Creating an Account
Any social media account that is used by Juniata College must be created by an authorized employee of the College. The entry information and passwords for a social media account should be submitted to the Director of Social Media and Content Coordination. Students should not be named as administrators unless they are Juniata Associates.
Naming the Account
When in doubt, be as professional as possible. Juniata College should be listed first, after which should follow the department, club, or program. Please do not just use Juniata. In Pennsylvania, there are many places and things associated with the name Juniata. This should apply to personal accounts, too. Remember, you are a representative of the College on your own sites, too.
Notify the Director of Social Media
If you have already started a social media presence, notify the Marketing Department. If you are interested in starting an account or enhancing the content strategy of your existing account, please contact them as well.
Be Responsible
Users posting on Juniata-sponsored social media should heed College guidelines for property, privacy and politeness.
Posting Content
- Content is redistributed throughout the Internet. Do not post content unless it furthers Juniata’s mission for education, research, service or community. Share only information appropriate for public viewing.
- Stay away from posting policies or procedures on social media, because these often change. Direct users to websites or other publications instead.
- Do not post content depicting questionable or dangerous behavior.
- Do not post content that is racist, or demeaning, shows physical or mental humiliation or attacks, shows someone being hurt, shows any kind of illegal activity or could put the user or the College in a negative situation.
- Before posting academic material that might be controversial, check with the department head or administrator. If it is posted, be sure to post disclaimers if possible.
- If commenting on a social media platform in an official capacity, administrators should post only in the name of the department or office, not as an individual. Professors and administrators should post using their own name after checking with a department head or the provost.
- Do not post confidential or proprietary information and follow the federal guidelines provided by FERPA, HIAA and the NCAA. Juniata must have written permission from a student to release any student records information. Do not include personally identifying information. Do not upload, transmit, share or store any private information of a student or unaffiliated third party. Do not post content that could be a security risk.
- If you are posting on your department’s facebook page, post as that department. If you are on Juniata’s Facebook page, use your personal Facebook ID.
Juniata’s Logo and Wordmarks
Accounts and webpages should only feature the department’s name, logo or signature that has been previously approved by the College’s Department of Marketing. If the platform allows design changes, try to use school colors. The school colors are blue and gold. All marks, logos, fonts and graphics must comply with Juniata Policies. If in doubt, please call the Executive Director of Marketing at 814-641-3133.
Copyrighted Materials
Rights and permissions must be obtained before sharing or distributing music, art, copyrighted photos or writing, video clips or proprietary information.
Use of Identifying Photos
Juniata’s marketing department has a photo database of usable images that students and employees of the College have agreed to be used in College publications. If you use an image not provided by marketing obtain prior permission through a signed release.
Do not post any content of any kind that might prove embarrassing or could place the subject of the content in a negative or false light or content that could cause someone to believe his or her name, likeness or some other identifier is being used without permission for commercial use. WARNING: Be particularly careful with images of minors, health care patients, research subjects or disabled persons. As a rule these images should never be used for social media.
Don’t use College social media to support individual campaigns or political parties.
Juniata encourages fans, followers, students, friends to share comments, suggestions and reactions to College content, but we ask:
- Comments must be related to the topic being discussed.
- Comments should be polite, constructive and refrain from swearing or posting obscene or vulgar material.
- Posts that are off-topic, abusive and threatening in tone, or are personal attacks, will be immediately deleted by Juniata’s web team.
- Posts containing links that are spam or related to sales and advertising or pornography will be deleted immediately.
- Account administrators will review all comments and posted material and can remove inappropriate materials for any reason.