These pages will serve as a guide for consistent representation of Juniata College. Please consult this guide when preparing any written or visual communications materials that represent the College.

Juniata has numerous external audiences: current and prospective students, alumni, donors, business and community leaders, media, and many more. Consistent and effective communication with each of these audiences is critical to the College's growth and success.

Through consistent use of these standards, Juniata can project a strong, unified, and professional image to all audiences, even though communications are coming from many separate units across our campus. Following these guidelines officially identifies your unit as part of the College, increasing brand identity with your audience and making it more likely that your message will be received.

Components of our Visual Identity

These are the components of the Juniata College visual identity. Each of our identity marks has a specific use in communications and marketing and in the identification of our college brand.

  • Juniata Seal


  • Juniata Logo

    Primary Logo

  • Juniata Spirit Mark

    Spirit Mark

  • Juniata Athletics

    Athletics Mark (one of several versions)

Juniata Signature

Brand Signature