
General By-Laws

Financial By-Laws

Last Amended: 4/6/15

Article I – Rights and Duties

  1. General Assembly
    1. Members of the General Assembly shall have the power to convene a forum focused around an issue give they have generated a petition of 250 signatures calling for a forum.

    2. Any member of the General Assembly shall have the right to propose a written bill to the Senate during a forum.

    3. If more than ten percent of the General Assembly is present at a forum, a written bill passed by a majority of those in attendance must be considered by both the Senate and the Executive Committee.

    4. Members of the General Assembly shall have the right to attend all Senate meetings.


    5. The General Assembly shall have the power to overturn any Senate or Executive Committee action with two-thirds of its members.

  2. Senate
    1. The Senate shall have the right to ratify or reject the budget proposed by the Executive Committee, by a two-thirds majority vote, as well as all proposals made by the Executive Committee or the General Assembly.

    2. Senate Chair

      1. The Senate Chair shall be the President of the Executive Committee.

      2. The Senate Chair shall preside over all Senate meetings.

      3. The Senate Chair shall vote only in order to break a split Senate decision.

      4. The Senate Chair shall have the right to call a Senate meeting at any time.

      5. The Senate Chair shall run the meetings in a parliamentary procedure.

  3. Cabinet of Student Representatives
    1. The members of the Cabinet shall serve the General Assembly on the following bodies, as well as on any other committees that come into being or are found to need student input:

      1. Trustee Committees

        1. Committee on Advancement and Marketing

        2. Committee on Business Affairs

        3. Committee on Education and Student Life

        4. Committee on Investments

        5. Audit Committee

        6. Committee of Enrollment and Retention

      2. Standing Committees

        1. Faculty Business Meeting

        2. Strategic Planning Committee

        3. Academic Planning Committee

        4. Academic Planning and Assessment

        5. Curriculum Committee

        6. Student Academic Development Committee

        7. Retention Committee

        8. Student Services Committee

    2. The Cabinet shall keep the Student Senate informed about the activity of each of the above mentioned committees by attending all Senate meetings.

  4. Judiciary
    1. Once appointed to their positions, the members of the Judiciary shall be responsible to the Judicial Board.
  1. Ethics Committee
  1. The Ethics Committee will consist of five randomly selected uninvolved Senate members. 
  2. The Ethics Committee will be chaired by the Executive Committee secretary. If there is a conflict of interest, the Officer of Technology will step in as chair. 
  3. The Director or Assistant Director of Student Activities must be present at the meeting. 
  4. The Senate member in question will be suspended from all Student Government meetings and they will not have a vote on Senate.
  5. The meeting must occur within 72 hours of the Senate member being placed on suspension. The Senate member under review will attend the meeting and present a statement in their defense. The Ethics Committee will make the final decision regarding the member under review.
    1. The decision must be unanimous.
  6. The chair will notify the Senator under review of the final decision.

