Last Amended: 4/6/15
Article I – General By-Laws
- The Student Government fiscal year will run concurrently with the College, starting June 1st and ending May 31st
- All Student Government financial records are open to all members of the Student Government.
- Before the spring Board of Trustees meeting, the Executive Committee Treasurer is responsible for generating an approved budget for the succeeding academic year.
- Every constituency of Student Government must keep accurate, detailed financial records. The Executive Committee Treasurer and/or the Accounting Office may call for any of these records at any time, and they shall be presented immediately upon request.
Article II – Student Government Budget
- All funds allocated to Student Government shall be held in a general Student Government account (21-02001).
- The Budget shall be used to fund all constituencies of Student Government.
- The Allocation Board in conjunction with Student Government Senate is the primary controller of the Student Government Budget.
- The Executive Committee Treasurer is responsible for preparing a current general budget report to be presented at Senate meetings and at Allocation Board meetings.
Article III – Student Government Operational Budget
- A separate Student Government Executive Committee account (21-02003) will be maintained for the Operational Budget.
- Expenses for the Executive Committee, Senate, Allocation Board, RSO Approval Board Cabinet, Judicial Board, and General Assembly must be made from the Operational Budget.
- The Allocation Board in conjunction with Student Government Senate is the primary controller of the Student Government Operational Budget.
- At least 3% of combined Student Government and JAB funds will be allocated for the
Operational Budget.
The closing amount for the previous fiscal year shall be added to the current fiscal year’s Operational Budget. These funds shall be used for capital expenditures. - The Executive Committee Treasurer is responsible for preparing a current Operational Budget report at Senate and Executive Committee meetings.
- The Allocation Board has a standing order from the Senate to approve expenses of $1500 or less from the Operational Budget. Expenses that exceed $1500 will require Senate approval.
Article IV – RSO Funding
- In order for an RSO to receive funding:
- Results of RSO officer elections must be submitted to the Executive Committee and to the Office of Student Activities. Changes to officer status must be reported immediately.
- New or current treasurers must be trained by the Student Government Executive Treasurer or by a representative of the Office of Student Activities.
- Any RSO funded by Student Government must submit all proper accounting forms (e.g. check requests, cash advance clears, etc.) and receipts to the Accounting Office to verify purchases and/or close out transactions. All RSOs need to submit p-card receipts assigned by the Director of Student Activities within designated deadlines.
- All property acquired through Student Government funds shall become the property of Juniata College.
- RSOs may not use Student Government Funds for:
- Money to be donated directly to another outside organization.
- Free t-shirts or other such giveaways.
- Alcoholic Beverages (See Article VII, Section III, H and I of General Bylaws for exceptions).
- Products that are illegal or prohibited in Huntingdon Borough, Huntingdon County, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or the United States of America.
- RSOs may submit an allocation request for the succeeding fiscal year, as detailed
in Article VI. Special cases are stated below:
- JAB will receive an allocation as detailed in the Student Government Constitution (3:3:5), and will not participate in the regular Allocation process.
- Permanent RSOs, will receive an allocation of $250, and will not participate in the regular Allocation process.
- The Freshmen class officers will receive a $1000 allocation. Sophomore, Junior and Senior class officers will receive a $100 allocation. Senior class officers will receive a $6000 allocation.
- The class officers will not participate in the regular Allocation process.
- The men’s rugby team will receive a $2500 allocation from the Contingency Fund for the Pig Roast buses.
- All RSO treasurers must return the blue binder and p-card folder to OSA by the end of the year deadline or the RSO will have $25 removed from their allocation for the following academic year.
- RSOs may submit a petition for more funding during the current fiscal year, as detailed
in Article V. Special cases are stated below:
- In addition to petitions for more funds during the current fiscal year, JAB may submit a maximum one petition for more funds for the following fiscal year. This petition may be submitted at any time in the Spring semester. While the petition will be approved in the current fiscal year, the funds will be transferred from the succeeding fiscal year’s budget at the start of that fiscal year.
