Academic Opportunities

Pre-professional programs

Health Professions

Health Professions Link for different programs

Health Professions Advisors: Professors Peter Baran, Kathy Baughman, Randy Bennett, James Borgardt, Dan Dries, Kathy Jones, Jill Keeney, Elizabeth Mansberger, Susan Radis, David Widman, and Ursula Williams. 

We offer advising for entry into professional and graduate school training in such fields as Art Therapy, Audiology, Biotechnology, Chiropractic, Cytotechnology, Dentistry, Genetic Counseling, Health Administration, Health Communication, Social Work with a Focus in Medicine/Behavioral health, Medical Technology, Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Podiatric Medicine, Public Health, Radiologic Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine. Students interested in a career in the health professions must meet the specific requirements for admission to a professional school. Since these vary from school to school, the students consult with a member of the Health Professions Committee as they prepare their courses so that students not only have an excellent chance of acceptance into professional schools, but also receive a breadth of knowledge that provides a firm foundation for their liberal arts education. 

Students gain in-depth exposure to the health sciences through various types of opportunities that include internships at various health care facilities and universities, shadowing of local health professionals, health-related course work, participation in the Primary Care Scholars Program offered by The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine at Hershey, and/or various research opportunities on and off campus. 

Juniata offers exceptional preparation for students interested in rural medicine through opportunities for shadowing at J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital in Huntingdon, a summer internship at Altoona Regional Health System and winter break programs at Altoona Regional and Geisinger Health Systems. To assist students for professional school applications we offer a Health Careers Seminar that provides an overview of the entire application process and an on-campus, faculty led Admission Exam Prep Course. 

In addition, as a result of a bequest by a Juniata alumnus and physician, there is a four year Lawrence Johnson Scholarship at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry for Juniata premedical students. 


Advisor: Professor Barlow 

The pre-legal student should seek a broad undergraduate experience in the liberal arts. Students interested in law should have a thorough command of English, an extensive background in research methods, skill and experience in developing logical arguments, and a critical understanding of the human institutions and values with which the law deals. They are strongly encouraged to develop proficiency in another language and to study abroad. Juniata also offers courses in conflict resolution, a growing field in the legal profession. Although students may develop any Program of Emphasis which suits their particular talents and interests, the experience of others indicates that English, history, politics, American studies, and economics are the most common programs of students entering law schools. 

In addition to helping students through the process of applying to law school, the pre-law advisor assists with course selections that will fulfill their POE goals while providing them with appropriate skills for the study of law. In addition, he helps to provide students with resources to prepare for the LSAT and helps to arrange internships that allow students to explore the legal field while they are in college. Students should plan to take the LSAT in the fall of the senior year and apply to law school by mid-January. 

A special arrangement with the Duquesne University School of Law allows students to apply for admission to the Law School after three years of undergraduate study, allowing them to complete their degrees in six rather than seven years. Students must have a LSAT score that puts them at or above the 75th percentile, and a GPA of 3.36 or better. 

Social Work

Advisors: Professor Radis 

The Dorothy Baker Johnson and Raymond R. Day Social Work Program, accredited by the Council on Social Work Education since 1982, is designed primarily to prepare students for beginning professional practice in the field following successful completion of the undergraduate requirements. An important secondary objective of the program is preparation for graduate education in social work and related areas of study. 

Students who seek professional competence in assisting individuals, families, groups, and communities in solving human problems develop Programs of Emphasis which reflect an interdisciplinary approach to undergraduate study. A foundation of courses from the natural and social sciences is combined with specific courses in social work practice and social welfare policy. Such a program also allows the student to focus on a particular area of inquiry (e.g., health care, criminal justice, families and children, developmental disabilities, etc.) that may complement the social work interest. 

Of great importance to the social work student is Juniata's Social Work Professional Semester. In cooperation with social service agencies representing many areas of social work (e.g., medical, criminal justice, drug and alcohol, developmental disabilities, aging, family and children, etc.), the internship is organized to provide senior students with an educational opportunity to integrate and apply the skills, knowledge, and values mastered in the classroom with the daily tasks of the social worker in the field. 


Advisors: Professors Biddle, DeHaas, Glosenger, Jones; Coordinator of Field Experience-Staff 

Since 1876 Juniata College prepared individuals for careers in teaching, human development, and childcare. Currently, the Education Department is authorized by Pennsylvania’s Department of Education to offer teacher certification programs in PreK-4th grade, Unified PreK-4th grade and Special Education PreK-8th grade; and 12 areas of secondary education; including Biology, Chemistry, English, Earth & Space Science, Environmental Education, Social Studies, Math, Physics, General Science, French, German and Spanish. In addition, the Education Department works closely with the Office of International Education to promote study abroad. 

Although the Education Department’s primary focus is on teacher preparation, department members also provide guidance and serve as advisors for individuals who create their own Programs of Emphasis. Other students do a secondary emphasis in education and combine studies in education with programs in social work, health professions, psychology, human development and child life. 

Students who seek teacher certification must meet all of the certification requirements mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and Juniata College's Education Department. All certification requirements for admission to, retention in, and completion of a certification program are outlined in the Education Department Student Handbook. 

