International studies, housed under Peace and Conflict Studies, challenges you to understand both the diversity of human experience and the interconnectedness
of problems in our increasingly global political, economic, and cultural environments.
You'll graduate with an interdisciplinary perspective of the world and an analytical
lens through which to understand it.
The International Studies curriculum is composed of three pillars: core courses in
peace and conflict studies, economics, politics, history, culture and language; study
abroad; and the capstone experience: an upper level class where students reflect and
build upon their experiences of the previous three years.
You'll graduate with an interdisciplinary perspective of the world and an analytical lens through which to understand it.

International studies, housed under Peace and Conflict Studies, challenges you to understand both the diversity of human experience and the interconnectedness
of problems in our increasingly global political, economic, and cultural environments.
You'll graduate with an interdisciplinary perspective of the world and an analytical
lens through which to understand it.
The International Studies curriculum is composed of three pillars: core courses in
peace and conflict studies, economics, politics, history, culture and language; study
abroad; and the capstone experience: an upper level class where students reflect and
build upon their experiences of the previous three years.
You'll graduate with an interdisciplinary perspective of the world and an analytical lens through which to understand it.

International studies, housed under Peace and Conflict Studies, challenges you to understand both the diversity of human experience and the interconnectedness
of problems in our increasingly global political, economic, and cultural environments.
You'll graduate with an interdisciplinary perspective of the world and an analytical
lens through which to understand it.
The International Studies curriculum is composed of three pillars: core courses in
peace and conflict studies, economics, politics, history, culture and language; study
abroad; and the capstone experience: an upper level class where students reflect and
build upon their experiences of the previous three years.
You'll graduate with an interdisciplinary perspective of the world and an analytical lens through which to understand it.
Juniata College Study Abroad Experience
Juniata students travel across the world where they conduct important research, use the universal language of music to connect with others, and assist doctors, farmers, and others during service learning trips. We welcome visiting scholars and students from 38 states in the U.S. and 36 countries around the world, and these students inform, educate, and expand the worldview of all of us who live and learn together. Enjoy these stories of students who are, at the same time, of Juniata and of the world and who go on to live lives of purpose and consequence.
Juniata College Study Abroad Experience
Juniata students travel across the world where they conduct important research, use the universal language of music to connect with others, and assist doctors, farmers, and others during service learning trips. We welcome visiting scholars and students from 38 states in the U.S. and 36 countries around the world, and these students inform, educate, and expand the worldview of all of us who live and learn together. Enjoy these stories of students who are, at the same time, of Juniata and of the world and who go on to live lives of purpose and consequence.
Study Abroad
A Juniata student who fully engages in a liberal arts lifestyle recognizes the value of being a citizen of the world in an increasingly global and diverse community. Juniata offers 59 study abroad programs in 24 countries on 6 continents. Every POE has at least one study abroad program that can meet POE and other requirements, and financial aid and scholarships apply while on Juniata study abroad programs.
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