CreditsI, SPrerequisite: PS102.

PS-340 Topics in International Politics

3 CreditsS, I 


CONN-202 Science and Society

3 CreditsCONN,CA,CW

EN-251 Slave Narratives

4 CreditsH, CWPrerequisites: EN110 or EN109.

EN-392 Crossing the Border

4 CreditH,CW,SW-USPrerequisites: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

PC-239  Nuclear Threat

4 CreditsCA,N,H,CW,WK-SP 

PL-265  Environmental Ethics

4 CreditsH,SW-ERPrereq or coreq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 

PL-101  Introduction to Philosophy

3 CreditsH,WK-HTPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109 

PL-105  Introduction to Logic

4 CreditsH,WK-FR 

PY-205 Social Psychology

3 CreditsS 

PY-312 Cultural Psychology

3 CreditsS 

RL-341  Religion and War

4 CreditsCA,H,CW 

SP-275 Art and Activism in Latin America

3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP210 or by permission of the instructor.

SP-375 Art and Activism in Latin America

3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or by permission of the instructor.

SP-301 Voice for Voiceless-LA Testimonial Narr

3 CreditsCA, I, H, WK-HTPrereq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109. (Previous course title: Latin American Testimonio)


Complete one of the following options below (at least 3-4 credits).  A capstone in History, Economics or Politics may be substituted in consultation with POE advisor.


PACS-455  PACS Honors Thesis I

3-6 CreditsHPrerequisite: Senior standing, PACS105 and PACS110 and a minimum of 4 200+ level PACS courses. 



PACS-495  PACS Intern.Res.Sem.

2-6 CreditsIPrerequisite: PACS110 and permission. Corequisite: PACS490. 

PACS-490  Peace & Conflict Studies Internship

2-9 CreditsICorequisite: PACS 495. Prerequisite: Permission and Jr. or Sr. Standing. 

POE Credit Total = 45-60

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.