International Opportunities

Center for International Education

"As a member of the international community, Juniata College extends each student's academic experience into the wider world, supporting the free exchange of thought among peoples from distinct cultures and languages." - Mission Statement 

Kati Csoman, Dean, Center of International Programs 

Since the inception of its faculty-generated exchange programs in 1962, Juniata has championed internationalism by welcoming students from partner institutions, enabling financial aid and scholarships to apply to overseas study, encouraging faculty to recommend international experiences for their qualified students, and allowing courses taken overseas to be incorporated into any academic curriculum. Juniata promotes international competencies through study abroad for students in every Program of Emphasis. Programs of Emphasis with strong international components may be found throughout this catalog, particularly under International Studies, World Languages and Cultures, History, Political Science, and Accounting/Business/Economics. Juniata cultivates proficiency in a second language, offers an English for Academic Purposes (EAP) for international students, hosts exchange students from twelve partner institutions, and boasts degree-seeking international students and alumni from all over the globe. 

The Center for International Education (CIE) is at the core of developing and nurturing Juniata's partnerships with secondary schools and universities abroad, and with infusing internationalism into campus life. The College’s vibrant exchange programs facilitate international engagement by offering a framework for Juniata students abroad, and increasing the variety and number of international students on campus. Our programs also provide faculty members with opportunities to conduct visits and arrange overseas teaching opportunities, and enable faculty members from international partner institutions to speak with classes, hold public lectures, share in joint research projects, and participate in informal interaction with students. An active "International Education Committee" and the “American Council on Education’s Internationalization Leadership Team” (composed of faculty, administrators and students) advise the CIE, help to coordinate international activities at Juniata, and provide direction for future growth. The CIE maintains membership in several national and international organizations, including the National Association of International Educators (NAFSA); The Forum on Education Abroad; Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), the Institute for International Education (IIE); the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA); the American Council on Education (ACE); and the Pennsylvania Council for International Education (PaCIE). 

International Students

Kati Csoman, Dean, Center for International Education 

Juniata welcomes students from around the world. The staff of the Center for International Education (CIE) provides support to students from around the world with visa issues, pre-arrival planning, orientation, academic advising, and adjustment to studying and living in the U.S. The CIE promotes academic and social programs incorporating language, international and intercultural subjects, and works closely with faculty members and departments to support the academic performance of international students. Requirements for admission and scholarship and financial aid information for international students can be found in the Admission section of this catalog. 

Intercultural Activities

Juniata supports a number of student organizations and co-curricular activities that facilitate intercultural learning. Students may choose to live in the Global Village, which brings together diverse students with interests in world languages and intercultural exploration into common residences for intentional living and learning communities. The French, German, and Spanish Clubs sponsor cultural events and join faculty in hosting language tables in the Global Commons. . Other clubs like the Chinese Club, and Russian Club have grown out of student interest in world cultures and are instrumental in the success of such activities as the Chinese New Year dinner, film series, lectures, and other intercultural learning activities on the campus. The Juniata Chapter of "Sigma Iota Rho", a national honor society "to promote and reward scholarship and service among students and practitioners of international studies and global relations and to foster integrity and creative performance in the conduct of global affairs," honors successful students in International Studies 

Study Abroad

Juniata encourages study abroad as an integral component of a liberal arts education. A variety of study abroad programs is available, including offerings for the full academic year, one semester, and short-term programs, many of which are led by Juniata professors. While year-long language immersion programs in which a student continues to study in the Program of Emphasis are the optimal, study abroad experiences offered at Juniata provide students opportunities for personal and academic growth. 

Juniata students can study abroad on every continent (except Antarctica), in the following countries: Africa (the Gambia, Morocco, Rwanda), Asia (China, India, Japan, Taiwan), Europe (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Russia, Spain, United Kingdom), North America (Canada, Mexico), Oceania (Australia, New Zealand), and South America (Ecuador). Juniata supports Direct Enroll/ Exchange (EXC), and Brethren Colleges Abroad (BCA) programs; some of these are Limited Enrollment (LE). A complete list of programs and their requirements can be found at:

Students with Programs of Emphasis from all academic departments are eligible for approved study abroad programs, following the guidance of their faculty advisers to maintain academic progress. In Juniata approved programs, credits and grades will be indicated on the Juniata transcript. In all approved programs (except summer), Juniata financial aid is applicable, including grants-in-aid and scholarships. Students pay the regular Juniata tuition and fees for the semester and year programs and all financial aid and scholarships apply (tuition benefit involves special tuition arrangements; students can obtain information from the Center for International Education. PAR rates are not applicable to study abroad). A number of scholarships are also available specifically for study abroad (see for complete list). The student is responsible for the passport, visa and airline tickets to program sites. Summer and short-term programs have specific fee structures; these are provided with the program information. 

In each program, Juniata students are accepted into each host institution on a full-time basis and are treated as regular members of the student body, attending classes, writing papers, taking exams, etc., side-by-side with their counterparts in the host institution. In most programs, classes are conducted in the language of the host country; in others, (e.g., Czech Republic) classes are in English and the student also takes a class in the language of the host country to facilitate adjustment. Supervision for the student is provided by the host institution; in many BCA programs, there is a resident director whose sole responsibility is overseeing the program.

