Textbooks in Alternative Formats Procedure for Students:
Alternative formats refer to any instructional material designed to be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Alternative formats may include, but are not limited to, large print, audio, braille, and electronic texts.
- Students who have established eligibility for an alternative text accommodation should select “Alternative text” for each class in which you would like to receive an alternative format of required textbooks when customizing your accommodations via your AIM dashboard at the beginning of each term.
- Submit textbook information in the “Alternative Formats” section of AIM for each textbook required. (Instructions below.)
- If necessary, provide proof of purchase to the Testing and Accessibility Coordinator for any item requested that was not provided via Eagle Access. You may bring in receipts to be photocopied, scan and email receipts, scan and upload receipts via AIM, or forward electronic receipts by email.
- The Testing and Accessibility Coordinator will search for each textbook requested in an alternative format. If no alternative format can be found, then the text can be cut apart and scanned to create a PDF document. Every effort will be made to secure an alternative format before chopping and scanning.
- Receive alternative format texts via the current web-based text-to-speech software in use or via a shared folder on OneDrive.
- Contact the Testing and Accessibility Coordinator with any questions or concerns.
Textbook Information Submission Instructions
1. Login to your AIM dashboard and click "Alternative Formats" on the left-hand menu.

2. If your book is listed and the details is correct, then click "Select." *Hint: Look for the RQ tag and/or match the ISBN! If your book is not listed or the details are incorrect, then enter textbook information in the "Reading Materials" section at the bottom of the page. Complete as much information as possible about each textbook you request. It is especially important to enter the ISBN, a 10- or 13-digit identification number. SAS suggests referring to the Juniata online bookstore for textbook information. If necessary, you may submit proof-of-purchase by uploading your receipts via AIM or emailing them to the Testing and Accessibility Coordinator.

Frequently Asked Questions: