Juniata College is committed to the academic and personal development of its students. As a community, we subscribe to fundamental policies and procedures which are designed to support an educational environment. The basic principle of community at Juniata holds that any behavior which infringes upon the rights, safety, privileges or property of any individual, or impedes the educational process, is unacceptable. To that end, Juniata students are expected to exhibit a high degree of personal integrity and honesty. Dishonesty in any phase of college work, disregard for the safety of others, and theft of property or service are considered serious offenses in a community dedicated to the development of responsible individuals.
Instances of student misconduct will be considered according to procedures described in the Pathfinder under "Disciplinary Structure."
Local, state, and federal laws which serve to preserve individual rights and to maintain the community are considered to be included in the college policy. The following, while not intended to define misconduct in every circumstance, constitutes unacceptable behavior. Students are subject to disciplinary action for participation in any of the following violations:
- Threatening, harassing, assaulting, or endangering the health or safety of any individual(s).
- Possession or use of firearms, explosives, dangerous chemicals or other weapons -- including any slingshot, catapult or any device to hurl a missile.
- Use, possession, or distribution of narcotics, alcohol, or other dangerous drugs, except as permitted by law. (See "alcohol" and "other controlled substances" policies for more information.)
- Willful destruction of, or damage to, college property.
- Furnishing misleading or false information to the college and/or college officials.
- Willfully causing any false report, warning, or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergency.
- Failure to comply with the direction of college officials, including campus safety and security personnel and residence hall staff, in performance of their duties.
- Unauthorized alteration, forgery, or unauthorized use of any college document or signature.
- Unauthorized presence in or use of college facilities, property, or premises.
- Theft of property or services.
- Intentional violation of the terms of any disciplinary action imposed in accordance with judicial policy.