The Finance & Accounting Department houses our Controller & Chief Financial Officer, Budget Director, Bursar, Director of Accounting Services, Payroll Coordinator, Staff Accountant, & Purchasing Assistant.

Karla D. Wiser, controller, oversees the Department. 

The Business Office is located in the I. Harvey Brumbaugh Building on the corner of 17th & Mifflin Streets. 

The Office is open Monday - Friday: 
8:30 AM - 5 PM during Academic Year
8:00 AM - 4 PM during Summer



Juniata College Conflict Mineral Free Campus Initiative

"Be It Resolved that Juniata College will take into account whether electronic products contain conflict minerals in future purchasing decisions and, when available, will favor verifiably conflict-free products that contain minerals from eastern Congo.Be it Further Resolved that Juniata College calls on electronics companies and other industries to implement the necessary steps to remove conflict minerals from their supply chain.Be it further resolved that Juniata College calls on US executive leadership in helping to establish an international certification system for minerals coming from Central Africa to ensure they are not contributing to conflict."

Passed by the Juniata College President's Cabinet, June 2014