Take one of the following courses:
PL-105 Introduction to Logic
An analysis of practical reasoning skills, including a systematic approach to informal arguments and the meaning of everyday claims. Aristotelian logic, Venn Diagrams, propositional logic and symbolic logic are included.
4 CreditsH,WK-FR
PL-208 Symbolic Logic
An introduction to the basics of first-order logic: the concept of artificial language, techniques for symbolizing ordinary languages and arguments, formal inference systems (either truth- free method or natural deduction), and other advanced topics in first-order logic. It has no prerequisites beyond high school algebra.
3 CreditsN,H,WK-FR
Take the following course:
PL-450 Senior Thesis
Students will engage in independent research and write a substantial final paper which evidences sustained engagement with the secondary literature on a topic selected in consultation with faculty members. This course is designed as a capstone experience.
3 CreditsHPrereqisite: Senior standing.
Take the following courses:
PL-205 Ancient Philosophy
This course is a historical survey of ancient Greek philosophy which will cover representative figures (including the major pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle and important authors/movements from the Hellenistic period, such as Epicurus, Stoicism and Skepticism).
4 CreditsH,CW
PL-275 Modern Philosophy
Selections from the founders of the twin pillars of modernity, i.e., Modern Philosophy (F. Bacon, Descartes, Leibniz, Spinoza, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Kant) and Modern Science (Copernicus, Spinoza, Galileo, Pascal, Newton, and Boyle) are studied with an emphasis on the philosophical origins of modern psychology and the epistemic foundations of contemporary scientific methodology.
4 CreditsH,CA,CW,WK-HTPrereq or coreq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
Take one of the following courses:
PL-245 Chinese Philosophy
The course will focus on the mainstream of the development of Chinese philosophy in the past two thousand years, namely, classical Confucianism and Taoism.
4 CreditsCA,H,I,SWGH1prerequisites: Sophomore, Junior, or Senior standing.
PL-304 Existentialism
Philosophers such as Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger and Sartre are studied as an introduction to existentialist thought. Theistic and atheistic types are considered, as is significance of existentialism as a contemporary philosophy.
4 CreditsH,CW,WK-HTPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-308 End of History, Death of God
Formerly titled "Hegel to Nietzsche." This course provides an introduction to important philosophical discussions in nineteenth-century philosophy and political thought centered aroundthe Hegelian/Marxist themes of history's end and Nietzsche's attempt to grapple with the implications of what he called "the death of God."
4 CreditsH,WK-HTPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
Take two of the following courses:
PL-250 Science and Human Values
This course examines the reciprocal influence between science and social values, from the perspective of the humanities. It asks, " What good is science? " Through selected readings and discussion, students consider how everyday life is shaped by scientific innovation and technology, just as society provides a framework of cultural values for science.
4 CreditsH,WK-HT,CTGESPrereq or coreq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-260 Philosophy of Science
Lays out some central philosophical problems raised by natural sciences. The possible topics to be discussed: Is science rational and objective? Does science really make progress? If so, in what sense? How to distinguish science from pseudoscience. Is science superior knowledge to other types? What is a good scientific explanation? Could we ever know about unobservable physical entities and events? Is it ever legitimate to regard a scientific theory as true?
4 CreditsH,WK-HT,CTGESPrereq or coreq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-255 Philosophy of Religion
A critical investigation of some of the main concepts of religion and theology. The course focuses on problems in the definition of religion, the idea of God, the nature of religious experience, the relation of faith and reason and the meaning of religious language.
3 CreditsH
PL-318 Knowledge, Truth and Skepticism
The course is a study of the nature of human knowledge and justification of beliefs with special attention to three conceptually related topics: the nature and value of knowledge and the nature and structure of epistemic justification, the nature of truth, and the challenges from skepticism and influential responses to it.
4 CreditsH, WK-HTPrerequisites: Take any 1 Philosophy course, or by instructor consent.
Take one of the following courses:
PS-221 American Political Thought
Covers development of American Political Thought from the Revolution to the modern-day. Special attention is given to the tension between liberty and equality in our system, especially as those tensions are revealed in writings of women and African-American writers.
