Radiation Generating Device Survey Methods
Revision 0 (8/2003)
- This procedure describes the survey methods to be employed when performing radiological surveys of radiation generating machines.
- Radiological surveys of radiation generating devices must be conducted by individuals
who have been trained in the following areas:
- Proper selection and use of radiation survey instruments
- Proper techniques for the survey of radiation generating devices
- Prior to performance of radiation surveys, all trained individuals will be qualified and designated in writing by the Radiation Safety Officer for Juniata College.
- Radiological surveys of radiation generating devices must be conducted by individuals
who have been trained in the following areas:
- 3.1 Calibrated survey meter with a thin window GM detector.
- 3.2 Calibrated ionization chamber or dose rate meter
- 3.3 Radiation survey documentation
- Surveys of radiation generating machines shall be conducted under the following conditions:
- Upon installation of the equipment.
- At least once every 12 months as part of the annual radiation safety survey.
- Following a change in the initial arrangement, number of type of local components in the system.
- Following maintenance requiring the disassembly or removal of a local component in the system.
- During the performance of maintenance and alignment procedures if the procedures require the presence of a primary x-ray beam when a local component in the system is disassembled or removed.
- When a visual inspection of the local components reveals an abnormal condition.
- When the machine is operated in a manner other than the routine manner.
- Surveys of radiation generating machines shall be conducted under the following conditions:
- Review the previous survey record for the generating device.
- Have the device energized.
- Ensure that a warning light(s), bearing the words "X-Ray On", is illuminated when x-ray tube is energized. CAUTION: DO NOT PUT HANDS INTO PRIMARY BEAM!
- Locate all beam and scatter paths using a meter with a thin window GM tube.
- Perform a survey at 5 cm from the device or device enclosure.
- IF dose rate exceeds 2.5 mrem/hr. from source housing OR dose rate exceeds 0.5 mrem/hr. from device enclosure
- THEN Record results on the radiation survey form. Post device as "DO NOT USE". Shut down the device and notify the Radiation Safety Officer.
- IF dose rate is less than or equal to 2.5 mrem/hr from source housing AND dose rate is
less than or equal to 0.5 mrem/hr from device enclosure
- THEN Record results and continue with the survey
- IF dose rate exceeds 2.5 mrem/hr. from source housing OR dose rate exceeds 0.5 mrem/hr. from device enclosure
- Ensure that warning signs & labels bearing the words "Caution - High Intensity X-Ray Beam" has been placed on the x-ray housing
- Ensure that warning signs & labels bearing the words "Caution Radiation - This Equipment Produces Radiation When Energized" have been placed near any switch that energizes an x-ray tube.
- Turn power off and complete the radiation survey form.
- Return completed survey form to the Radiation Safety Officer for review and approval.