This POE accurately reflects the requirements for a full Biology degree and also fulfills the requirements of the PA Department of Education for Secondary Certification in Biology.


Take the following courses:

BI-101 General Biology I

4 Credits

BI-102 General Biology II

4 CreditsPrerequisite: BI-101 or BI-105

BI-289 Frontiers of Biology

1 Credit  


Take the following courses:

CH-142 Integrated Chemistry Principles I

3 CreditsNCorequisite CH143

CH-143 Integrated Chem Principles I Lab

1 CreditsN, QSCH142 is a corequisite of this course. A lab fee is associated with this course.

CH-144 Integrated Chemistry Principles II

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-142

CH-145 Integrated Chemistry Principles II Lab

1 CreditN, QSPrerequisite: CH-143. A lab fee is associated with this course.

CH-232 Organic Chemistry I

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-144; Corequisite: CH-233.

CH-233 Organic Chemistry I Lab

1 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-145. Corequisite: CH-232.


Take one of the following courses:

MA-130 Calculus I

4 CreditsN, QM

BI-305 Biostatistics

4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100

BI-305CW Biostatistics

5 CreditsN, QS, CW, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100


Complete one of the following options below (8 credits):


PC-200 General Physics I

3 CreditsN, QMCorequisite: PC-200L.

PC-200L  General Physics Lab I

1 CreditNCorequisites: PC200.

PC-201 General Physics II

3 CreditsN, QMCorequisite: PC-201L. Prerequisite: PC-200.

PC-201L  General Physics Lab II

1 CreditNCorequisite: PC201.


PC-202 Intro Physics I

3 CreditsN, QM, WK-FRCorequisite: PC-202L. Corequisite or Prerequisite: MA-130 or MA-230.

PC-202L Intro Physics Lab I

1 CreditNCorequisite: PC-202. Prerequisite or corequisite: MA-130 or MA-230.

PC-203 Intro Physics II

3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisite: Take PC-202 or PC-204. Corequisite: PC-203L.

PC-203L Intro Physics Lab II

1 CreditNPrerequisite: PC-202 or PC-204. Corequisite: PC-203.


Take 18 credits of 300-400 Biology credits. Approved courses from Chemistry, ESS & Psychology are permitted. *Consult with POE advisor to make certain courses selected are correct.

BI-300 General Ecology

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI-101 and BI-102. Corequisite: BI-301.

BI-301 General Ecology Lab

1 CreditsNCorequisite: BI300

BI-325 Plant Ecology

3 CreditsNCorequisite: BI326. Prerequisites: BI105 and BI121 and Junior or Senior standing.

BI-326 Plant Ecology Lab

1 CreditNCorequisite: BI325

BI-339 Organic Evolution

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: BI207 or BI300.

ESS-325 Conservation Biology

3 CreditsS, NPrerequisites: ESS100 or BI105.

ESS-320 Environmental Monitoring

4 CreditsNPrerequisite: ESS100 and ESS200 or permission.

PY-402 Evolutionary Psychology

3 CreditsS, N, CSPrerequisites: PY101 or BI105 and Junior or Senior standing or permission of the instructor.

PY-401 Comparative Psychology

3 CreditsS, N, CSPrerequisites: PY101 or BI105 and Junior or Senior standing or permission of the instructor.

ESS-328 Limnology

4 CreditsNTake BI105 and BI121 and ESS100 or permission of the instructor.

BI-331 Molecular Microbiology

3 CreditsN, CTGESCorequisite: BI332. Prerequisites: BI207 and Jr. or Sr. standing.

BI-332 Molecular Microbiology Lab

1 CreditNCorequisite: BI331

CH-418 Advanced Biochemistry

3 CreditsNPrerequisite CH342.

BI-316 Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-312 or CH-342

BI-318 Developmental Biology

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI207

BI-340 Medical Microbiology

4 CreditsNNote: A special fee is assessed. Prerequisite: BI106 and CH144.

CH-312 Biochemistry

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: Take BI-102 (or have instructor's permission) and CH-232.

BI-360 Vertebrate Zoology

3 CreditsNSuggested corequisites: BI361. Prerequisites: BI105 and Ecology/Biology related POE.

BI-361 Vertebrate Zoology Lab

2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI360

BI-350 Invertebrate Zoology

2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI351. Prerequisite: BI105 and BI121.

BI-351 Invertebrate Zoology Lab

2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI350

BI-367 Comparative Anatomy

3 CreditsNPRE-REQ BI 105 CO-REQ BI 367

BI-368 Comp Anatomy Laboratory

1 CreditNCorequisite: BI367

BI-327 Botany

4 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105. Note: A special course fee is applied.

BI-324 Ornithology

3 CreditsNPrerequisite: BI105

BI-323 Mammalogy

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105 or permission of the instructor.

BI-370 Herpetology

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105. Note: A special course fee will be applied.

BI-310 Physiology

4 CreditsN 

BI-305 Biostatistics

4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100

BI-399 Special Topics

1-4 CreditsCTGESPrerequisite: permission of the instructor, or as indicated.

BI-450 Neurobiology

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI207 or PY238 or permission.

BI-432 Environmental Toxicology

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: Take 2 courses from BI105 or CH142 or ESS100 and permission of the instructor.

BI-432CW Environmental Toxicology

4 CreditsN, CWPrerequisites: Take 2 courses from BI-105 or CH-142 or ESS-100 and permission of the instructor.

BI-417 Reproductive Biology

3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI06

BI-444 Immunology

4 CreditsNPre-Req: BI-102 or BI-106; CH-312 or CH-342.


Take the following courses:

ED-110 Foundations of Education

3 CreditsS 

ED-111 Foundations of Education Field Experience

1 CreditS 

ED-130 Adolescent Development

3 CreditsSEnrollment priority in this course is given to Education POEs.

ED-240 Introduction to Students With Exceptionalities

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: ED-110 and ED-111 and either ED-120 or ED-130.

ED-314 English Language Learners

1 CreditSPrerequisite: ED120 or ED130.

ED-341 Adaptations for Students With Exceptionalities

4 CreditsCW, SPrerequisites: ED110, ED111 and ED240.

ED-419 Pre-Student Teaching Field Experience

1 CreditSCo-Requisite: ED-420.

ED-420 General Secondary Methods

3 CreditsSPrerequisites: ED341 and junior or senior standing. Corequisite: ED419. Note: Students must have reliable transportation. (3.0 overall GPA required).

ED-423 Secondary Education Field Trip

1 CreditS 


Take the following courses:

ED-450 Student Teaching

14 CreditsS,SW-LE 

ED-451 Student Teaching Seminar

1 CreditSCorequisite: ED450.

**ED 450 & ED 451 (Student Teaching and Seminar) may be taken only in the FALL semester of the senior year. Secondary Foreign Language Education majors take ED 450 & ED 451 in the SPRING semester. ED 450 requires students' full-time participation and no other courses may be taken during this semester without the education advisor's approval. Students must have reliable transportation.

NOTE: It is imperative that students work closely with their advisors to met all current certification requirements. All students are required to take six credits of English composition (or equivalent) and literature (or the equivalent) and two college level mathematics courses (or the equivalent) prior to being admitted to a certification program. See Section I of the Education Department Student Handbook for explanation of all certification requirements.

Students must have an advisor who is a member of the Biology Department faculty and Dr. Kathleen Jones in the Education Department.

POE Credit Total = 85-88

Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level.  Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.