4 CreditsH, CW, SW-US
PS-222 Western Political Thought
Surveys selected works of philosophers from Plato to Nietzsche. The course will focus on enduring questions -- what is the good, the nature of the best regime, how do freedom and authority intersect, and so on.
4 CreditsH, WK-HTPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-241 Philosophy of Love
A philosophical examination and reconstruction of the concept of erotic/romantic love in Western culture, with particular attention to its historical development and critical analysis by modern and contemporary philosophers and thinkers.
3 CreditsH
PL-310 Contemporary Political Philosophy
This course will focus on important political orientations and figures in the twentieth/early twenty-first century. Instructors may also focus on specific topics which have driven recent debates in contemporary political philosophy, including distributive justice, the normative foundations of liberalism/democracy or the tension between state sovereignty and international law (among others).
4 CreditsS,H,CWPrerequisites: Take 1 course from the PL department or permission of the instructor.
PS-320 Topics Political Philos & Jurisprudence
Examines specific topics in the area of political philosophy and law. Topics will include " Foundations of American Constitutionalism, " " African-American Social and Political Thought, " " Liberalism, " and " Shakespeare's Politics. " Students may take each course for credit.
3 CreditsH
RU-335 Tolstoy
See RU235. Meets with RU235. Additional work is assigned in Russian.
4 CreditsCA,I,H,CW,CSPrerequisite: RU235.
PL-340 Philosophy of Art
A study of the main theories about art in the western tradition, with particular attention to classical views as well as modernist conceptions and post-modern critical reactions.
4 CreditsF,HPrerequisite: AR-110 or permission of instructor.
RU-340 Dostoevsky
See RU240. Meets with RU240. Additional work is assigned in Russian.
4 CreditsCA,H,I,CS,CW,SW-ERPrerequisites: RU230.
RL-450 God, Evil & the Holocaust
If God is so powerful and so good, why is there so much Evil in the world? This course examines this problem from Jewish, Christian and agnostic perspectives, with special attention to the Holocaust, and studies ancient and modern attempts to confront this problem, including readings from the Bible, philosophers, theologians, Holocaust survivors, modern fiction, and contemporary films.
3 CreditsHPrerequisites: Junior or Senior standing.
Take one of the following courses:
PL-106 Introduction to Ethics
Examines the historically valid ethical approaches to problems, i.e., pragmatic, relativistic, and absolute, and the application of such methods to contemporary ethical dilemmas, e.g., abortion, terrorism, euthanasia, and capital punishment.
4 CreditsH,SW-ER
PL-230 Business Ethics
Asks the student to examine his/her personal values relative to those professional values of the business world. In particular, students will examine the claims of society, government, labor, management as they impact upon the individual who contemplates a career in the business world. Issues such as safety in the workplace, the right to privacy, and the obligations of the corporation to its employees, its customers, and to society itself will be covered.
3 CreditsH,SW-ERPre-Req or Co-Req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-235 Ethics of Health Care
This course is a seminar-style course in 'professional ethics'. It will explore the various codes, value assumptions, and dilemmas faced by those who practice the health care professions. Specific topics (or dilemmas) will be determined by each class, based upon the specific POEs of the enrolled students.
4 CreditsH,SW-ERPre-req or co-req: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-265 Environmental Ethics
As the life-support system for everyone, the environment is unquestionably of high value. Yet decisions about its care and its uses evoke controversy. This course explores contrasting viewpoints and practices that impact the earth and its plant and animal life. Through readings, projects, and critical discussion of cases, students apply ethical theories to selected contemporary issues.
4 CreditsH,SW-ERPrereq or coreq: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
PL-270 Ethical Theory
This course will provide students with an introduction to important debates in contemporary ethical theory (including debates about the epistemic status of moral claims and moral relativism). It will also introduce students to important normative frameworks within contemporary ethics (such as virtue ethics, utilitarianism, deontology, Confucian ethics, feminist ethics, etc.).
4 CreditsH,SW-ERPrerequisite: FYC-101 or EN-110 or EN-109
Take the following course:
PL-INS Philosophy Independent Study
Course Description
POE Credit Total = 36-45
Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.