Occasionally, a student may desire to enroll in a non-Juniata program. Such programs must be offered by accredited U.S. colleges or universities or involve direct enrollment in an approved university outside the U.S. In either case, credit earned may be transferable to Juniata under the usual policies and requirements for the acceptance of transfer credit. To enter these programs, students need prior approval of the Dean of the Center for International Education, the Registrar, and the Dean of Students. Juniata grants-in-aid are not transferable to programs sponsored by other institutions. Procedures for receiving aid such as outside loans and grants are specific; students should consult the Director of Financial Planning. Credits from non-Juniata programs are entered on the Juniata transcript as transfer credits; grades are not indicated 

Study Abroad Scholarships 

Juniata offers a number of scholarships that are designated specifically for study abroad  

English for Academic Purposes

Juniata's English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a unit of the Center for International Education (CIE) and works in cooperation with the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Juniata’s English for Academic Purposes’s mission is to foster and support a diverse international body of students who are enabled to participate fully and successfully in an open and stimulating community of learners at Juniata College. The program offers English as a Second Language (ESL) courses at the High Intermediate and Advanced levels of English proficiency. Content-based courses are offered so that students may practice their language skills while learning about American society and other special topics. 

The English for Academic Purposes is open to students who will matriculate at Juniata as degree students, to exchange/sponsored students, and to those students who come to the U.S. with the goal of improving their English. Degree students will be able to earn up to 15 credits for their ESL courses toward their graduation requirements. Also, degree students may take non-ESL courses as appropriate. 

As there are no beginning or intermediate levels, all prospective students must have minimum test scores to be considered for admission (e.g., 52 Internet-based TOEFL). 


Internships Policy


An internship is a structured learning situation where a student applies concepts learned in the classroom to the realities of an on-the-job experience. The primary purpose of an internship is to provide an educationally sound platform for the development of the student's human, social, and management skills through a field-based activity. Interns receive practical training and experience in a variety of settings through cooperatively arranged placements. Interns are placed in preprofessional positions and work side-by-side with other employees or as "management trainees." 

Credit versus Non-Credit Internships

Credit for internships is not given for work per se. Students apply theoretical concepts to the workplace and reassess ideas. Hence, academic credit is given for placing the preprofessional work experience in a conceptual and comparative context. The primary distinction between credit and non-credit internships is the degree to which students are required to reflect on their experiences. This distinction is exhibited in the differences in the academic requirements, the degree of college supervision, the investment of college resources, and the student's payment for the receipt of credit. 

With both credit and non-credit internships placement is a coordinated responsibility of the Career Services staff, faculty members, and the students. In credit internships, the academic department is expected to lead the placement effort, while in non-credit internships the Career Services staff takes the lead. When a department or a program cannot be assigned for a for-credit internship (non-departmental; ND) the POE advisor will lead the placement effort. 

In the case of credit internships, students may be compensated for internship work as long as the department and/or faculty sponsor believes that the college can maintain enough control of the internship experience to ensure its academic validity. 

Credit Internships

Application Procedure

A student pursuing a credit internship must have a minimum 2.00 cumulative grade point average, have junior or senior status, and be in good academic standing. Individual departments may set additional requirements, such as higher GPA requirements. All faculty sponsors must have faculty status. 

In order to apply for a credit internship, the student obtains a Learning Agreement Plan from the Career Services Office, recruits a faculty sponsor from the department or program most closely related to the internship, and secures a placement position. Then the student presents an internship proposal to the appropriate faculty members (the faculty sponsor, both advisors, and the department chair) for review. For non-departmental (ND) internships, a student’s POE advisor will serve as the faculty sponsor or the student may suggest another faculty member who has expertise in the proposed internship field. A non-departmental internship proposal is reviewed by the POE advisor or the advisor-selected sponsor, and the ND chair. Upon approval of an internship application, the student next submits the proposal to the Director of Career Services and the Registrar for approval. Agency or placement contracts\agreements are developed as needed. 

Course Designation and Evaluation

Students must register for an internship and an internship seminar. The seminar need not be a typical classroom experience but is intended to provide time for reflection, analysis, and feedback between the student and faculty sponsor. In both cases the student and faculty sponsor negotiate the amount of credit to be awarded, which in turn determines the intensity of the experience. A semester internship carries a minimum of 4 credits (2 internship credits + 2 seminar credits) and a maximum of 15 credits (normally 9 + 6, except in cases where an outside accrediting agency requires otherwise, such as Social Work and Education in which the division of credits is decided by the appropriate department). Students can earn no more than 15 internship credits towards their graduation requirements during their four years at Juniata. Faculty sponsors should note that a minimum of 12 credits, including the internship credits, must be maintained for students to be eligible to receive their financial aid awards for the semester. 

The faculty sponsor awards standard letter grades (A-F) for the internship and the internship seminar. 

The internship is designated as course 490 in the appropriate department ("Internship") and carries 2 to 9 credits. Credit is awarded in proportion to time spent on the job according to the following figures: 

2 credits = 8 hours/week

3 credits = 12 hours/week

4 credits = 16 hours/week

5 credits = 20 hours/week

6 credits = 24 hours/week

7 credits = 28 hours/week

8 credits = 32 hours/week

9 credits = 36 hours/week

Grading is based on the following criteria:

Successful completion of the Learning Agreement Plan 

Contact with the faculty sponsor with one on-site visit preferred, but allowing alternative communication as appropriate substitutions where an on-site visit is not feasible 

A final evaluation conducted by the student, the placement supervisor, and the Juniata faculty sponsor. 

The internship seminar is designated as course 495 in the same department ("Internship Seminar") for 2 to 6 credits. Credit for this course is awarded in proportion to time spent with the faculty sponsor as follows: 

2 credits = 6 contact or study hours/week

3 credits = 9 contact or study hours/week

4 credits = 12 contact or study hours/week

5 credits = 15 contact or study hours/week

6 credits = 18 contact or study hours/week

Grading for the seminar is based on 

Contact with the faculty sponsor 

An extensive project, paper, or program as arranged with and periodically reviewed by the faculty sponsor 

Completion of other seminar components as designed. 