- Permanent RSOs may petition for a maximum of $750 in additional funds per fiscal year.
Article V – Allocation Board
- Purpose:
- The purpose of the Allocation Board is to provide a fair and independent recommendation
to the Senate on how to spend and allocate funds in the general Student Government
- The Allocation Board is responsible for reviewing all petitions received for Student Government funds.
- The Allocation Board is responsible for preparing a proposal for Student Government Allocations for the following fiscal year. This proposal must be approved by the Senate before the spring Board of Trustees meeting.
- The purpose of the Allocation Board is to provide a fair and independent recommendation
to the Senate on how to spend and allocate funds in the general Student Government
- Members:
- General Requirements:
- Members must serve on the Allocation Board for the entire fiscal year.
- Members shall uphold the mission of Student Government., remaining fair and just.
- CIS representatives
- Responsibilities:
- Each CIS member shall have the right to one vote
- Must attend all regular and emergency meetings called by the Allocation Board Chair. More than two absences is cause for dismissal from the board.
- Call and facilitate any necessary meetings for the respective CIS treasurers to discuss CIS finances.
- Prepare a report for the Allocation Board about any CIS meetings. Each CIS representative is required to meet two times per semester with respective RSO.
- Act as a resource of information for other RSO treasurers.
- Appointment
- Treasurers from each CIS shall elect one Treasurer to serve on the Allocation Board. The Executive Committee Treasurer will facilitate these elections.
- If a seat on the Allocation Board becomes vacant during the fiscal year, then the other treasurers within the CIS shall elect a new Treasurer to serve on the Board.
- If any member of the Board does not fulfill his or her duties appropriately, the Ethics Committee may start a process of investigation to decide on the possible removal from the Board. In the case of a recommendation for removal from the Board, the Allocation Board shall vote whether or not to remove the member. This decision will require a 2/3 vote of all Allocation Board members excluding individual in review.
- Responsibilities:
- Executive Committee Treasurer
- Responsibilities:
- Shall act as the chair of the Allocation Board.
- Shall call and facilitate all Allocation Board meetings.
- Shall have a tie-breaking vote in the event that an Allocation Board vote results in a tie.
- Shall ensure that Allocations are made in a timely fashion.
- Shall refrain from inappropriately influencing any Allocation Board decisions.
- Appointment shall be made as detailed in the Student Government Constitution (3:2:2).
- Responsibilities:
- Director of Student Activities
- Responsibilities
- Attend meetings to insure consistency, fairness, and accuracy of information.
- Provide continuity across fiscal years by assisting with the transition of the Board and by assisting with the training of new Board members.
- Shall refrain from inappropriately influencing any Allocation Board decisions.
- Responsibilities
- General Requirements:
- Meetings
- Regular meetings will be scheduled monthly at a time that is suitable for all members.
- Emergency meetings may be called by the Executive Committee Treasurer provided a minimum 48-hour notice is given to all members.
- All meetings shall be closed to the public.
Article VI – Petitions for Student Government Funds
- Petitions Received from Registered Student Organizations (RSOs):
- Any RSO may petition for more Student Government funds during the current fiscal year. These requests must be made in writing, using the “Petition for Funds (For RSOs)” found on the Student Government and/or the OSA website.
- There are no limits on the number of times an RSO may petition
- There are no limits on the amount an RSO may request
- All petitions shall be heard by the Allocation Board
- Representatives from the requesting RSO will be invited to the Allocation Board meeting in order to present their petition and answer questions. The RSO representatives must present their petition in 5 minutes or less. The RSO representatives will be asked to leave before the Board deliberates.
- All petitions for more than $1500 must also be approved by the Senate. In such cases, the Senate will be informed of the Board’s recommendation. Representatives from the requesting RSO will be invited to the Senate meeting in order to present their petition and answer questions. The RSO representatives must present their petition in 5 minutes or less. The RSO representatives will be asked to leave before the Senate deliberates.
- The Allocation Board has a standing order from the Senate to approve petitions of
$1500 or less.
