Take the following courses (SP-110, SP-120 and SP-210 are waived if students place out of them, but no academic credit will be awarded):
SP-110 Spanish I
4 CreditsH, I
SP-120 Spanish II
4 CreditsH, I, CS, SWGLSPre-req: SP110 or placement test.
SP-210 Spanish III
3 CreditsH, I, CS, SWGLSPre-req: SP-120 or placement results.
SP-230 Spanish Conversation & Composition
3 CreditsH, I, CW, CS, SWGLSPrerequisite: SP210 or placement test results.
SP-235 Intermediate Spanish Grammar
3 CreditsH, I, WK-FRPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
Take one of the following courses:
SP-250 Introduction to Hispanic Literature
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP210.
SP-255 Contemporary Hispanic Short Fiction
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP210.
Take one of the following courses:
WL-201 Language in Motion
1 CreditH, I, CS, SW-LE
SP-271 Enrichment After-School for Youth-Spanish
3 CreditsSW-LE
Take two courses; at least one of the courses must be at the 300/400 level.
SP-238 Spanish & CEL in Guatemala 1
1 Credit
SP-239 Spanish & CEL in Guatemala 2
2 CreditsSW-LE
SP-285 Introduction to Latin America
3 CreditsH, I, CS,SW-GEPrerequisite: SP-210
SP-385 Intro to Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisite: SP230 or equivalent. Students should not take this course if they already took SP285.
SP-260 Spanish Civilization
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP210.
SP-265 Contemporary Spain
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP210.
SP-365 Contemporary Spain
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or or SP260 or approval of the instructor.
SP-301 Voice for Voiceless-LA Testimonial Narr
3 CreditsCA, I, H, WK-HTPrereq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109. (Previous course title: Latin American Testimonio)
SP-275 Art and Activism in Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP210 or by permission of the instructor.
SP-375 Art and Activism in Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or by permission of the instructor.
Take two 300 or 400-level Hispanic literature courses from the list below, or approved Hispanic literature courses from study abroad at the 300/400 level:
3 CreditsCA, I, H, WK-HTPrereq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109. (Previous course title: Latin American Testimonio) 3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or equivalent and study abroad experience or approval of the
instructor. 3 CreditsI,H,SW-GEPre-reqs: Two 200-level Spanish courses. 3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or by permission of the instructor. 1-4 Credits 3 CreditsH, I, CW, CSPrerequisite: SP250 or SP255 or permission of the instructor. 3 CreditsI, H, CWPrerequisites: SP-250 or SP-255.(Previous Course Title: Women in Hispanic Fiction) 3 CreditsI, HPrerequsite: SP210 or permission. 3 CreditsH, I, CS, CWPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or approval of the instructor. 3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP250 or SP255 or permission of the instructor.SP-301 Voice for Voiceless-LA Testimonial Narr
SP-355 Contemporary Hispanic Short Fiction
SP-357 Hispanic Pop Culture in Poetry
SP-375 Art and Activism in Latin America
SP-399 Special Topics
SP-400 Contemporary Spanish American Novel
SP-401 Gender Fiction in Hispanic Literature
SP-404 Hispanic Metafiction
SP-405 Cont. Spanish Novel
SP-420 Generation of 1898
Complete an additional 4 elective courses which focus on topics of Spanish Language or Hispanic Cultures at the 300/400 level.
NOTE: By way of example only, courses taken on such topics as U.S. trade with Mexico, translation, business Spanish, social violence in Latin America, and Hispanic art and architecture would be considered acceptable electives provided that they were offered at the 300/400 level.
Complete a minimum of one semester and preferably one year of study abroad in a Spanish speaking country.
Take one of the following courses below:
SP-305 Advanced Spanish Conversation & Comp
3 CreditsI, CW, CSPrerequisite: SP 230.
SP-355 Contemporary Hispanic Short Fiction
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or equivalent and study abroad experience or approval of the instructor.
SP-357 Hispanic Pop Culture in Poetry
3 CreditsI,H,SW-GEPre-reqs: Two 200-level Spanish courses.
SP-365 Contemporary Spain
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or or SP260 or approval of the instructor.
SP-375 Art and Activism in Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or by permission of the instructor.
SP-385 Intro to Latin America
3 CreditsI, H, CSPrerequisite: SP230 or equivalent. Students should not take this course if they already took SP285.
SP-399 Special Topics
1-4 Credits
SP-400 Contemporary Spanish American Novel
3 CreditsH, I, CW, CSPrerequisite: SP250 or SP255 or permission of the instructor.
SP-401 Gender Fiction in Hispanic Literature
3 CreditsI, H, CWPrerequisites: SP-250 or SP-255.(Previous Course Title: Women in Hispanic Fiction)
SP-404 Hispanic Metafiction
3 CreditsI, HPrerequsite: SP210 or permission.
SP-405 Cont. Spanish Novel
3 CreditsH, I, CS, CWPrerequisites: SP250 or SP255 or approval of the instructor.
SP-420 Generation of 1898
3 CreditsH, I, CSPrerequisite: SP250 or SP255 or permission of the instructor.
SP-499 Special Topics
1-4 CreditsPrerequisites vary by title.
The Spanish/Hispanic Cultures designated program of emphasis enables students to build functional proficiency in Spanish and to expand their knowledge and understanding of Hispanic cultures. This program will prepare students for graduate work in Spanish-related fields as well as for a variety of domestic and international employment opportunities when pursued in conjunction with interdisciplinary study in such fields as business, criminal justice, education, environmental science/studies, health and allied health professions, international relations, international studies, peace and conflict studies, pre-law, and social work.
General Requirements:
- Students must complete a minimum of 33 hours in Spanish and Hispanic Cultures courses above Spanish 210, including at least 18 credits at the 300/400 level. Alternative courses taken at other institutions may be substituted as long as they are deemed comparable to Juniata offerings by the Spanish faculty.
- A minimum of one semester and preferably one year of study abroad in a Spanish speaking country. NOTE: Exceptions will be permitted only under special circumstances with the approval of the Department of World Languages and Culture.
- After returning from their semester or year abroad, students will take a 300 or 400-level course at Juniata offered in Spanish.
- Prior to the second semester of the student's senior year, she/he will demonstrate
intermediate-high oral proficiency in Spanish as measured by an Oral Proficiency Interview
(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).
POE Credit Total = 34 (33 in Spanish and 1 in Language in Motion)