A student presentation is strongly recommended for high credit experiences. 

Examples of past seminar requirements are: 

2 credits: 

Journal of activities, outline of final paper, final paper, talk to student group; 

Work journal, portfolio, annotated bibliography, oral presentation; 

Journal, public presentation, short assignment, term paper; 

Meet with sponsor, submit copies of projects, descriptive analysis of operations at placement. 

3 credits: 

Log and annotated bibliography, research project and report, self-evaluation of performance, weekly meeting with sponsor; 

Read three books, daily journal, 15-20 page research paper. 

Journal, abstracts, outline of final paper, final paper, talk to student group. 

4 credits: 

Daily journal, two book reviews, outline of research paper, major research paper, weekly consultations with sponsor.

5 credits: 

Daily journal, weekly consultations with sponsor, book review, 2 major research projects. 

6 credits: 

Daily journal on significant events, weekly consultations with faculty sponsor, three major research projects. 

The intern must fulfill any additional departmental requirements provided these requirements do not conflict with internship policies. 

Non-credit Internships


Individuals pursuing non-credit internships must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. 

The student submits a registration card and the non-credit Learning Agreement Plan to the Career Services Office. Agency or placement contracts/agreements are developed as needed. 

Course Designation and Evaluation

The Internship Committee oversees non-credit interns, awarding grades of satisfactory ("S") or unsatisfactory ("U"). Evaluation is based on the following elements: 

A Learning Agreement Plan 

Contact with the Career Services Office 

Regular supervision and final evaluation by the placement supervisor; 

Final evaluation by the intern 

A presentation upon completion of the internship experience. 

Upon successful completion of all necessary requirements, a non-credit internship unit appears on the academic transcript as course number XX1 ("Internship" followed by the title as approved by Career Services) in the appropriate department. Students may complete multiple non-credit internships and receive transcript notation each time (course XX2, XX3, etc.). 

Interns must fulfill any additional departmental requirements provided these requirements do not conflict with internship policies. 

Non-Credit Summer Internships

Exciting opportunities are available for Juniata students in virtually every academic area, and Career Services is available to assist students in finding academically-meaningful positions. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and have completed a minimum of 12 credits hours in courses directly related to the internship prior to applying for a transcript notation internship, and must submit a learning agreement plan. With few exceptions, summer internships are not for credit, but can be officially noted on the student's transcript as an academically-valid experience. Approximately 150 students participate in this program each summer. Note: Transcript Notation internships can also take place during the academic year. There is a maximum of two notations in a single summer and one per academic semester. 

The College encourages organizations to pay summer interns, and students have earned from minimum wage to $21.50/hour. To qualify for transcript notation, an internship must last for a minimum of 240 hours and should be directly related to the student's P.O.E. Each intern is evaluated by his/her supervisor, and must make a presentation on the experience. If the Internship is deemed appropriate and successful, the experience will be noted on the student transcript; e.g., ABC Employer, BI XX1 Internship: Biomedical Technician, Harrisburg, PA or EB XX1 Internship: XYZ Employer, Retail Sales/Marketing, Seattle, WA. While most students live and work near home, many students have taken advantage of summer internships as a way to travel and live in other areas. Students have interned in locations ranging from Hawaii to California and in organizations such as: Abbott, African Wildlife Foundation, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Geisinger Medical Center, Hershey Entertainment & Resorts, Human Rights Campaign, Johns Hopkins University, Long Island Rough Riders, PA Lions Beacon Lodge Camp, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Philadelphia Zoo, Penn State College of Medicine, Secular Student Alliance, Tom Steel Clinic, UPMC, Yale School of Medicine. 

Urban Semester Experiences

Juniata is affiliated with several urban semester internship experience programs including: the Philadelphia Center, the Washington Center, and the Washington Internship Institute. In all these experiences, students typically earn 15 academic credits, but only a limited number (2-3) of individuals may participate annually. Approval by the Internship Committee is on a competitive basis. Program costs vary and students may be responsible for any costs above and beyond tuition and room fees paid to Juniata. Students may plan to participate in these programs during their junior or senior year. One year international students (and other students not seeking a degree at Juniata and/or attending Juniata for one year or less) are not eligible to participate. The application deadline is December 1 of the academic year prior to planned participation and is made through the Director of Career Services. A faculty sponsor is required. 

Washington Internship Institute

Advisor: Director of Career Services 

Students participating in WII's internship program work four days per week and attend the fifth day seminar to process their experiences. Students actively create and shape personal and professional learning goals by utilizing the three experiential learning components which guide the program: knowledge, activity and reflection. Past internship placements include: CNN, FAA, American Red Cross, Amnesty International, and others. Housing (excluding board) is provided. 

*Participation requires approval by the Internship Committee- Deadline to apply: December 1 of the academic year prior to planned participation. 

Philadelphia Center

Advisor: Director of Career Services 

The Philadelphia Center program is open to students regardless of academic field. Through cooperation with the Great Lakes Colleges Association, students may spend a semester interning in Philadelphia, gaining firsthand insight into potential careers and exposure into the issues and problems confronting our cities. Blending theory and direct experience, each program includes a supervised internship for four days per week in business, industry, social service agencies, medical facilities, political offices, schools and other organizations. Seminars, academic classes and/or research projects provide academic complements. Assistance in locating housing is provided. 

*Participation requires approval by the Internship Committee – Deadline to apply: December 1 of the academic year prior to planned participation. 

