- projects.juniata.edu/reflections - Reflection and Reconciliations from Juniata College, part of a cooperative project between 81 colleges that comprise the National Institute for Technology and Liberal Education.
- www.diversitystore.com - information, posters, and multicultural promotional materials.
- www.islam-guide.com - a brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam
- www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/5minbud.htm - a brief guide to Buddhism
- www.ahavat-isreal.com/ahavat - understanding and appreciation for Jewish Culture
- www.tolerance.org - 10 ways to fight hate, 101 tools for tolerance, etc.
- www.witchvox.org - forum and guide to everything Wiccan/Neo-Pagan
- www.interfaithcalendar.org - Dates & explanations of Holidays of ALL Faiths