
Are you IT or CS?

Many students aren't certain about the difference between Information Technology (IT) and Computer Science (CS).  In many respects, these two fields have much in common and most technology careers can be achieved with either degree.  The freshman year is mostly identical for IT and CS, so you do not need to know exactly what you would like to do coming in and your advisors and other department faculty can help you moving forward.

CS is the classic study of computing.  It involves the understanding of the machines used for computation and the creation of new technologies.  If you are interested in software development, then a CS degree is an excellent way to begin.

IT is about the creation of technologies as well, but its focus is on harnessing the technology to help organizations with their information needs.  Every organization needs the ability to create, store, organize, and utilize information and the IT professional uses the tools available to craft a solution to meet these needs.  If you are interested in databases, networks, or web development, IT is a great way to start.

What to Expect?

What your four years in the IT and Computer Science at Juniata College might look like.

Freshman Year

The freshman year can be rather exploratory in nature. Principles of IT and Computer Science I are courses shared by all programs. Discrete Structures is the primary mathematics of computing and provides the basis for study in Computer Science and Information Technology.  Computer Science II and Information Systems are good courses to take next and are also required by both IT and CS.

Sophomore Year

This is the year that students usually follow a more distinct course sequence. Computer Science students will be studying Computer Organization, maybe some calculus and statistics. Information Technology students will be studying Information Systems and developing skills in communication and business.  Software Engineering is an important course for both IT and CS.

Junior Year

This is the year when study abroad may be considered. Courses more in-depth and specific to the program are taken. Database Management, Network Design, and Web Design are common for Information Technology students. Computer Science students may take courses such as Algorithms and Analysis, Graphics, and Languages and Translation.

Senior Year

Additional advanced courses are taken along with some appropriate capstone experience. All students will have ample opportunities to do research, do an independent study or project specific to the student’s area, work on a group project in Innovations for Industry, and/or do an internship.  

The Liberal Arts Benefit

Many of the skills required of Computer Science, Information Technology, Data Science, or Digital Media are related and so our students will benefit by taking courses across these disciplines.  Juniata's flexibility in scheduling and cooperation among departments easily allows students to compliment their programs with courses from these fields and more.


Information Technology

IT-105   Principles of Programming (Variable; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; N,WK-FR) This course introduces the fundamental principles of programming. Initially, a visual programming language will be used to provide an introduction to algorithmic problem-solving. Then a web-based programming language will be used to illustrate programming language constructs. In addition, the ethical concerns of algorithmic bias will be explored, from the frame of Social Inquiry. Pre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

IT-110   Principles of Information Technology (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; S) This course provides a context for further study in information technology. Topics include an overview of the fundamentals of information systems, current and emerging technologies, business applications, communications and decision making, and the impact of these systems on business, government, and society. This course will also emphasize the development of both writing and speaking skills through application of the concepts that define the course.

IT-199   Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic. Prerequisites vary by title.

IT-210   Information Technology Systems (Fall; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; N) This course introduces students to three core areas in Information Technology: networks, database and web. The course progresses through two phases during its study of modern IT environments. Initial study includes all the necessary components of today's IT system environment and its use in business. Secondly, students use a server based database development environment to create an IT system. Prerequisites: CS110. MA116 strongly recommended.

IT-260   Human-Computer Interaction (Variable; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; S,WK-SI) Human-Computer Interaction is a multidisciplinary field with the goal of bringing usability into the design process and to develop interactive products that are easy, effective, and enjoyable to use from a user'sperspective. Human interaction with interfaces can be studied, designed, and evaluated. While HCI focuses on technology design, the user-centered design techniques can be used in the creation of any product in all fields of study. Pre- or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109

IT-298   Information Technology Practicum I (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00-4.00 Credits; S) Credit option for students who are applying their classroom theory from the department by working on information technology or digital media projects on campus or off-campus. Credit hours and level (298, 398 or 498) are dependent upon the extent of the project and will be determined by the professor. Available by permission only.

IT-299   Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic. Prerequisites vary by title.

IT-304   Project Management Techniques (Yearly; 3.00 Credits) This course provides project management skills to manage projects regardless of discipline. Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on exercises, students will learn state-of-the-art project management techniques as well as historical managing styles. In addition, there will be a focus on defining ethics and intercultural understanding in project management. NOTE: Students with POEs in Computer Science, Information Technology, or Business Information Technology may not take this course.