- The Executive Committee has the right to veto any decision made by the Allocation Board
- In the event of a veto, the Senate will be notified of the Allocation Board’s decision and the Executive Committee’s reasoning for the veto. The petition will then be reviewed by the Senate in the same manner as petitions of more than $7501500.
- The Executive Committee Treasurer, on behalf of the Senate or Allocation Board, is responsible for allocating funds to RSOs.
- Petitions received by New-RSOs
- New-RSOs seeking funding in the same fiscal year in which they were formed shall submit a RSO Petition for Additional Funding form to the Allocation Board.
- Petitions received from other Juniata College Constituencies
- Any constituency of Juniata College may petition for Student Government funds. These requests must be submitted online, using the “Petition for Funds (Non-RSO)” found on the Student Government and/or the OSA website.
- Each constituency may make a maximum of two requests per fiscal year.
- All petitions must be reviewed by the Executive Committee to determine if they are a valid request for Student Government funds.
- The petition must receive a unanimous vote.
- Once approved by the Executive Committee, petitions will be reviewed by the Allocation
- Representatives from the requesting constituency will be invited to the Allocation Board meeting in order to present their petition in under 5 minutes and answer questions. The representatives will be asked to leave before the Board deliberates.
- All petitions for more than $300 must also be approved by the Senate. In such cases, the Senate will be informed of the Board’s recommendation. Representatives from the requesting constituency will be invited to the Senate meeting in order to present their petition and answer questions. The representatives will be asked to leave before the Senate deliberates.
- The Allocation Board has a standing order from the Senate to approve petitions of
$300 or less.
- The Executive Committee has the right to veto any decision made by the Allocation Board
- In the event of a veto, the Senate will be notified of the Allocation Board’s decision
and the Executive Committee’s reasoning for the veto. The petition will then be reviewed
by the Senate in the same manner as petitions of more than $300.
The Executive Committee Treasurer, on behalf of the Senate or Allocation Board, is responsible for allocating funds to the College constituencies.
Article VII – Allocation Procedure/Recommended Timeline
- August
- Accounting Office makes appropriate allocations from the general Student Government account to each RSO.
- August/September
- Develop a rubric for permissible Allocation requests
- Bonuses may be given to RSOs that are active in the Juniata community, such as but not limited to Student Government, forums, campus events, etc.
- Establish maximum allowances for food, transportation, overnight accommodations, conference and membership fees, equipment fees, programs, lecturers, etc.
- Develop a rubric for permissible Allocation requests
- January
Informational Session on Allocation Process to discuss:
- Allocation Process and timeline.
- Allocation rubric.
- CIS Committee members and responsibilities.
- March
- RSOs prepare an allocation request.
- Allocation Board meeting to discuss allocations for the year.
- Executive Committee prepares a recommendation on how much of the following year’s budget should be allocated for RSO budgets, RSO Capital Expenditures, the Operational Budget, etc.
- Late March
- CIS Committee meetings facilitated by the CIS Representative and Executive Committee
- Each RSO shall propose an RSO Allocation Request to the CIS Committee.
- CIS Committee completes a proposal for the CIS Allocation Request to be reviewed by the Allocation Board.
- Allocation Board meets to review CIS Allocation Requests and prepares a proposed Student Government budget for the following fiscal year.
- Senate reviews and votes on proposed Student Government budget.
- CIS Committee meetings facilitated by the CIS Representative and Executive Committee
- March/April
- Each CIS Representative shall be notified of the approved CIS Allocations.
- CIS Committees meet to divide their CIS Allocations between their member RSOs.
- CIS Representatives submit the specific RSO Allocations for each of the RSOs in their CIS.
- Allocation Board reviews and votes on the RSO Allocations
- Executive Committee Treasurer notifies the Senate, Office of Student Activities Director, and the Dean of Students about the RSO Allocations before the end of the current academic year.
- Executive Committee Treasurer submits an Allocation request for each RSO to the Accounting Office.