Juniata | Campus News Article 59 Juniata College Quad
Juniata College

Campus News

Juniata College

(Posted April 19, 2001)

-- News Release -- Fundraising efforts at Juniata College received a tremendous boost when The Kresge Foundation awarded the college an $800,000 challenge grant toward construction of the William von Liebig Center for Science.

This is the largest Kresge grant Juniata has received to date from the Detroit-based foundation.

"The von Liebig Center for Science will catapult Juniata's biology and chemistry programs to the forefront of undergraduate science education," says Thomas Kepple, Juniata College president. "The center will give our students research and education opportunities that are rarely seen in undergraduate programs."

To receive the Kresge challenge grant, Juniata College must meet fundraising goals set for the von Liebig Center and also for the college endowment. To date, Juniata College has raised $25,248,521 toward these projects --a figure that does not include the Kresge Grant -- from trustees, staff, individuals, foundations and corporations. To meet the terms of the Kresge Foundation grant, Juniata must raise an additional $6,451,479 by September 30, 2002.

The William J. von Liebig Center for Science will house Juniata's chemistry and biology programs, including a state-of-the-art cell culture and tissue facility, something rarely found at undergraduate colleges. The center will allow the college to expand its biology and chemistry curriculum and devote more space to research facilities. The 88,000-square-foot facility will include eight classrooms, 10 research labs, a 125-seat lecture hall and advanced laboratories dedicated to genetics, cell and tissue cultures, and microscopic imaging.

The Kresge Foundation is an independent, private foundation created by the personal gifts of Sebastian Kresge, founder of the chain of retail stores that eventually became Kmart Corp. The grant to Juniata is one of 54 grants bestowed by the foundation up to March of 2001. The foundation distributed more than $44 million in funds to date and will continue to make new grant commitments during the balance of the year.

In 2000, the Kresge Foundation reviewed 667 proposals and awarded grants totaling $133,525,000 to 213 charitable organizations in 41 states, the District of Columbia, Canada, England and Africa. Grants are made to institutions operating in the areas of higher education, health and long-term care, arts and humanities, human services, science and the environment and public affairs.

Grants are made toward projects involving construction or renovation of facilities and the purchase of major capital equipment or real estate. All grant recipients have raised initial funds toward their respective projects before submitting proposals for Foundation assistance. If the foundation makes a grant, they are made on a challenge basis, requiring that the remainder of funds be raised, ensuring completion of the projects.

This is the fifth Kresge Foundation Grant Juniata College has been awarded.

For further information on Juniata's work with the Kresge Foundation, please call Lisa Wiedemer, assistant director of development, at (814) 641-3442.

Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.
