K-12 Programs

Science in Motion Environmental Science Modules

Local schools participating in the Juniata College Science in motion network can schedule free day long and overnight programs at the station.   Curriculum opportunities include Lake Ecology, Wetland Ecology, acid Mine Drainage and others.  Contact the Science in Motion office for reservations and additional information.  

Example Curricula downloads

Teacher Workshops

1.  Science in Motion Teacher Workshops   
For information, go to http://more.juniata.edu/academics-classes/science-in-motion/index.php
2.  Headwaters to Estuaries Watershed Institute
Sponsored by St. Francis University 
For information, go to http://francis.edu/science-outreach-headwaters-to-estuaries/

Penns Woods Forestry Curriculum

This curriculum is an on-line program for high school classes developed by Allegheny College To enhance public knowledge of forest management and to demonstrate investigations of forest issues.  Raystown Field station is a collaborator on the project and supports the program with equipment modules that are available for loan from the field station at no charge.  Contact the station office to arrange equipment loans.

Juniata College Education Department offerings

Education classes schedule special environmental education programs for K-12 groups at the station as an opportunity for Juniata students to develop and deliver curriculum in conjunction with their course work.  These programs are arranged directly through the Education Department.  Contact Dr Kathy Jones for more information.