IT-306   Software Engineering (Spring; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; N) See CS300. Prerequisite: CS240.

IT-307   Project Management (Either Semester; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; S,CW,CS,SW-LE) This course reviews and applies project management processes and techniques such as project life cycle, project selection methods, work breakdown instructions, network diagrams, cost estimates, and more. Prerequisite: IT-210. Pre- or Corequisite: FYC-101.

IT-308   Innovations for Industry I (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; S) This lab will require a team of students to function as a project development team for an IT- related business. The students will be exposed to many aspects of systems analysis, design, development and implementation, as well as project management tools and techniques. Students will be required to learn in a just-in-time mode using on-demand educational resources. Prerequisites: IT210 and Jr or Sr standing or by permission of the instructor. Corequisite: IT307. Note: This course will have appointed class times for projects other than the times listed on the schedule.

IT-310   Social Media (Variable; Variable; 3.00 Credits; F) This course will introduce students to the context and forms of social media. We will explore the theories and practices of narrative expression in online context, explore social media as culture and study the impact of " the sharing economy. " What is social media, who uses it, who gains from it, and how is it transforming new media as well as traditional media. One of the outcomes of social media is that everything is connected, creating massive amounts of user generated content and data. Students will learn to analyze, design and visualize this data. We will also focus on the social norms of user communities and how we can leverage it to better understand emerging technologies. Students will have the opportunity to explore both theory and practice of social media through writing assignments, presentations, curating and creating creative content, and participating on both online and offline discussions. Prerequisites: IT110 or IT111 or IM110.

IT-325   Network Design & Management. (Spring; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; N) Focuses on the concept of the foundations of a network in both design and support. The OSI reference model will be examined along with techniques for supporting current technologies that align with each other. Emphasis will be placed on protocols, topologies and traffic analysis. Prerequisites: CS240 or IT210.

IT-340   Web Design & Management (Either Semester; Yearly; 3.00 Credits) A study of modern web page design along with the examination of markup and scripting languages (e.g., HTML, JavaScript), page, image and multimedia formats, and the techniques in developing and managing a web site. Page design, graphical user interfaces, interactive techniques and the importance of e-commerce are also emphasized. Prerequisite: CS-110 or IT-105.

IT-350   Security Engineering (Spring; Variable; 3.00 Credits; N) This course will focus on the area of computer security. Included will be information on attacks, prevention, as well as protection from non-malicious threats. It will look at network as well as web based security. A focus will be on creating secure computer environments from the ground up, not as an afterthought. Prerequisites: IT-210 and junior standing or permission of the instructor.

IT-351   Security Engineering Lab (Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit) This course is a laboratory course with hands-on activities to supplement the instruction given in the IT350, Security Engineering course. The lab activities will center on digital forensics, hacker exploits and protection techniques, penetration testing and vulnerability analysis. Co-requisite: IT-350.

IT-380   Innovations for Industry II (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; S,CTGIS) This lab will require a team of students to function as a project development team for an IT-related business. The students will be exposed to many aspects of systems analysis, design, development and implementation, as well as project management tools and techniques. Students will be required to learn in a just-in-time mode using on-demand educational resources. Prerequisite: IT-307.

IT-398   Information Technology Practicum II (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00-4.00 Credits; S) Credit option for students who are applying their classroom theory from the department by working on information technology or digital media projects on campus or off-campus. Credit hours and level (298, 398 or 498) are dependent upon the extent of the project and will be determined by the professor. Available by permission only.

IT-399   Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic. Prerequisites vary by title.

IT-480   Innovations for Industry III (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; S,CTGIS) This lab will require a team of students to function as a project development team for an IT- related business. The students will be exposed to many aspects of systems analysis, design, development and implementation, as well as project management tools and techniques. Students will be required to learn in a just-in-time mode using on-demand educational resources. Prerequisite: IT-380.

IT-490   Information Technology Internship (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 2.00-9.00 Credits) See Internship in the Juniata College Catalog. Corequisite: IT-495. Must have junior or senior class standing.

IT-495   IT Internship Seminar (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 2.00-6.00 Credits) See Internship in the Juniata College Catalog. Corequisite: IT-490. Must have junior or senior class standing.

IT-496   Information Technology Seminar (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; S) Discusses current advances in information technology not otherwise covered in our program such as, but not limited to, networking, artificial intelligence, societal issues. In addition, this course allows senior students to plan an individual research project to be completed in IT497. Prerequisites: Junior or Senior standing and IT210 or CS240.

