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Juniata College

Campus News

Juniata College

(Posted October 19, 2015)

Katie Koestner will give a public talk, "No-Yes" at 6 p.m., Oct. 22 in Rosenberger Auditorium in in the Halbritter Center for the Performing Arts on the Juniata campus.
Katie Koestner will give a public talk, "No-Yes" at 6 p.m., Oct. 22 in Rosenberger Auditorium in in the Halbritter Center for the Performing Arts on the Juniata campus.

HUNTINGDON, Pa. -- Katie Koestner, a nationally known leader in the movement to end sexual violence, will facilitate a countywide Oct. 21 Policy Institute on Sexual Misconduct at Juniata College, as well as present talks for students and the general public on Oct. 21 and 22. The public talk, "No-Yes," is free and open to the public at 6 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 22 in Rosenberger Auditorium in in the Halbritter Center for the Performing Arts on the Juniata campus.

"No-Yes" is part of the Beyond Tolerance series, sponsored by Juniata's Office of Diversity and Inclusion.

In addition, a member of Koestner's team, Amanda Blaugher, will speak to a public forum of Juniata students with the presentation "He Said-She Said" at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct 21 in Rosenberger Auditorium.

Koestner, founder of Campus Outreach Services, will oversee and facilitate a Policy Institute on Sexual and Cyber Misconduct, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 22 in the ballroom in Ellis Hall. The interactive workshop provides training and education on current legal standards, response requirements and prevention strategies for colleges, universities and schools.

More than 70 educators, administrators, police professionals, and hospital employees from Huntingdon County and surrounding areas are expected to attend the workshop, which will feature experts on policy, communications and law who will present on policy definitions for cyber-related sexual misconduct, Title IX requirements, disciplinary procedures, prevention education and establishing boundaries using social media.

The interactive workshop provides training and education on current legal standards, response requirements and prevention strategies for colleges, universities and schools.

Among the other presenters at the policy institute are: Nancy Conrad, an attorney at White and Williams LLP; Adrienne Meador Murray, director of training and compliance activities for D. Stafford & Associates; Amanda Blaugher, director of residence life at Penn State; Todd Kamenash, director of the Office of Student Conduct at Kent State University; and Brandon Dawson, dean of student life at Elmira College in New York.

Koestner came to national prominence after telling her story as a survivor of date rape to Time magazine. Shortly thereafter, she collaborated with HBO to produce a documentary film about her story.

For the past decade, she has been an activist for student safety issues and the prevention of sexual violence. She has made more than 50 appearances on national television programs to discuss bullying, sexual misbehavior and alcohol abuse. She has spoken at more than 2,000 college campuses and schools.

She is director of the Take Back the Night Foundation. She served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Education to develop and provide programs to women living in high-risk communities. She also served as lead consultant for the U.S. Campaign about Violence Against Women and toured India delivering educational talks with the U.S. Ambassador to India in 2010.

Koestner received an honorary degree for public service in 2007 from Coe College, in Cedar Rapids, Iowa for her extensive commitment to student safety and public service.

Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.
