ARTICLE I
Section 1 - The name of this Association shall be the Alumni Association of Juniata College at Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
                                                                    ARTICLE II
Section 1 - The purpose of the Association shall be to give organization and aid to the efforts of the alumni of Juniata College for the benefit of the College; more specifically:

          1.   To foster loyalty and unity of its members for the College and its stated mission and priorities;
          2.   To provide a mechanism for the exchange of ideas among alumni and for sampling alumni sentiment;
          3.   To act as an official channel of communication between the alumni and the College;
          4.   To create a network and provide support among alumni.
                                                                   ARTICLE III
Section 1 - The membership of the Association shall consist of Alumni (in course or honorary), including graduates and former students of the College.
Section 2 - Voting privileges shall be vested in all members of the Association.
                                                                   ARTICLE IV
Section 1 - The governing body of the Alumni Association shall be the Alumni Council, as hereinafter defined.
Section 2 - Alumni Council. The Alumni Council shall consist of:
          1.   The officers of the Association;
          2.   The three alumni representatives to the Board of Trustees of the College;
          3.   The eighteen elected representatives; and
          4.   The ex-officio members as specified in Article VI, Section 2.
Section 3 - Officers. The Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President and Immediate Past President.
Section 4 - Executive Committee. The Executive Committee of this Association shall consist of:
          1.   The officers of the Alumni Association; and
        2.   Three members of the alumni council, one representative from each three-year term, to serve a period of one year.
                                                                    ARTICLE V
Section 1 - President.
          1.   The President shall preside at all meetings of the Alumni Council.
          2.   The President shall appoint the members-at-large to the Executive Committee of the Council.
          3.   The President shall be responsible for convening the Executive Committee.
          4.   The President shall have the power to appoint other committees not otherwise provided for and to perform such other duties as the office may require.
          5.   The President shall be elected annually as provided herein. The Vice President shall be the sole nominee of the nominating committee for the presidency. The President shall serve a term of one year without the privilege of succeeding himself or herself.
Section 2 - Vice President.
          1.   The Vice President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
          2.   The Vice President shall be elected annually as provided herein. The term of office shall be one year without the privilege of succeeding himself or herself.
Section 3 - Immediate Past President.
          1.   Immediately following completion of his or her term of office, the President shall succeed to the position of Immediate Past President and serve one year in this capacity as a member of the Alumni Council. The succession shall be automatic.
          2.   The Immediate Past President shall serve as chair of the Awards and Nominations Committee.
                                                                   ARTICLE VI
                                                             ALUMNI COUNCIL
Section 1 - The voting membership of the Alumni Council shall consist of twenty-four elected members as follows:
          1.   The three officers of the Association; i.e., President, Vice President, and Immediate Past President;
          2.   The three alumni-nominated representatives to the Board of Trustees of the College; and
          3.   The eighteen members-at-large elected by the current members of the alumni council. These members shall serve a three-year term without the privilege of succeeding themselves.
Section 2 - The following shall be nonvoting ex-officio members:
          1.   One member of the faculty of Juniata College selected by the President of the College in consultation with the Executive Committee of the faculty;
          2.   There shall be three members from the student body at the College; namely, the President of Student Government, the President of Center Board, and the President of the Senior Class;
          3.   The President of the College and his/her designates;
          4.   The Alumni Relations Staff; and
          5.   The Past Presidents of the Alumni Association.
Section 3 - Awards and Nominations Committee.
          1.   The responsibility of this committee shall be to nominate:
                 a.   individuals for special recognition to be given by the Association;
                 b.   the officers of the Association;
                 c.    the members-at-large of the Alumni Council; and
                 d.   the alumni representatives to the Board of Trustees of the College.
          2.   The nominations by this committee shall be presented to the Alumni Council for ratification.
          3.   The chairman of the Awards and Nominating Committee shall appoint members-at- large to the committee to serve a term of one year. The President of the Association shall automatically be a member of the committee.
Section 4 - The Alumni Council shall meet not less than three times annually and one of these meetings shall be at Juniata College and shall coincide with the annual meeting of the Association. Additional meetings of the Alumni Council may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
Section 5 - Quorum. Nine members of the Alumni Council shall constitute a quorum.
Section 6 - A vote of the Alumni Council may be taken by polling when authorized by the Executive Committee.
Section 7 - Any member of the Alumni Council who is absent for three consecutive meetings of the Alumni Council shall be considered to have resigned from the Council.
                                                                  ARTICLE VII
                                                      EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
Section 1 - The function of the Executive Committee shall be three-fold:
          1.   To provide advice for the President as to the overall direction of progress of the Association;
          2.   To explore and initiate new areas of alumni activity and to be responsive to new areas of alumni concern and interest;
          3.   To act on behalf of the Alumni Council on matters of sufficient urgency that cannot be delayed until a regular Alumni Council Meeting. Such decisions shall be subject to review by the Alumni Council.
Section 2 - Membership. The membership of the Executive Committee shall be as described in Article IV, Section 4 of this Constitution.
Section 3 - Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President of the Association.
Section 4 - Quorum. A majority of the full membership of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
                                                                 ARTICLE VIII
                                                            ALUMNI TRUSTEES
Section 1 - Three members of the Alumni Association of Juniata College are to be nominated by the Council to the Board of Trustees. Each member is to serve a three-year term without the privilege of succession.
Section 2 - Nominations for the position of Alumni Trustee shall be made by the Nominating Committee of the Alumni Council, in consultation with the Trustee Committee off the Trustees, and said nomination shall be ratified by the Alumni Council as provided herein. One Alumni Trustee shall be nominated for the Board of Trustees of Juniata College in a given year.
                                                                   ARTICLE IX
Section 1 - A slate of candidates for all elective positions shall be submitted by the Nominating Committee to the Executive Committee. Upon approval of the Executive Committee the slate shall be submitted to all voting members of the Alumni Council. The slate shall consist of nominations for:
          1.   President;
          2.   Vice President;
          3.   Alumni representative to the Board of Trustees of the College; and
          4.   Six Alumni Council members-at-large.
Section 2 - Upon ratification of the Alumni Council the elected candidates shall be published in the Juniata College Bulletin.
Section 3 - The Nominating Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy which may occur in its membership except by expiration of term. A person so elected shall hold office for the balance of the term of the retiring member.
Section 4 - Should vacancies occur in the offices of both President and Vice President, the Nominating Committee shall have the power to fill both offices for the remainder of the unexpired terms. Until such an appointment can occur, the Immediate Past President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 5 - The membership of the Alumni Council should reflect the demographic distribution of alumni whenever possible.
                                                                    ARTICLE X
                                                        LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS
Section 1 - The Alumni Council, shall encourage, support, and cooperate with the work of all local alumni organizations, welding their united activities into a functioning force vital to the purpose of this Association. Such local associations shall be known as Juniata Clubs.
Section 2 - Membership in Juniata Clubs shall not be restricted to graduates of Juniata College, but may include all persons interested in the College such as former students, parents of students, and friends.
Section 3 - Any By-Laws adopted by local alumni organizations shall be consistent with this Constitution.
                                                                   ARTICLE XI