IT-497   Information Technology Research (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 3.00-5.00 Credits; S,CW) Allows students to carry out the independent technology research project as designed in IT496. Prerequisites: IT496.

IT-498   Information Technology Practicum III (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00-4.00 Credits; S) Credit option for students who are applying their classroom theory from the department by working on information technology or digital media projects on campus or off-campus. Credit hours and level (298, 398 or 498) are dependent upon the extent of the project and will be determined by the professor. Available by permission only.

IT-499   Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Allows department to offer topics not normally taught. Prerequisites vary by title.

IT-TUT   IT Teaching Assistant (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Teachers Assistant

Computer Science

CS-105   Technology Seminar (Either Semester; Yearly; 1.00 Credit) Technology Seminar is a topics-based course meant to build awareness in a variety of areas in the computing sciences that are not fully covered in other computer science or information technology courses or where an introduction to the topics provides needed context in the study of other material within the technology disciplines.

CS-110   Computer Science I (Variable; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; N,CTGES,CTGIS) An introductory study of computer science software development concepts. Python is used to introduce a disciplined approach to problem solving methods, algorithm development, software design, coding, debugging, testing, and documentation in the object oriented paradigm. This is the first course in the study of computer science. Recommended programming experience or IT110 or IT100, IT111 or IM110 or MA103 but not necessary.

CS-116   Discrete Structures (Variable; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; Q,N) Discrete Structures (Fall; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; N, Q) Introduces mathematical structures and concepts such as functions, relations, logic, induction, counting, and graph theory. Their application to Computer Science is emphasized. Pre-requisite: high school algebra.

CS-199   Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic. Prerequisites will vary by topic.

CS-220   Computer Organization (Fall; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; N) An introduction to digital computer systems including a treatment of logic and digital circuits, data representation, device characteristics and register transfer notation covered in a manner that stresses application of basic problem solving techniques to both hardware and software design. Students gain experience programming in an assembly language to reinforce these systems and design concepts. Prerequisites: CS110.

CS-240   Computer Science II (Spring; Yearly; 4.00 Credits; N) A continued study of computer science foundations as begun In Computer Science I. An object-oriented language such as JAVA is used to develop and implement large programs involving various data structures and data abstraction as exemplified by packages and modules. Search, sorting, advanced data structures, programming methodology and analysis are emphasized. Prerequisites: CS110 and MA116 or MA210.

CS-255C   C++ Programming (Spring; Yearly; 2.00 Credits; N) The students will prepare a portfolio of computer programs written in the language. The programs are reviewed, critiqued, and then the student has an opportunity to revise them as needed for final inclusion in the portfolio. Prerequisites: CS-110 and Sophomore standing or higher.

CS-255U   Unix Programming (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; N,CTGES) The students will prepare a portfolio of basic Unix programs and scripts. The course covers basic Unix commands, editing techniques, regular expression usage, and script building. The programs are reviewed, critiqued, and the student has an opportunity to revise them as needed for final inclusion in the portfolio. Prerequisites: CS110.

CS-299   Special Topics (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic. Prerequisites vary by title.

CS-300   Software Engineering (Spring; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; N) An introduction to the issues of software design. Topics include software engineering, software project management and development of projects in a modern design environment. The focus of the course is on the process used to develop quality software. The students work in teams to develop, implement and fully document a computer project to apply these concepts. Prerequisite: CS240.

CS-305   Software Models (Fall; Even Years; 3.00 Credits; N) A study of current software implementation models. Models of procedural based control for both batch and interactive settings, event driven control, real time control and exception handling are considered within representative interactive development environments such as .NET Design of graphical user interfaces for web-based and windows-based applications are integrated into the team projects. Prerequisites: IT240 or CS240.

CS-315   Algorithms and Analysis (Either Semester; Odd Years; 4.00 Credits; CW,N) The study and analysis of algorithms, their complexity and supporting data structures. Topics include searching, sorting, mathematical algorithms, tree and graph algorithms, the classes of P and NP, NP-complete and intractable problems, and parallel algorithms. Prerequisites: CS240 and MA116.

CS-320   Operating Systems (Spring; Even Years; 4.00 Credits; N) An introduction to the theory, evaluation, and implementation of computer operating systems. Topics include memory, process and resource management, elementary Queuing and network models, and scheduling. Prerequisites: CS220 & CS240.