Article II – Executive Committee Composition, Powers and Responsibilities

  1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Officer of Technology, and Officer of Communications and Policy.
  2. No Executive Committee member may concurrently serve as an officer in any class or Senate seat.
  3. The Allocation Board shall, under the leadership of the Executive Committee Treasurer, propose a budget during the spring semester for the following academic year. 
  4. The RSO Approval Board, under the leadership of the Executive Committee Vice President, shall hear and decide on petitions for new RSOs.
  6. The Executive Committee shall meet with the President of the college, the Dean of Students, the Director of Student Activities, and a faculty member for guidance.
  7. The Executive Committee shall be the primary source of ad-hoc student input to other campus constituencies regarding campus issues and concerns.
  8. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for scheduling its own regular meetings, as well as the regular meetings of the Senate.
  9. The Executive Committee shall coordinate all elections of members chosen by the General Assembly.
  10. Executive Committee Member Positions, Powers, and Responsibilities
    1. President
      1. The President (or a Presidential Delegate) shall be the official representative of the Student Government to the administration, faculty, trustees, and alumni.
      2. The President (or a Presidential Delegate) and Vice-President shall serve on the Executive Committee to the Board of Trustees.
      3. Either the President (or a Presidential Delegate) shall serve on the Alumni Council, Faculty Business Meeting, and Student Services Meeting.
    2. Vice-President
      1. The Vice-President shall accede to the Presidency in the event of the President’s resignation or removal from office. The Vice-President shall also represent the Student Government at all meetings and commitments the President cannot attend.
      2. The Vice-President must chair the RSO Approval Board.
    3. Secretary
      1. The Secretary shall maintain minutes, an updated record of all actions and procedures, and fulfill all other secretarial duties as needed. The Secretary shall also sit on at least one Cabinet Committee.
    4. Treasurer
      1. The Treasurer shall oversee the creation of the Student Government Budget and supervise all financial transactions of the Student Government. Additionally, the Treasurer shall sit on at least one Cabinet Committee.
      2. The Treasurer must chair the Allocation Board.
    5. Officer of Technology
      1. The Officer of Technology shall be responsible for maintaining the Student Government webpage, overseeing RSOs’ web pagesWebPages, and helping with all other technological advances of the Executive Committee. Additionally, the Officer of
      2. Technology shall sit on at least one Cabinet Committee.
    6. Officer of Communications and Policy
      1. The Officer of Communications and Policy shall be responsible for social media correspondences and community outreach. Additionally, the Officer of Communications and Policy shall sit on at least one Cabinet Committee.
      2. The Officer of Communications and Policy shall chair the Bylaw Reform Committee should the need arise.

Article III – Meeting Frequency

  1. Senate Meetings
    1. The Senate shall convene in the presence of the Executive Committee at least twice a month unless otherwise determined by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a week unless otherwise determined. All regular Senate meetings shall be announced at least one week in advance of the scheduled date.
  2. Emergency Meetings
    1. If an emergency occurs, the Executive Committee may call a meeting, with twenty-four hours notice.
  3. Executive Committee Planning Meetings
    1. The Executive Committee shall have a planning meeting prior to beginning of the school year.

Article IV – Quorum Requirements

  1. All Executive Committee members are required for quorum at Executive Committee meetings. Two-thirds of the Senate must be in attendance for Senate to have quorum.

