Penn State Official to Speak on Prejudice
(Posted February 12, 2002)
HUNTINGDON, Pa. -- Terrell Jones, vice provost at Penn State University, will speak at Juniata College on the topic "Understanding and Reducing Prejudice" at 7:30 p.m., Feb. 18 in 402 Good Hall on the Juniata campus.
The lecture is free and open to the public.
Jones oversees Penn State's strategic planning on diversity issues and he is in charge of implementing the university's diversity strategic plan. His lecture is part of a slate of activities scheduled for Black History Month.
Jones earned a master's degree and doctorate in student personnel services from Penn State. He has served in a variety of positions within Penn State's office of student affairs. He served as area coordinator for East Halls, assistant director of residential life programs and associate director of the Division of Campus Life.
He also has taught as an affiliate assistant professor in the Department of Counselor Education and Department of African-American Studies. In the 1996-1997 academic year, Jones served as acting provost and vice president for academic affairs at Lock Haven University. He also served as assistant dean of student life at Lock Haven from 1975 to 1977.
Jones frequently conducts seminars on cultural differences, racial awareness, cross-cultural counseling, minority retention strategies and affirmative action programs.
Contact April Feagley at or (814) 641-3131 for more information.