Juniata Supports Red Cross Through Weightlifting Fund-Raiser
(Posted October 15, 2001)
HUNTINGDON, Pa. -- The Juniata College Weightlifting Club will host a bench press championship on Oct. 21 in the Kennedy Sports and Recreation Center Health and Fitness Center at Juniata College at 2:30 p.m. with competitive lifting to start at 3:15 p.m.
Each participant pays a $2 entry fee. All money collected will be donated to the Red Cross. The Weightlifting Club is covering the expense of trophies for division winners, and community sponsors are providing door prizes for participants. Sponsors include: QBS Sports, McDonalds (Huntingdon), Giant Foods, Huntingdon, New Image Gym, and Weis Markets.
Participants will be assigned to a division based upon the lifter's weight and sex. There are three men's and three women's divisions. Participants will compete only with other participants in their division to win a championship trophy. Each participant will have three attempts to complete her/his maximum bench press. Competitors will be given a score based upon the percent of his/her bodyweight bench-pressed. For example, if a lifter weighs 150 pounds and presses 150 pounds, the score would be 100. If a 150-pound lifter pressed 225 pounds, the score would be 150. The highest score in each division is the winner.
Individuals who are over 16 years of age and are actively lifting free weights can enter. Lifters under 18 years of age must have written approval from a parent or guardian in order to participate.
Registration forms are available at the information desk in Ellis Hall at Juniata College, as well as at QBS Sports, New Image Gym, and the Huntingdon McDonalds. Completed registration forms, along with $2, should be placed in an envelope and deposited in drop boxes located at the information desk and at the Health and Fitness Center at Juniata College. Registration forms and parental consent forms can also be sent to participants via e-mail. For more information about this event, call Karen Garner, club president, at (814) 641-4026 or David Lehmann, club advisor at (814) 641-3602.
Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.