Article V – Elections

  1. All Student Government elections shall be by secret ballot.
    1. The Executive Committee is not permitted to release the breakdown of the voting statistics after the end of the election.
  2. Students of senior standing are not permitted to vote in the Executive Committee elections for the following academic year.
    1. Students of senior standing do not pay the activity fee for the following year.
  3. Positions
    1. Executive Committee
      1. Elections for the Executive Committee (with exception of the Treasurer, Officer of Technology, and Officer of Communications and Policy) shall be completed by April.
      2. In order to be eligible for election, all candidates must submit a petition containing the signatures of 100, full-time students three days prior to the election date. Petitions are to be issued by the Executive Committee one week prior to the election. In order to obtain a petition, the candidate must submit a 100 words or less personal statement of intent. Each candidate’s personal statement will be placed on his or her online ballot and will be available for the student body to review.
      3. Members of the current Executive Committee will host a debate for the opposed Executive Committee candidates for the following academic year. The debate will be open to the general assembly and held before the election date. 
      4. Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by a plurality of the voting General Assembly.
      5. Election results are to be tallied and made public to the General Assembly.
      6. Candidates for the Treasurer position and Officer of Technology shall submit a petition containing the signatures of 100 full-time students to the Executive Committee.
      7. The current Executive Committee and the Executive Committee elect shall interview candidates for the position of Treasurer, Officer of Technology, and Officer of Communications and Policy.
        1. The candidates must bring copies of their resume to the interviews and the resume must include two references.
        2. The Executive Committee shall then nominate one candidate for Senate approval within a week of the interviews
      8. The Executive Committee shall confirm the academic standing of candidates and verify the validity of their petition.
      9. The Executive Committee elect shall officially assume responsibility at the conclusion of the academic year.
      10. The newly elected Executive Committee is expected to attend all Executive Committee functions, but does not have voting rights until they officially assume responsibility.
      11. The current Executive Committee is responsible to train the Executive Committee elect during the remainder of the academic year.
    2. Senate
      1. Class Officers
        1. A President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer are to be elected by the class constituencies of the future Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshmen classes.
        2. In order to be eligible, all Class Officer candidates must submit a petition containing the signatures of 50 full-time members of their class prior to the election date. Petitions are to be issued by the Executive Committee two weeks prior to election. In order to obtain a petition, the candidate must submit a 100 words or less personal statement of intent. Each candidate’s personal statement will be placed on his or her election ballot and will be available for the student body to review.
        3. Class Officers shall be elected by a plurality of the voting members of their class. Elections shall be held in Ellis Lobby during lunch and dinner hours on the Election Day. Online voting shall also be available.
        4. Freshmen Class Officers will be elected by October 1st by the members of their class.
          1. Freshmen interested in petitioning for an officer petition should attend the first Senate meeting of the fall semester.
        5. Election results are to be tallied and the results are to be made public by the Executive Committee within three days after elections. Winners are to be notified of their positions within the same frame.
        6. If no petitions are received, the Executive Committee has the right to appoint the representative.
        7. Each class has four voting rights on the Senate.
        8. The presidents of the Senior and Junior class will be appointed as Cabinet members.
      2. International Student Representative
        1. The International Student Representative shall be a one-year, matriculated international student.
        2. One International Representative is to be elected. International Senator candidates must submit a petition containing the signatures of 10 international students. In order to obtain a petition, the candidate must submit a 100 words or less personal statement of intent. This will be placed on your petition and available for the student body to review.
        3. The International Student Senator shall be elected by plurality of the voting international students.
