Working on campus is an important part of Hands-On IT for Juniata students. There are a number of opportunities for paid positions throughout the academic year. The experience you gain while working on campus will enhance your resume as you seek internships and permanent positions. The following lists some of the common campus jobs for IT majors.
Help Desk/TSC
The mission of the TSC is to innovate, integrate, and mainstream applications of technology on campus. Our many responsibilities include maintaining the most technically-advanced lab at Juniata, loaning equipment, pursuing projects and ideas, and basically serving as a technology R&D (research and development) for Juniata. We also assist the Help Desk (basic computer and network troubleshooting) and Training areas of the Solutions Center and manage the other public labs on campus. The TSC is also now responsible for managing the new Print Lab in Halbritter. Contact: Joel Pheasant
PC Technician
Student PC Technicians work along side full time staff to diagnose, troubleshoot, repair, update, and install hardware and software across campus. PC Technicians are typically the second line of defense for ITLS (Information Technology and Library Services). If a problem cannot be fixed over the phone, technicians are sent out to either correct the problem, or escalate it to the proper department. Along with the Help Desk, they are responsible for maintaining over 1,000 networked computers, which includes all lab, faculty, staff, and administrative machines. Additional duties include identifying general network issues, updating documentation, and assisting students with network registration at the beginning of each semester. This is a great opportunity for students to see the large number of processes involved with computer management. Contact: Joel Pheasant
Network Services
The mission of Campus Network Services is to supply ubiquitous access to secure and reliable data, media and voice services that enable learning, enhances the campus residential experience and supports the effective operation and marketing of the college. We will actively research and evaluate changes in technology, and model the proper use of technology, to allow us to cost effectively meet the ever changing needs of our customers. We will maintain a respectful environment that encourages open communications.
CNS typically employs one or two students who have gained experience by performing well in the Help Desk and PC Technician role. This is a great opportunity for those students selected due to the production environment that they are responsible for as well as the hands-on server and network duties that they perform. Students in this position have been a tremendous help to Juniata and are an invaluable asset to the Information Technology and Library Services organization. Students typically pursue careers in network management or systems administration after graduation. A strong background in networking is highly desirable. Contact: Anne Wood
Front-End Web Development / Design
Web Designers and Front-End Developers will learn to create web pages the right way, using current web standards and methods. We use advanced xhtml, html5, css and javascript techniques for creating fully functional web pages. Students also get experience meeting with clients, setting production schedules, and re-writing copy for the web to make it scannable and interesting. Design in Photoshop is also a requirement. Each student developer will have the opportunity to work on a personal project unrelated to their work for Marketing. This allows students to learn new skills while working on something that interests them. Contact: Adam Steele
Web Development
Web developers are responsible for developing applications for the campus. Most applications are developed in PHP, but a developer will get experience using CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and a variety of databases also. Developers are responsible for meeting with their clients and determining the requirements. Developers will also maintain the campus portal by handling upgrades, creating applications to make the portal more robust, and also be the connection between the student body and the web development department. Contact: Joel Pheasant
Student Managers
The TSC is a student-run organization. Its employees, budget, and goals are directly managed by a student. Other departments besides the TSC have student managers as well. Employees are encouraged and expected to contribute to the management of the lab through new ideas and expressed opinions. Self-directed projects and tasks are encouraged. This system is unusual and perhaps unique to Juniata College in the breadth and level of responsibility given to the students. It is an excellent opportunity to gain hands-on technical experience and build your resume.