Parents Council

  • Represent the College and the Council at parent activities and programs.
  • Provide the College administration and faculty with a parental perspective through advice, insight and feedback.
  • Assist the College and the Council in identifying, cultivating, and involving other parents in ways that support and advance the mission of the College and Council.
  • Support the annual Parents Fund according to each member’s financial means.
  • To learn more about becoming a member of Parents Council contact Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, Matthew Damschroder .


Demonstrating the value of a Juniata education to prospective students and their parents
  • Help a student earn a $1,000 Juniata Community Scholarship in your name!
  • Represent the College in the external community with an emphasis on prospective student recruitment.
  • Support the efforts of the Juniata Admission Ambassadors (JAA) which may include college fairs, campus open houses, prospective student receptions, etc.


Providing current students with career connections and advice in addition to advising the College academic departments to position students for successful post-graduation employment
  • Support the Career Services Office’s programs which may include providing internships, job opportunities, career mentoring and attending Career Day and other events.
  • Work with the academic departments to advise on current workplace trends and industry needs and developments.
  • To learn more about assisting Juniata with student mentoring contact Associate Director of Career Services, Tammy Stuber.


Involving parents in the life of the College by providing communication, resources, venues for connecting and peer-to-peer guidance
  • Provide a vehicle for improved communication between the parent community and the College.
  • Serve as a resource of information for fellow parents.
  • Develop opportunities for parents to connect with each other and the campus community such as Homecoming and Family Weekend and other campus and regional events.