The Judicial Board is comprised of four students serving one year terms (appointed by the President of Student Government with approval of the Student Senate), two members of the teaching faculty serving staggering two-year terms (appointed by the Provost with the approval of the Executive Committee of the faculty), and one member of the Student Services Staff (appointed by the President) and a non-voting secretary.
Duties of Chairperson — The Chairperson of the Judicial Board shall call and preside over meetings of the Board when necessary. The Judicial Board shall elect one of its student members to be Chairperson.
Duties of Secretary — The Secretary of the Judicial Board shall record and transmit to the Dean of Students Office the proceedings and resulting recommendations of each hearing. A designated Hearing Officer typically serves as the Judicial Board Secretary.
Duties of Members— It is the duty of all members to keep all proceedings confidential. It is the responsibility of members to disqualify themselves whenever they feel that they cannot, in good faith and with an open mind, hear the dispute impartially and without prejudgment of the specific case before the Board. If a member refuses to disqualify himself or herself and a party objects, the Chairperson of the Judicial Board shall determine whether or not the member must withdraw. If the Judicial Board Chairperson does not disqualify himself or herself and a party objects, non-challenged members of the Board shall determine if the chairperson should be disqualified. Judicial Board members who are charged with a violation of campus policy may not participate in the adjudication of their own case. If more than two members must disqualify themselves, the Emergency Procedures herein described will take effect.