To claim knowledge of computer programming, one should have experience in two or more high level languages and also have gained a fundamental understanding of the machine and its organization. In addition, those intending to program in any realistic environment will need a background in larger software systems as covered in Software Design or Database Management Systems.
Take the following courses:
3 CreditsN,CTGES,CTGISRecommended programming experience or IT110 or IT100, IT111 or IM110 or MA103 but
not necessary. 4 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS110. 4 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS110 and MA116 or MA210. 4 CreditsN, QPre-requisite high school algebra.CS-110 Computer Science I
CS-220 Computer Organization
CS-240 Computer Science II
MA-116 Discrete Structures
Take the following course:
2 CreditsNPrerequisites: CS110 and Sophomore standing and permission.
C++ Programming
Take one of the following courses below:
CS-305 Software Models
3 CreditsNPrerequisites: IT240 or CS240.
CS-370 Database Management Systems
3 CreditsN,CTGISPrerequisites: CS110.
Take an additional 300 or 400 level CS - Computer Science course.
Secondary Emphasis Credit Total = 23
Three credits must be at the 300/400-level. Any course exception must be approved by the advisor and/or department chair.