Do you tend to spend time outside in the wilderness? Do you enjoy hiking, camping, climbing, and just being outside? If so, then you know first aid is a key skill to have. This course will prepare you for situations you may face while on your adventures in the great outdoors.
The Juniata College Raystown Field Station is offering a 16-hour (2 day) wilderness first aid (WFA) course led by SOLO with highly trained and personable instructors. The course will be held at the Raystown Field Station Shuster Hall on Saturday January 18th and Sunday January 19th from 9am-5:30pm.
The cost of the course is $225 for students, faculty and staff and $250 for non-Juniata community members. The cost covers the course fee from SOLO along with the cost of meals. Register now because there is limited space and spots fill up quick.
To find out more information about SOLO and what this course is all about click the url below https://soloschools.com/training-information/.
For questions about the course or to register, please email rfs@juniata.edu.