Take 15 credit hours beyond the 210 level in consultation with an advisor who teaches Spanish. All courses must be instructed in Spanish and focus primarily on some aspect of the Spanish language and/or Hispanic cultures.
NOTE: Study abroad in a country or region where the target language is the primary language of instruction is recommended.
SP-230 Spanish Conversation & Composition
3 CreditsH, I, CW, CS, SWGLSPrerequisite: SP210 or placement test results.
SP-235 Intermediate Spanish Grammar
3 CreditsH, I, WK-FRPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
SP-245 Spanish Phonetics & Phonology
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP210.
SP-250 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP210.
SP-255 Contemporary Hispanic Short Fiction
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP210.
SP-257 Hispanic Pop Culture in Poetry
3 CreditsI,H,SW-GEPre-reqs: SP-230 or equivalent.
SP-260 Spanish Civilization
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP210.
SP-265 Contemporary Spain
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP210.
SP-271 Enrichment After-School for Youth-Spanish
3 CreditsSW-LE
SP-275 Art and Activism in Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP210 or by permission of the instructor.
SP-285 Introduction to Latin America
3 CreditsH, I, CS,SW-GEPrerequisite: SP-210
SP-299 Special Topics
1-4 Credits Prerequisites vary by title.
SP-305 Advanced Spanish Conversation & Comp
3 CreditsI, CW, CSPrerequisite: SP 230.
SP-345 Spanish Phonetics & Phonology
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: Study abroad experience or permission of the instructor.
SP-355 Contemporary Hispanic Short Fiction
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or equivalent and study abroad experience or approval of the instructor.
SP-357 Hispanic Pop Culture in Poetry
3 CreditsI,H,SW-GEPre-reqs: Two 200-level Spanish courses.
SP-365 Contemporary Spain
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or or SP260 or approval of the instructor.
SP-375 Art and Activism in Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or by permission of the instructor.
SP-385 Intro to Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisite: SP230 or equivalent. Students should not take this course if they already took SP285.
SP-399 Special Topics
1-4 Credits
SP-400 Contemporary Spanish American Novel
3 CreditsH, I, CW, CSPrerequisite: SP250 or SP255 or permission of the instructor.
SP-401 Gender Fiction in Hispanic Literature
3 CreditsI, H, CWPrerequisites: SP-250 or SP-255.(Previous Course Title: Women in Hispanic Fiction)
SP-404 Hispanic Metafiction
3 CreditsI, HPrerequsite: SP210 or permission.
SP-405 Cont. Spanish Novel
3 CreditsH, I, CS, CWPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or approval of the instructor.
SP-420 Generation of 1898
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP250 or SP255 or permission of the instructor.
SP-430 Advanced Spanish Grammar
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP235.
Secondary Emphasis Credit Total = 15-26
Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.