Summer employment opportunities must be offered to current and incoming Juniata College
students before hiring others (this includes graduating seniors). We will not employ
students who are not high school graduates unless prior approval is granted by the
appropriate Vice-President and Director of Human Resources. The first day of summer
employment is May 2, 2012.
All summer employment opportunities must be posted in the announcements and listed
with financial planning.
A completed employment authorization card (available online) including the budget
line to be charged for each student working in the department must be completed prior
to student beginning to work. With the enactment of the “New Hire” law, we need to
provide the State with a list of new employees within 15 days of the start of employment.
Otherwise, we will receive monetary penalties that we will pass on to the non-complying
All tax and I-9 paperwork must be completed prior to the student starting their employment.
If the paperwork is not complete, they will not be able to enter time into Kronos.
Students must not be allowed to work unless their paperwork is complete. It will expose
the College to financial penalties if we do not comply with the paperwork requirement.
Employees must not serve in a supervisory role for their own relatives. Children of
employees will not be eligible for hire within the same department in which their
parent works. They may be employed in the division in which their parent works with
prior approval by the division’s Vice President and the Director of Human Resources.
The hourly rate for students during the summer is $7.25. Technology positions are
$11.87 per hour wage rate. Variations to the hourly rate for positions that are not
grant-funded or endowed must receive prior approval from the appropriate Vice-President
and Director of Human Resources and must be consistent across departments.
Students may not work more than a total of 40 hours per week even if they are working
several jobs on campus without prior notification to the Director of Human Resources.
The College does not subsidize housing for students employed during the summer. Certain
outside grants may provide funds for housing. Juniata students that attend class,
perform research or work will be charged $70.00 a week for summer housing. Housing
is not included as a deduction/benefit in the student’s paycheck. Rather, it is billed
through the Accounting Office. Arrangements should be made with the Housing/Accounting
Offices to have this set up. [rates to be set each May].
Letters of employment must be prepared for all non-students (including graduating
seniors who work after Commencement) and students working under grant-funded or endowed
projects. To have an employment letter prepared, an “Authorization for Letter of Employment”
form must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources prior to the beginning of
employment. (The form is located in Exchange under HR Forms). Please make sure all
information submitted on the request form is accurate. After the initial employment
letter has been prepared, changes will not be permitted.