        4. If no petitions are received, the Executive Committee has the right to appoint the International Representative.
        5. The International Representative has one voting right on the Senate.
        6. The International Student Representative will also be a member of the Diversity Committee. 
      3. Domestic Minority Representative
        1. One Domestic Minority Representative is to be elected. Domestic Minority Representative candidates must submit a petition containing the signatures of 10 domestic minority students. In order to obtain a petition, the candidate must submit a 100 words or less personal statement of intent. Each candidate’s personal statement will be placed on his or her petition and will be available for the student body to review.
        2. The Domestic Minority Representative shall be elected by plurality of the voting domestic minority students.
        3. If no petitions are received, the Executive Committee has the right to appoint the Domestic Minority Representative.
        4. The Domestic Minority Representative has one voting right on the Senate.
        5. The Domestic Minority Representative will also be a member of the Diversity Committee.
      4. Program Area Resident Representative
        1. One PAR Representative is to be elected. PAR candidates must submit a petition containing the signatures of 10 PAR students. In order to obtain a petition, the candidate must submit a 100 words or less personal statement of intent. Each candidate’s personal statement will be placed on his or her petition and will be available for the student body to review.
        2. The PAR Representative shall be elected by plurality of the voting PAR students.
        3. If no petitions are received, the Executive Committee has the right to appoint the PAR representative.
        4. The PAR Representative has one voting right on the Senate and PAR is not represented by a CIS Senator.
      5. Resident Assistant Representatives
        1. One Resident Assistant Representative is to be elected. The Office of Residential Life will be responsible for determining the manner in which Resident Assistant Representative are selected.
        2. If the office of Residential Life fails to administer elections, the Executive Committee has the right to appoint the Resident Assistant Representative.
        3. The Resident Assistant Representative has one voting right on the Senate.
      6. Common Interest Sector Representatives
        1. Any elected member of a Registered Student Organization (RSO) may serve as a CIS representative. Each CIS must elect one representative for their respective CIS in the Student Senate that will serve as a CIS representative for the entire fiscal year.
        3. If the elected CIS Senator does not complete his/her duties as assigned, the RSO representatives within the CIS shall elect a new Senator from the CIS.
        4. Elected CIS Senators shall sit on the RSO Approval Board.
        5. The RSO Approval Board is responsible for maintaining the CIS breakdown.
        6. Each CIS must contain at least five RSOs.
        7. As new RSOs are formed the RSO Approval Board shall decide which CIS the RSO will fall under.
        8. Treasurers within each RSO shall follow the guidelines outlined in the Financial By-Laws of the Student Government for assembling an Allocation Board.
      7. Juniata Activities Board Representatives
        1. One JAB chair will be chosen to serve on the Senate.
        2. The JAB Representative has one voting right and are not represented by a CIS Senator.
      8. Sexual and Gender Minority Representative
        1. One Sexual and Gender Minorities Representative is to be elected.
        2. Sexual and Gender Minorities candidates must submit a petition containing the signatures of 10 students from that community. In order to obtain a petition, the candidate must submit a 100 words or less personal statement of intent. Each candidate’s personal statement will be placed on his or her petition and will be available for the student body to review.
        3. The Sexual and Gender Minorities Representative  shall be elected by plurality of the voting  Sexual and Gender Minority Students.
        4. If no petitions are received, the Executive Committee has the right to appoint the Sexual and Gender Minorities representative.
        5. The Sexual and Gender Minorities Representative has one voting right on the Senate.
        6. The Sexual and Gender Minorities Representative will also be a member of the Diversity Committee.
  4. Campaigning
    1. Smear or slander campaigns are not permitted. Candidates are not permitted to have campaigns that are malicious or derogatory to other candidates.
    2. Candidates may not partake in any actions that will harm another candidate’s campaign.
    3. Any candidates who are witnessed as a participant in illegal campaigning will be removed from the ballot and prohibited from running.

