(Posted March 27, 2001)
The Juniata College Wind Symphony and the Juniata College Honors band will perform a concert of classical music at 4 p.m. April 8 in Rosenberger Auditorium in Oller Hall on the Juniata College campus.
The concert is free and open to the public.
The Wind Symphony will perform works such as "Valdres" and the finale from Antonin Dvorak's "New World Symphony."
The Honors Band will perform six selections, including works by Darius Milhaud, William Latham and Donald Grantham. Guest soloist Herb McKinstry will perform "Concerto for Trumpet" with the honors band.
McKinstry, lecturer in music at Juniata College, is a member of the Nittany Valley, Altoona and Williamsport symphony orchestras, the Pennsylvania Centre Chamber Orchestra and the Centre Brass Quintet.
Guest conductor Jason Burkle, a graduate student in music at Penn State University, will lead the Honors Band Percussion Ensemble through a performance of "Three Brothers," by Michael Colgrass.
The Wind Symphony is conducted by Diane Bargiel, assistant professor of music, and is comprised of Juniata students. The Honors Band is comprised of first-chair band students from high schools across Pennsylvania and neighboring states.
Contact April Feagley at feaglea@juniata.edu or (814) 641-3131 for more information.