All POEs using the words Biology, Biological Science(s) or Zoology must meet the course requirements of this Biology designated POE.
Take the following courses:
BI-101 General Biology I
4 Credits
BI-102 General Biology II
4 CreditsPrerequisite: BI-101 or BI-105
BI-289 Frontiers of Biology
1 Credit
Take the following courses:
CH-142 Integrated Chemistry Principles I
3 CreditsNCorequisite CH143
CH-143 Integrated Chem Principles I Lab
1 CreditsN, QSCH142 is a corequisite of this course. A lab fee is associated with this course.
CH-144 Integrated Chemistry Principles II
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-142
CH-145 Integrated Chemistry Principles II Lab
1 CreditN, QSPrerequisite: CH-143. A lab fee is associated with this course.
CH-232 Organic Chemistry I
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-144; Corequisite: CH-233.
CH-233 Organic Chemistry I Lab
1 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-145. Corequisite: CH-232.
Complete one of the following options below (8 credits):
3 CreditsN, QMCorequisite: PC-200L. 1 CreditNCorequisites: PC200.PC-200 General Physics I
PC-200L General Physics Lab I
PC-201 General Physics II
3 CreditsN, QMCorequisite: PC-201L. Prerequisite: PC-200.
PC-201L General Physics Lab II
1 CreditNCorequisite: PC201.
PC-202 Intro Physics I
3 CreditsN, QM, WK-FRCorequisite: PC-202L. Corequisite or Prerequisite: MA-130 or MA-230.
PC-202L Intro Physics Lab I
1 CreditNCorequisite: PC-202. Prerequisite or corequisite: MA-130 or MA-230.
PC-203 Intro Physics II
3 CreditsN, QMPrerequisite: Take PC-202 or PC-204. Corequisite: PC-203L.
PC-203L Intro Physics Lab II
1 CreditNPrerequisite: PC-202 or PC-204. Corequisite: PC-203.
Take one of the following courses:
MA-130 Calculus I
4 CreditsN, QM
BI-305 Biostatistics
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100
BI-305CW Biostatistics
5 CreditsN, QS, CW, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100
Students must complete a minimum of 18 credits of 300/400 level courses. At least one course must be taken from each core group below. Of these four courses, two must have an associated laboratory. Three credits of research (BI 489) on the same project may count as a core laboratory course. The core classification will be determined by the research advisor. BI-380CW and special topics courses at the 300 level or higher can also count towards the Biology distribution requirements; classification will be determined by the Biology advisor or Chair of the Biology Department.
BI-300 General Ecology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI-101 and BI-102. Corequisite: BI-301.
BI-301 General Ecology Lab
1 CreditsNCorequisite: BI300
BI-312 Altered Ecosystems
4 Credits
BI-325 Plant Ecology
3 CreditsNCorequisite: BI326. Prerequisites: BI105 and BI121 and Junior or Senior standing.
BI-326 Plant Ecology Lab
1 CreditNCorequisite: BI325
BI-339 Organic Evolution
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: BI207 or BI300.
BI-344 Winter Dendrology
4 Credits
BI-362 Animal Behavior
4 CreditsNPrerequisites are BI 105 or with instructors permission.
BI-384 Experiential Ecology
4 CreditsSW-LE
BI-437 Molecular Ecology
3 CreditsPrerequisite: BI-101.
ESS-325 Conservation Biology
3 CreditsS, NPrerequisites: ESS100 or BI105.
ESS-328 Limnology
4 CreditsNTake BI105 and BI121 and ESS100 or permission of the instructor.
ESS-320 Environmental Monitoring
4 CreditsNPrerequisite: ESS100 and ESS200 or permission.
PY-401 Comparative Psychology
3 CreditsS, N, CSPrerequisites: PY101 or BI105 and Junior or Senior standing or permission of the instructor.
PY-402 Evolutionary Psychology
3 CreditsS, N, CSPrerequisites: PY101 or BI105 and Junior or Senior standing or permission of the instructor.
BI-316 Advanced Molecular and Cellular Biology
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: CH-312 or CH-342
BI-317 Principles of Genetics
4 CreditsPrerequisites: BI-101 and BI-102.
BI-318 Developmental Biology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI207
BI-331 Molecular Microbiology
3 CreditsN, CTGESCorequisite: BI332. Prerequisites: BI207 and Jr. or Sr. standing.
BI-332 Molecular Microbiology Lab
1 CreditNCorequisite: BI331
BI-340 Medical Microbiology
4 CreditsNNote: A special fee is assessed. Prerequisite: BI106 and CH144.
BI-469 Genomics
3 CreditsPrerequisites: BI-101, BI-102, and BI-317.
CH-312 Biochemistry
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: Take BI-102 (or have instructor's permission) and CH-232.
