Juniata College employees wrap up a 10 week fitness challenge!

40 Juniata College Faculty and Staff took part in our CAMPus FIT AMPED Challenge.  Over the course of 10 weeks, campers completed camp activities at varying levels to earn badges. Six people earned the Level 1 (Fit Camper Badge).   Nine employees made it to Level 2 (earning the Healthy Camper Badge).   And 25 Juniata Faculty and Staff earned Level 3 (The Giving Camper Badge).  At each level, campers earned a badge.    Every participant received a prize.  Those prizes included a cooler, a camp chair, a canvas wagon or a Fitbit.  For each level completed, campers were entered for a chance to win a grand prize.  The Juniata College Wellness Committee gave 3 Patio Umbrellas to Joe Tyler, Susan Pierotti and Tasia White.   Penny Hooper-Conway won the Easy Up Tent.   Congratulations to all of our winners.   And a big thanks to everyone for participating.