Chris Carr ’11, “Doing With: Experiential Learning in a Senior Seminar Capstone Course”
Ashley Fisher ’11, “Assessing Your Organization From the Inside Out”
Amidia Frederick ’12, “The Plight of the Ganges: A Metaphor of India’s Struggle Between Modernization and Spiritual Traditions”
Brittany Gregory ’11, “Marginalized Masculinities in the U.S. and U.K.” and “Access to Transportation: Who gets left behind in Baltimore and London?”
Leah Myers ’09, “A Comparative Exploration of Gender and Ego Identity Formation Among Juniata College Adult Students”
Kirsten Olson ’11, “Inuit Art: The Evolution and Survival of Inuit Art in the Modern World”
Shelleisha Salmon ’11, “Rural Food Insecurity” and “Aging, AIDS & African American Women”
Jared Smith ’08, “An Examination of Linguistics in 20th Century American Indian Law”
Chelsea Wilson ’13, “What is Good Hair?”
Ka Ho Wong ’11, “Human Rights in China” and “The CouchSurfing Project”