CS-330   Computer Graphics (Variable; Variable; 3.00 Credits; N) An introduction to both the hardware and software utilized in computer graphics. The emphasis is on a top-down, programming approach, using a standard application programmer's interface. Students will create three-dimensional and interactive applications, in addition to studying several of the classic, low-level, rendering algorithms. Prereq: CS-240.

CS-341   Scientific Computing (Variable; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; N) This course begins with an introduction to fundamental concepts in Scientific Computing and concludes with domain-specific projects in areas like Bioinformatics, Data Science, Physical Systems, and Numerical Analysis. The common content will include command-line interfaces (Linux), programming languages (Jupyter/Python), numerical and graphical libraries (NumPy and Matplotlib), version-control (Git/Github), and relational databases (SQL). Pre-Req: CS-110.

CS-360   Programming Languages (Variable; Variable; 3.00 Credits; N) A systematic approach to the study and analysis of computer programming languages. The underlying concepts of these languages are emphasized. Prerequisites: CS-220 and CS-240.

CS-370   Database Management Systems (Fall; Yearly; 3.00 Credits; N,CTGIS) Focuses on concepts and structures necessary to design and implement a database management system. Various modern data models, data security and integrity, and concurrency are discussed. An SQL database system is designed and implemented as a group project. Prerequisites: CS110.

CS-390   Computer Science in Germany Seminar (Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; I,SW-GE) This course will introduce the student to studying computer science in Germany. During the spring semester at Juniata, students will prepare for their travel to Germany by (1) studying the functional German required for travel, (2)reading about the culture and history of the country (and the state of North Rhine-Westfalia in particular), and (3) configuring the technology required for that year's selected topic in CS or IT. (The course content will vary each year.) This course is followed by CS-391, which is given at the Muenster University of Applied Sciences, for between two and three weeks each May or June. The instructor at MUAS will be a Juniata College faculty member. Pre-requisites: CS-240 and instructor permission. A fee of $1,200 is applied that is split between the spring and summer terms and covers instructional costs, tuition, and Juniata College credit. Students will need to purchase their own plane and train fares. The host institution will facilitate housing for the students.

CS-391   Computer Science in Germany (Summer; Variable; 2.00 Credits; I,SW-GE) This course is given at the Muenster University of Applied Sciences, for between two and three weeks each May or June. The instructor at MUAS will be a Juniata College faculty member. Pre-requisites: CS-240 and instructor permission. A fee of $1,200 is applied that is split between the spring and summer terms and covers instructional costs, tuition, and Juniata College credit. Students will need to purchase their own plane and train fares. The host institution will facilitate housing for the students.

CS-399   Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) An introduction to one of the branches of computer science not currently included in the regular course offerings, such as Theory of Computation, Artificial Intelligence, Parallel processing, computer architecture, etc. Prerequisites: Variable depending upon the course. Note: Students may take each ST course for credit.

CS-480   Computer Science Seminar I (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; N) Discusses current advances in computer science and information technology not otherwise covered in our program such as, but not limited to, networking, artificial intelligence, societal issues. In addition this course allows senior students to plan an individual research project to be completed in CS485. This course, taken by a junior may be repeated as a senior as CS481. Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and CS220 or CS240 or IT210.

CS-481   Computer Science Seminar II (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 1.00 Credit; N) See CS480. Prerequisite: CS480.

CS-485   Computer Science Research (Fall & Spring; Yearly; 3.00-5.00 Credits; N,CW) Allows students to carry out the independent computer science research project as designed in CS480 or CS481. Prerequisite: CS480 or CS481.

CS-490   Computer Science Internship (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 2.00-9.00 Credits; N) A placement with an organization having a data processing department. An in-depth exposure to the practice of computer science in a computer processing environment is provided. Note: may be repeated up to a total of 9 hours credit. Corequisite: CS495. Prerequisites: POE in Computer Science & permission and Jr. or Sr. standing.

CS-495   Internship Seminar (Irregular/On Demand; Irregular/On Demand; 2.00-6.00 Credits; N) Requires students to reflect on the internship experience and/or pursue research related to the placement. Note: may be repeated up to a total of 9 hours credit. Corequisite: CS490. Prerequisite: POE in Computer Science, permission and Senior standing.

CS-499   Special Topics (Variable; Variable; 1.00-4.00 Credits) Allows the department to offer special topics not normally offered. Departments may offer more than one special topic. Prerequisites vary by title.