Article VI – Finances

  1. Fiscal Year
    1. The fiscal year for Student Government shall run concurrent to that of Juniata College, from June 1st to May 31st.
  2. Budget
    1. A budget shall be generated and approved by Student Government for the succeeding academic year before the spring Board of Trustees meeting.
  3. RSO Funding
    1. In order to receive Student Government funding, a RSO must submit a budget request and RSO re-registration form to Student Government in March for the succeeding academic year. Those RSOs that are not punctual with their request will lose funding.
    2. The Student Government Executive Committee and the Director of Student Activities shall decide upon meetings, forums, and RSO fairs that RSO representatives are required to attend. This list shall be reviewed and approved by the Senate at their first meeting. This list will be immediately made available to RSO officers. Failure to comply with the attendance policies will result in a fine of 10% of the RSO’s existing balance.
    3. The RSO funding process shall be conducted in accordance with the Financial By-Laws. The Common Interest Sector (CIS) breakdown must be approved by the RSO Approval Board. Each CIS must be comprised of at least five RSOs.
  4. Ad-hoc Expenditures
    2. All other ad-hoc Student Government expenditures will be made in accordance with the Financial By-laws.

Article VII – Registered Student Organizations

  1. Students who wish to form a new RSO or revive an inactive RSO must meet the following criteria:
    1. Must have at least 10 members (including officers) all of whom attend Juniata College.
    2. May not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, age, gender, color, sexual orientation, ability, marital status, or veteran status.
    3. Must elect students as President and Treasurer.
    4. Must have a Juniata College employee serve as an advisor.
    5. Have each officer attend at least two leadership workshops/trainings sponsored by the Office of Student Activities during the year.
    6. Shall submit an RSO application to the RSO Approval Board. The RSO Approval Board shall review the application and invite the officers to discuss their ideas at an RSO Approval Board meeting.
      1. The RSO Approval Board shall have the right to review New-RSO applications.  New-RSOs that are approved by the Board shall be granted Pre-RSO status.
      2. The Senate shall be informed of the action of the RSO Approval Board, and with a 2/3 vote, shall have the power to veto any decision made by the RSO Approval Board. If approved, the officers of the RSO must attend the next Senate meeting.
      3. The RSO Approval Board must grant a $200 initial allocation to any New-RSO seeking funding from Student Government.  New-RSOs seeking more than $200 must submit an RSO petition for additional funding to the Allocations Board, who will handle the petition in accordance with the Financial Bylaws.
    7. To receive full RSO status, the Pre-RSO, must complete both a treasurer’s training with the Student Government Executive Committee Treasurer and a president’s training with a representative from the Office of Student Activities.
  2. RSOs may hold the following benefits:
    1. May apply for funding through Student Government.
    2. May reserve college facilities and vehicles for RSO activities.
    3. May conduct approved fundraisers.
    4. May advertise on campus.
    5. May apply to have an e-mail account and web site.
    6. May receive information on programs and activities which benefit the organization.
  3. Conditions and Responsibilities
    1. An RSO does not imply Juniata College endorses the organization.
    2. RSO’s must follow the policies in both the Pathfinder and in the RSO Handbook. Questions on policies should be brought to the Office of Student Activities.
    3. Organizations created after June 1st may still apply for funding through Student Government.
    4. Student Organizations which fail to re-register at the end of March/April will become immediately inactive and their funding will be transferred back to Student Government.
      1. There are deadlines to submit a new RSO petition due to the limited availability of the RSO Approval Board.
    5. Only Juniata College students and employees may participate in student organizations. Only students may hold Executive positions. Juniata College strongly encourages RSOs to set minimum academic and ethical standards for officers and members.
    6. Any Student Government member can motion to call for a review of an RSO before the Senate. Upon review, a committee headed by the Executive Committee President and Vice President shall have the ability to terminate the RSO and freeze their funds during extreme measures (RSO not doing any activities, not following mission statement, improperly using funds, or improper behavior).
    7. The purchase of controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco products using Student Government funds is prohibited.
    8. Exceptions must be for cultural or educational purposes and must be presented to and approved by the Senate before any purchases are made.
    9. Religiously affiliated RSOs are also granted an exception to this policy, within reason, to purchase alcohol for religious practices.
    10. Failure to comply with the amendment will result in a meeting with the Dean of Students and the repayment of the misused funds. In the event that the offending individuals refuse to meet with the Dean of Students or if the funds are not replayed the Dean of Students may prevent registration and graduation and individuals may be referred to the Judicial Board.

Article VIII – Rules and Regulations

  1. Attendance Policy
    1. No Executive Committee member may miss more than three Executive Committee meetings per semester.
    2. No Cabinet member may not miss any meetings of the Committee to which he/she is assigned per semester. No Cabinet member may miss more than one Cabinet meeting per year.
    3. No Senator may miss more than one Senate Meeting per semester.
  2. Removal from Office
    1. If any Senator or Cabinet member or Executive Committee member is not fulfilling his/her duties appropriately, the Executive Committee will convene the Ethics Committee to review the Senator or Cabinet member. The Senator or Cabinet member under review will meet with the Ethics Committee to offer a statement in their defense. The Ethics Committee will then deliberate and make a unanimous decision to remove the member from their position and this decision is final.
    2. If any Student Government member is removed from office, the Executive Committee shall nominate a replacement, which shall be subject to Senate confirmation.
    3. If any Student Government member is removed from office, they may not run for a Student Government position for the following academic year.
      1. If the Student Government member removed from office after he/she is re-elected to a position for the next academic year, they are ineligible for the position and the position will become open for another election.
  3. Amendment of Bylaws
    1. Bylaws may be amended with a two-thirds majority vote of the Senate and the support of three Executive Committee members.