Revision 1 (12/2009)
- This procedure provides notification instructions and emergency response actions in the case of an emergency involving radioactive materials.
- In case of any emergency involving radioisotopes contact:
- Jill Keeney
Radiation Safety Officer
VLCS, Room 1074
On campus extension: 3577
Home phone: 643-0339 or 641-0156
- Jill Keeney
- If the above can not be reached, contact:
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Emergency Response, Southcentral Region
909 Elmerton Avenue Harrisburg, PA 17110
Telephone: (877) 333-1904 (24 hour phone)
- In case of any emergency involving radioisotopes contact:
a. In case of a radioactive material spill:
- Wear gloves. Blot up any liquid with absorbent paper. Place absorbent paper in radiation disposal container. Label clearly with the nucleotide.
- Scrub the area with water and blot it up. Place wet absorbent paper in radioactive material disposal container.
- Check the area for contamination with the survey meter set on the most sensitive scale (x 0.1). If the spill involves low-energy beta emitting materials (35S, 14C, 3H), perform a wipe test.
- If detectable activity still remains (by survey or wipe test), spray area with Rad-con and blot up. Resurvey.
- If detectable activity still remains, mark contaminated area clearly with radiation safety warning tape, label clearly what isotope is present, and if possible, place shielding over the contaminated area.
- Report the incident IMMEDIATELY to the Radiation Safety Officer.
- Induce vomiting immediately.
- Go to the Emergency Room of JC Blair Memorial Hospital.
- Have the Emergency Room contact the Radiation Safety Officer.