The following disciplinary sanctions may be imposed for violations of college policy. Depending on the circumstances, more than one sanction may be imposed.


Expulsion requires a student’s permanent dismissal from the college.

Summary Suspension

Summary suspension requires that a student leave the campus or vacate college property for a specified time. The Dean of Students, or a designated individual, may invoke this suspension if there is cause to believe that the continued presence of that student on campus constitutes a substantial threat to the safety of himself or herself, to other persons or property, or to the continuance of normal college operations. Suspensions may also be invoked if the student charged fails to appear at a scheduled hearing. A student who returns to campus during the period of a summary suspension may be subject to disciplinary expulsion and/or prosecution for unlawful trespassing.

Disciplinary Suspension

Disciplinary suspension excludes the student from registration, class attendance, and use of college facilities for a specific period of time. During the period in effect, disciplinary suspension is recorded on the student’s academic record. Upon the student’s reinstatement, this notation is permanently removed from the academic records, and that student will be considered for registration in compliance with academic policy. Any further incidents of misconduct after the student is readmitted may result in expulsion.

Dismissal from Residence

The student may be required to move out of college housing for willfully causing damage or destruction in college residences or for repeat minor misconduct in college residences. The student may also be barred from entering any college residence or building for any purpose unless a specific waiver is granted by the Dean of Students or a designee. A summary process may be used when this sanction is invoked.

Disciplinary Probation

Disciplinary probation may be imposed with or without restrictions for a period of up to the duration of a student’s undergraduate career at Juniata. The penalty is given for major misconduct or repeated minor misconduct. Restrictions generally associated with disciplinary probation include qualifications for prizes and participation in and/or attendance of college extracurricular activities—including intercollegiate athletics. Another incident of misconduct or violation of the terms of probation will likely result in disciplinary suspension. Disciplinary Probation carries with it a $100 fine.

Loss of Privileges

Loss of privileges denies a privilege or use of a service for a specified period of time commencing when the offense was committed. This sanction may be imposed separately or in addition to other sanctions.

Disciplinary Warning

A disciplinary warning informs a student that his or her conduct was unacceptable and that any further incidents of misconduct will be handled more stringently.


Fines may be levied for minor and major offenses. Failure to pay the fine or fulfill other obligations may prevent registration and graduation and may be referred to the Judicial Board.


Restitution requires a student to pay for damages.

College/Community Work Assignments

When appropriate, a specified number of work hours may be assigned. The student will meet with the assignment supervisor to develop a specific work schedule and must notify the supervisor in advance of any legitimate circumstances arising which will prevent him or her from keeping this schedule. Failure to do so will result in suspension from the college. This sanction may be added to other sanctions.