Friends of the Field Station
The Friends of the Raystown Field Station is a group of Juniata College alumni, students and community members that want to help the station in its mission to provide opportunities for environmental education and ecological research. This dues paying, support entity serves an important role in organizing and funding many day to day programs for the station.

Friends of the Raystown Field Station help organize and run many of the yearly activities at the station, including:
- The maple syruping operation
- Alumni sugaring weekend
- Fall alumni weekend
- Community outreach programs
- Work weekends
Friends also contribute their expertise to assist with environmental education programs for visitors to Raystown Lake.
The Friends of the Raystown Field Station is based on by-laws that provide for the election of a governing board or executive committee. Along with the usual four officers (president, vice-president, secretary, & treasurer), the college president appoints a member of the college community to the committee. One student is an at-large member and the Director of the field station is a member ex officio.
How to Join

Current Juniata students who donate 5 hours of labor to the station will receive free membership. Membership is tax deductible.
Eric Quallen
Phone - (814) 641-3572
For more information about the RFS please visit the station web page: