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Juniata College

Campus News

Juniata College

(Posted March 27, 2017)

Ashlynn Cobb, senior, Montrose, Pa.
Ashlynn Cobb, senior, Montrose, Pa.

HUNTINGDON, Pa. -- Ashlynn Cobb, a senior studying Russian and international studies at Juniata College from Montrose, Pa., has been named a Fulbright Fellow to teach English in Russia for the upcoming 2017-2018 academic year.

            She is a 2013 graduate of Montrose Area Junior-Senior High School.

            Cobb, the daughter of Brian and Kristine Cobb, also of Montrose, Pa., will teach English at a university in Russia.

            “The opportunities I’ve had at Juniata such as being an orientation leader, an Inbound leader all helped build the skill set the Fulbright committee was looking for,” she says. “There is so much international influence at Juniata and the method of teaching focuses on working with native language speakers who can give students exposure to the culture of the country and language.”

Cobb experienced a variety of international opportunities during her four years at Juniata. During summer 2015, she traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia to study at the Bard/Smolny College and went on to study abroad at the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, in Volgograd, Russia for the 2015-2016 academic year. She traveled to the Catholic University of Lille, in Lille, France, as part of a Juniata language program.

"There is so much international influence at Juniata and the method of teaching focuses on working with native language speakers who can give students exposure to the culture of the country and language."

Ashlynn Cobb '17

As a freshman Cobb received Juniata’s Eagles Abroad International Scholarship, which provided funding for almost all of Cobb’s international study abroad opportunities. She also received a National Merit Scholarship sponsored by Ametek Corp, and two Juniata scholarships, the Stauffer Endowed Scholarship in the Humanities and the Charles A. Frueauff  Endowed Scholarship.

On April 20, she will present a talk on “The Cross-Cultural Intersection of French and Russian Gastronomy,” at Juniata’s Liberal Arts Symposium.

She is active on campus and was the president and founder of the campus Car Club. She also is treasurer of the Russian Club and the Photography Club and was treasurer of the Equestrian Club. She is a member of the French Club.

            The Fulbright U.S. Student Program equips future American leaders with the skills they need to thrive in increasingly global environment by providing funding for one academic year of study, language instruction or research abroad, to be conducted after graduation from an accredited university.

            Fellows undertake self-designed programs in disciplines ranging from social sciences, business, communication and performing arts to physical sciences, engineering and education.

            The U.S. Student Program awards approximately 1,100 grants annually and currently operates in over 140 countries worldwide.?The Fulbright Program is sponsored by the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Financial support is provided by an annual appropriation from Congress to the Department of State, with significant contributions from participating governments and host institutions in the United States and abroad.

            The presidentially appointed J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board formulates policy guidelines and makes the final selection of all grantees.?The Institute of International Education administers and coordinates the activities relevant to the U.S. Student Program, including an annual competition for the scholarships. The Fulbright Program also awards grants to American teachers and faculty to do research, lecture and teach overseas. In addition, some 2,200 foreign Fulbright students and scholars come to the United States annually to study, carry out research and lecture at U.S. universities, colleges and secondary schools.

Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.