CH-418 Advanced Biochemistry
3 CreditsNPrerequisite CH342.
BI-323 Mammalogy
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105 or permission of the instructor.
BI-324 Ornithology
3 CreditsNPrerequisite: BI105
BI-327 Botany
4 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105. Note: A special course fee is applied.
BI-333 Plant Diversity
4 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105 and BI12
BI-350 Invertebrate Zoology
2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI351. Prerequisite: BI105 and BI121.
BI-351 Invertebrate Zoology Lab
2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI350
BI-360 Vertebrate Zoology
3 CreditsNSuggested corequisites: BI361. Prerequisites: BI105 and Ecology/Biology related POE.
BI-361 Vertebrate Zoology Lab
2 CreditsNCorequisite: BI360
BI-367 Comparative Anatomy
3 CreditsNPRE-REQ BI 105 CO-REQ BI 367
BI-368 Comp Anatomy Laboratory
1 CreditNCorequisite: BI367
BI-370 Herpetology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI105. Note: A special course fee will be applied.
BI-310 Physiology
4 CreditsN
BI-305 Biostatistics
4 CreditsN, QS, CTGESPrerequisites: BI106 or ESS100
BI-405 Bioinformatics Fundamentals
4 CreditsN,CTGESPre-req: BI-101 or BI-105, BI-102 or BI-106, CH-142, CH-143, CH-144, CH-145
BI-417 Reproductive Biology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI06
BI-432 Environmental Toxicology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: Take 2 courses from BI105 or CH142 or ESS100 and permission of the instructor.
BI-444 Immunology
4 CreditsNPre-Req: BI-102 or BI-106; CH-312 or CH-342.
BI-450 Neurobiology
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: BI207 or PY238 or permission.
BI-471 Applied Bioinformatics
3 CreditsPrerequisites: BI-101, BI-102, and BI-470.
BI-472 Biotechnology
3 Credits
PC-317 Medical Physics
3 Credits
ND-498 Natural Sciences Capstone
1 Credit
NOTE: The student must have an advisor who is a member of the Biology Department Faculty.
POE Credit Total = 52
Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.
To achieve distinction in the POE, a student must:
- Complete an honors integrative experience, which is approved by two faculty members and presented in a public forum.
- Have completed the requirements for a biology POE
- Prior to the senior year, preferably by the Fall semester of the Senior year, get consent from a faculty member to participate in research with that faculty member. The student and the faculty member must submit to the department chair the student's intention to take the BI499W: Senior Thesis course along with an agreement of the faculty member to mentor the writing of the thesis. The student must then engage in a research project with the faculty mentor for a minimum of 6 credit hours.
- The student must complete BI499W (Senior thesis) under the direction of the research mentor as it pertains to their research project.
- A student may wish to pursue the honors integrative experience based on a summer research experience or internship. The internship or summer research experience must run a minimum of ten-weeks and the student must arrange to complete Senior thesis, with the writing under the direct supervision of the research or internship mentor. In this case, as above, the student must have the approval of the Biology department that they wish to pursue distinction in the POE. Approval is in the form of a letter or email from the internship mentor, agreeing to supervise the thesis writing.
- The student is required to present their research on campus at the annual departmental "Senior theses night". The Biology department faculty may opt in any given year to substitute with a presentation at the Juniata Liberal Arts Symposium.
- The student must have their thesis evaluated and passed by their Honors Committee and subsequently confirmed by the Biology department that the research and thesis are of sufficient quality to merit distinction.
- The student must complete the registrar's application for distinction form (available on the BI499W course moodle site), obtain required signatures, and submit it to the Biology department chair before spring break.
NOTE: The Health Professions Program provides advising for career tracks and as such, does not offer POEs. However, students aspiring to careers in the health professions may attain distinction in POEs in their respective departments.