Washington Center

Advisor: Director of Career Services 

Under a cooperative arrangement with the Washington Center, Juniata students may participate in internships in Washington, D.C., in nearly every academic field. Internship placement assistance is available to help students secure meaningful, relevant placements. Interns work four days per week and attend seminars, political, and cultural events the fifth day. Internship placements include public administration, congressional offices, lobbying associations, and public interest organizations like Common Cause and the Environmental Policies Center. Housing (excluding board) is provided. 

*Participation requires approval by the Internship Committee – Deadline to apply: December 1 of the academic year prior to planned participation. 

Student Research and Scholarship 

Undergraduate Research

In preparation for graduate work, students are encouraged to engage in independent research projects as part of an independent study or internship or as a member of an upper level research-oriented course. All students conducting research are encouraged to present their work in a public forum such as the annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR). Funding for instruments, supplies, and travel is available through application to the Scholarship Committee. Interested students should contact any of the following Scholarship Committee members: Professors Beaky, Biddle, Buonaccorsi, Muth, J. Tuten and Kruse. For more information go to the website address:  

Students with strong records of academic achievement are encouraged to consider competing for national fellowship awards such as the Rhodes, Fulbright, Goldwater, and Marshall Scholarships, and the Mellon Fellowship. Students with meritorious records are contacted by members of the Scholarship Committee and mentored through the application process. Most applications are due early in the senior year. Interested students should contact a member of the Scholarship Committee. 

Liberal Arts Symposium

The faculty agree to set aside a class day in the spring semester for students to present their research and artistic work to the campus community. No classes will be held on this day to encourage the full participation of faculty and students. The date will be selected, as far as possible, in such a way as to encourage students to apply and present at NCUR. The date of the spring event will be set prior to the end of the fall semester. Faculty agree to attend and to encourage students to participate in and attend these presentations of student work. 

Community Engaged Learning

Community Service

Over 70% of Juniata students participate in Community Service. Students perform service in many ways: individually, through class, as part of their residence hall, or through the many student service organizations on campus such as Habitat for Humanity, Circle K, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA), Colleges Against Cancer, and Big Brothers Big Sisters. Registered student organizations are supported with community contacts through the Community Service Office. Throughout the year, Juniata hosts many campus-wide service events including American Red Cross Blood Drives, Special Olympics, Relay for Life and numerous "service days". In addition, the Community Service Office offers service-learning alternative break trips to inspire global action and awareness. In order to recognize the efforts of those students who consistently perform service, the Community Service Office coordinates transcript notation for those who perform at least 120 hours of non-paid, non-credit volunteer work over their college careers. Students can begin tracking their service hours for service notation the fall semester of freshman year and can count all service until graduation, including summer service. Information and materials to initiate the Community Service Notation are available in the Community Service Office. 

Community Work Study

The Community Work Study Program places Federal Work Study-eligible students at community agencies across Huntingdon County for part-time employment in service to the community. Students earn minimum wage while aiding organizations. Tutoring programs such as the Huntingdon Community Center After-School Program, the Salvation Army ARC of Learning Program and the Bethel AME After-School program work with Huntingdon County youth. There are also positions available with other agencies. Information, position descriptions, and applications are available in the Community Service Office 

Academic Resources

Academic Advising

Faculty advisors are an invaluable source of support for students. At the time of enrollment, first-year students are assigned a program advisor who assists in orienting new students to College academic policies and procedures. By the early part of February of their first year, students choose their second advisor. Students will have a program advisor to assist specifically with POE and career issues, and a liberal arts or general advisor to assist with general academic issues such as fulfilling graduation requirements. The liberal arts or general advisor teaches in a discipline outside of his or her student advisee's Program of Emphasis. Those students who do not choose a general advisor by the appointed deadline will have one assigned to them. For exploratory students, advisors can help identify potential areas of interest. At any time, students may change advisors, subject to approval of the Registrar, as long as one advisor is from the department most prominently represented in the Program of Emphasis (POE). Students pursuing dual fields of study should select one advisor from each area. 

Advising is a crucial form of guidance for all students, especially for those individuals pursuing highly structured academic programs. During summer orientation, incoming freshmen work individually with faculty advisors in their area of academic interest to select and register for fall semester courses. Once the fall semester begins, first-year students meet with their Advisors to review course registration and make adjustments as needed. 

Advising Planning Meetings and Program of Emphasis (POE) 

During the spring semester, freshmen meet individually with both of their advisors to discuss course selection for the following year and to devise a four-year academic plan. The Advising Planning Sheet is available to assist the student and advisors as they map individual plans of study. The planning sheet contains areas to plan a POE and meet general education requirements, including: the liberal arts distribution (FISHN), Communication Skills (CW and CS), Quantitative Skills (Q), Interdisciplinary Colloquia (IC), Cultural Analysis (CA), College Writing Seminar (CWS), and Information Access (IA). The process of completing the document provides students with the opportunity to consider personal academic and career goals, and to begin to identify those courses that will provide the background, skills, and perspective needed to achieve those goals. In addition, it is an opportunity to consider internships, study abroad and other experiential learning opportunities. 

During the spring of the sophomore year, prior to selecting courses for the following year, students must complete the Sophomore POE, which guides in planning their coursework. In addition to enumerating academic and career objectives, students sketch out a complete set of courses totaling 45-63 credits, and to explain how each course or set of courses contributes to the overall goals listed. Advisor-approved POEs are submitted to the Registrar. Failure to submit a POE by the deadline posted by the Registrar will result in a hold for future registration and a late fee of $50. 

