Collegiate Identification
The complete and full version of our logo is to be used whenever possible and in all media and contexts. It should never be modified with the name of a specific department or other entity of the College; it is only to be used to identify the College itself. The rendering of the name of the college (as well as the state name and date) has been specially crafted and may not be replicated as a line of type. The illustration can NEVER appear on its own, separate from the name of the college.
Departmental Identification
Departmental identification utilizes two components of the complete and full version of the logo, namely the illustration and the name of the college. Below that, the specific name of the department, program, or group associated with the College appears. The name of the respective organization appears in all caps, and the size of the type to use is determined by the number of characters in it. No line of type should exceed the width of “Juniata College.”