In the fall of the senior year, students are asked once again to review the POE they have on file. Again, changes can be made either by drafting an entirely new POE or by completing a minor POE change form. In some instances, the POE completed sophomore year will remain accurate and no changes are needed. The final document, due in the Registrar's Office on or prior to preregistration for the spring semester, is considered a contract between the student and the College; students who do not complete the courses they have listed or who do not have a POE on file, are considered to have failed to meet degree requirements and will not graduate. A $50 late fee may be applied. 

Academic Advising Policy

Academic advising is vital at Juniata, as it helps students determine their academic interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Sound advice is essential to students as they elect courses that both develop Programs of Emphasis and explore the liberal arts curriculum. Advisors also play a crucial role in helping students consider options in careers and post-graduate education. Academic advising is often an important factor in aiding in retention and increasing students' satisfaction with their college experiences. 

There are three types of academic advisors. Summer Orientation, General, and POE advisors each has their own eligibility requirements, responsibilities and functions. 

Advisor Eligibility

Faculty ranked at the Assistant Professor level or higher must serve as academic advisors and may serve as both General and POE advisors. Other faculty ranks, administrators, and staff members of the College may be named General Advisors based on approval of the Provost’s Office in conjunction with the Student Academic Development Committee. Their POE advisor status must be further approved by the POE’s home department chair. Any active academic advisor is eligible to volunteer as a Summer Orientation Advisor. 

Types and Responsibilities of Advisors 

The three types of advisors differ by the timing and processes by which they are assigned or chosen, their training schedules, and by their different responsibilities. 

Summer Orientation Advisors

Assigning Summer Orientation Advisors to incoming students is the responsibility of the Office of Academic Support. That office will assign students to advisors based on the students’ areas of academic interest and/or pre-professional programs when possible. 

Summer Orientation Advisors are required to be trained annually to address the needs of first-year and incoming students. Summer Orientation Advisors will be required to retrieve a file on each advisee from the Office of Academic Support to be used during the orientation session. Following the session, advisors will return the files, and any notes taken during those orientation meetings, to the Office of Academic Support. These files will be distributed to assigned academic advisors at the start of the fall semester. 

During Summer Orientation meetings, advisors should cover the following topics with their advisees: 

1. course selection for the fall semester 

2. process of choosing Program and General Advisors 

3. Liberal Arts curriculum

4. development of a POE 

5. drop/add process 

6. course withdrawal policy 

General and Program of Emphasis Advisors

General Advisors are selected by students. Those students who have not chosen their General Advisor before the selection deadline during their second semester will be assigned one. Assigning those advisors is the responsibility of the Office of Academic Support in collaboration with department chairs. A General Advisor may not be from the same department as the advisee's Program of Emphasis advisor. 

The initial assignment of Program of Emphasis (POE) Advisors is the shared responsibility of the Office of Academic Support, academic department chairs, and the Provost. Students may choose different POE advisors on their own throughout their academic careers. 

Duties of General and POE Advisors include: 

1. Maintaining a file of information on each student, which shall be passed on to the new advisor in event of an advisor change. 

2. Advising students on course selection. 

3. Electronically approving schedules during official registration periods. 

4. Assessing how drop/add actions affect credit loads and academic progress. 

5. Reviewing degree audits. 

6. Referring students to other personnel who can further assist them on academic, career, financial, housing, and personal matters. Use the "Notice of Concern" form to share concerns with appropriate persons. 

7. Discussing Mid-term Notices and other academic difficulties as they arise. 

8. Consider writing letters of recommendation regarding internships, job placement, graduate schools, study abroad, scholarship applications, etc., when these letters are requested. 

9. Meet with a student on Academic Recovery and approve the advisee’s completed academic improvement plan. Monitor advisee’s fulfillment of the improvement plan throughout the semester. 

10. Knowing and explaining the Student Academic Development Committee’s appeals process. 

11. Informing students that they may or should change advisors when academic changes or personal factors so warrant. Students will use a "change of advisor" form available in the Registrar's Office for this purpose. 

12. Participating in advisor training sessions as required. 

Program of Emphasis advisors have the additional responsibilities of: 

1. Assisting students in developing a designated or individualized Program of Emphasis. 

2. Providing rationale for POE-specific course selections. 

3. Monitoring student’s progress through the POE over the academic career. 

4. Assisting in formulation of plans for career, graduate school, and/or professional school. 

Advising Students on Academic Probation

The College has an obligation to give students who receive an Academic Alert or Academic Warning additional assistance. As a College we should utilize available resources as part of the Academic Recovery process to help these students maximize their potential and increase our efforts to retain these students if doing so is mutually advantageous to both the student and the College. 

As soon as advisors are notified that an advisee has received an Academic Alert or Academic Warning and been placed on Academic Recovery, they should review the relevant information about the student's poor academic performance. The advisors should meet with the advisee as early as possible to discuss the student’s plan for academic improvement in the current semester. After the student (in collaboration with both advisors and other staff) completes an academic improvement plan, the advisors should review the final document and note approval by signing the corresponding form. The student should share this plan with Learning Services and the Office of Student Financial Planning. Advisors are then expected to meet with the student periodically throughout the semester to ensure that the academic improvement plan is being implemented. 

For assistance in finding resources for students on Academic Recovery, advisors should contact Learning Services. 

Advisor Training

The Office of Academic Support and the Faculty Advising Committee coordinate training for the various types of academic advisors. All faculty who have advising as part of their job responsibilities shall receive both initial and on-going advisor training. Each year there will be one or more training session for Academic Advisors to cover the timetable and content of the advising program. 

All new faculty and staff who have advising as part of their job responsibilities shall receive training on best advising practices, the Juniata liberal arts curriculum, and the operation of Juniata’s advising technology in the academic year before they begin advising. 

Attendance at the Annual Advisor Training, offered each spring, is mandatory for all advisors for their first six years as an advisor. The Provost’s Office will monitor attendance. 

Advisors with more than six years of experience are required to attend the Annual Advisor Training once every three years. The Provost’s Office will administer the tri-annual attendance rotation for this training. 

All advisors participating in a summer orientation advising session are required to attend the annual Summer Orientation Advising Training. 

Advisor Evaluation

All Academic Advisors are evaluated by their advisees during a three-week interval immediately following the close of the course registration periods in both the fall and spring semesters. For faculty being reviewed for contract renewal, tenure, or promotion, the Personnel Evaluation Committee uses these evaluations as outlined in section 2.5 Evaluation, Advising. 

Academic Support

Juniata students may receive assistance with academic coursework in a number of ways. Through QUEST, students may receive general academic counseling and study skills guidance on topics such as note taking and exam preparation. The campus-wide peer tutoring system offers individualized or group tutoring assistance with material in a particular course. Similarly, by visiting the Writing Center students may receive individual help on written assignments for any class. Students may take advantage of the Baldridge Reading Program, at additional cost, during the fall or spring semester to improve their reading comprehension and rate. 

Career Services

The Career Services staff is dedicated to providing students with the fundamental skills and experiential opportunities needed to prepare for the challenges in an ever-changing, global work force. 

Career Services provides Juniata students with individual counseling, computerized guidance and information programs (FOCUS II), and workshops on career development and professionalism topics. The office supports a comprehensive website and library of up-to-date career resource materials and graduate/professional school information. Juniata offers a top Career Day, which annually attracts over 100 employers and over 500 students. Additionally, Juniata students are invited to participate with other Pennsylvania colleges in numerous regional job fairs throughout the year. The largest of these include the Western PA Career Services Association (Pittsburgh area) job fair, the Central PA Employment Consortium (Harrisburg area) job fair, and the Pittsburgh Educational Recruiting Consortium. 

Career Services also coordinates Student Internship Programs. Juniata encourages students to seek internship placements generally after completion of the freshman or sophomore years. Students receive assistance in the application process from Career Services and from Juniata faculty. Information regarding credit and non-credit internships is available online and from the Career Services staff in QUEST, located in Founder's Hall. 

Student Accommodations

The College makes reasonable accommodations for students with respect to disabilities, which do not impose an undue hardship on the College. If a student believes he or she requires a reasonable accommodation or has a question regarding educational services, activities, programs, or facilities that are accessible to or usable by students with disabilities, please contact the Director of Student Accessibility Services who serves as the point person and advocate for students with learning challenges. 


Students requesting reasonable accommodations with respect to disabilities must obtain and provide to the College current (within three years prior to enrollment) documentation of their disability before the start of the session in which they are enrolling and requesting an academic adjustment or services. This documentation must support both that a student has a disability as well as the necessity of the requested academic adjustment or services. The primary purpose of this documentation is to determine a student's eligibility for accommodation and, if eligible, to help the College work interactively with a student to provide appropriate services. The College is not required, however, to provide accommodations that would result in a fundamental alteration to the nature of the program in which the student is enrolled or seeks to be enrolled, would create an undue financial burden on the College, or which would pose a threat to safety and security. General documentation requirements include, but are not limited to: 

  • Documentation is typically provided by a licensed or otherwise properly credentialed professional/medical specialist who has no personal relationship (i.e., family member or former school teacher or school counselor) with the individual but who is knowledgeable about the individual's disability and/or condition. 
  • Documentation must be typed or printed, dated, signed and legible with the name, title, and professional credentials of the evaluator on official letterhead and define/explain:
    • The clear description of the disability 
    • The description, name, and scores of the tests and assessments used, as appropriate 
    • How the condition was diagnosed 
    • The current existence of the disability and current need for an accommodation 
    • Functionality of the individual in an educational setting 
    • Expected progression or stability of the disability 
    • Rule-out statement that describes which academic and other functions the disability does not affect 
    • Recommended accommodations related to functional limitations and a rationale for how the requested accommodation 
      remedies the functional limitation 
    • Date of observation 

The above criteria are general guidelines only; the type of documentation will vary according to the disability. For students with learning differences, it is preferable that the student provide a full and recent psycho-educational evaluation. In addition, in some instances, a student may be requested to provide updated or augmented documentation in order to be reviewed more fully before being considered for services. It is possible that in reviewing a student's specific accommodation request or the recommendations of an evaluator, the College may find that while the recommendation is clinically supported, it is not the most appropriate accommodation given the requirements of a particular student's academic program. In addition, the College may also propose accommodations that would be appropriate and useful to the student, but which neither the student nor the evaluator have requested. The College appreciates that student disability records contain personal and confidential information. Such documentation is maintained in a confidential file in the office of Student Accessibility Services and is considered part of a student's education record and will only be disclosed with a student's permission or as permitted by law (e.g., in the event of a health or safety risk). However, at times, in order to evaluate and/or provide requested or recommended services and accommodations, it may be necessary for the College to disclose disability information provided by a student or a student's healthcare provider to appropriate College personnel participating in the accommodation process and who have a legitimate need to know more and review the file. 

If documentation provided by a student does not support the existence of a disability or the need for an accommodation, the student will be advised and will be provided an opportunity to supplement the initial documentation with further information from a physician, psychologist, or other appropriate specialist. In the event a student's accommodation request is denied, the student may appeal that decision by utilizing the appeal/grievance process found below. 

Supporting Students with Disabilities 

In its commitment to ensuring that no otherwise qualified student with a disability is subjected to unlawful discrimination in the context of his/her educational experience, the College makes certain that students with disabilities are provided equal access to educational and career development programs and/or student activities. Consequently, as noted above, the College will make, on behalf of qualified students with learning and physical disabilities of which the College is aware, reasonable accommodations that do not impose undue hardships on the College. Students and their families are strongly encouraged to disclose and discuss possible accommodations during the enrollment process. 

If a student believes he/she requires a reasonable accommodation or has a question regarding educational services, activities, programs, or facilities that are accessible to or usable by students with disabilities, please contact the Director of Student Accessibility Services, who has responsibility for students with learning challenges. All information associated with a disclosure of this nature is confidential, and the College will communicate this information to others only on a need-to-know basis. 

Appeal/Grievance Process 

Scope and Application: This appeal/grievance process applies to any student allegedly aggrieved by a denial (in whole or in part) of his/her request for an accommodation/academic adjustment under the College’s Policy Regarding Students with Disabilities or who otherwise has an unresolved complaint regarding his/her disability. The College commits that no retaliation will occur at any stage of this process. 

Initial Time Period for Filing an Appeal/Grievance: A student alleging a disability and wishing to file an appeal/grievance hereunder, must initiate the procedure described below within thirty (30) calendar days of when the student knew or should have known of the action of which the student complains or is otherwise aggrieved by, including a denial (in whole or in part) of a request for accommodation/academic adjustment. 

(A) The student or, any person(s) acting on behalf of the student, may file an appeal/grievance with the Office of Student Accessibility Services. An academic counselor (or his/her designee from Student Accessibility Services) will discuss the student’s complaint and attempt to resolve or adjust the dispute on an informal basis. The student may present any facts or circumstances he/she deems relevant to the complaint/dispute. The academic counselor may investigate the matter and gather any relevant facts and circumstances, including conducting interviews. The academic counselor shall render a determination within twenty (20) calendar days after being assigned to handle the student’s appeal/grievance. Within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the determination by the academic counselor that the complaint/dispute could not be resolved, the student (or the person acting on his/her behalf) must submit a written request for a further review by the Dean of Students to the Office of Student Accessibility Services and must document the student’s attempt to first resolve the appeal/grievance with the academic counselor. The written request must explain the nature of the student’s complaint/dispute and/or the accommodation/adjustment sought. 

(B) The Dean of Students shall review all matters relating to the complaint/dispute as presented to the Office of Student Accessibility Services and may solicit additional facts and evidence as the Dean may deem necessary. The student may present any further facts or evidence he/she deems relevant. The Dean of Students shall complete the review and render a decision within twenty (20) calendar days after the appeal/grievance is submitted to the Dean of Students. If, after the Dean of Students has had an opportunity to render his/her decision, the student remains unsatisfied with the resolution of the appeal/grievance, the student, or person(s) acting on behalf of the student, may submit an appeal/grievance in writing, within seven (7) calendar days from the date of the decision by the Dean of Students, to the Provost. If no written request is submitted within the seven-day period, the decision of the Dean of Students shall be final. 

(C) Upon the submission of the student’s written request for a review of his or her appeal/grievance, the Provost will consider all facts and circumstances, including the investigatory file as developed by the Office of Student Accessibility Services and any medical evidence presented.

The Provost may also interview the student or such other witnesses as may be necessary. If, upon such inquiry, the Provost determines that a proper review of the matter was conducted, the decision of the Dean of Students shall be confirmed. The Provost may also amend, alter or revise the decision and, therefore, the Provost is responsible for the final decision. The Provost will render a decision within thirty (30) calendar days after the appeal/grievance has been submitted to the Provost as described above. 

Peer Tutoring Program

Juniata offers a popular, campus-wide program of peer tutoring. Peer tutoring is available in any offered course to each student who desires additional help with subject material. Before requesting tutoring assistance for a course, students must discuss their academic performance with the course instructor and ask for his or her verbal permission; some faculty would prefer to work with a student during office hours before tutoring begins. In select courses, tutoring is offered in the form of group review sessions, and there are also small group tutoring opportunities in which two or more students work with a peer tutor. 

A reasonable amount of tutoring is available at no charge to the student, but the number of hours of tutoring per week may not exceed the amount of time spent in lecture each week (three to fours hours/week would be the maximum). 

Request for tutoring is seen as a commitment from the student asking for assistance and is an obligation that requires consideration and motivation. Tutees are expected to arrive at prearranged meetings appropriately prepared and to notify tutors when they are unable to make an appointment. A tutee who fails to show up for prearranged meetings more than two times will have his or her tutoring privileges revoked for the remainder of the semester. 

Students/tutees understand that tutoring is a supplement to class preparation, class attendance, and faculty office hours assistance–it is not intended to replace any of these critical academic responsibilities. Students who are motivated to get the most out of tutoring find that the program is very successful for them. 

All tutors have faculty recommendation, must make application for the position, and have an interview with a QUEST staff member. In addition, each tutor must attend one hour of training per semester to maintain the program's integrity and to help tutors maximize their tutoring skills.